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Walking Network Guy


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Hey folks,


I was curious to see your opinions on how you'd go about building the following concept using 5ed rules:


Control over the electromagnetic spectrum, specialized to the ability to access computer networks at a distance, read hard drives at a glance, cause power surges in active systems, crack networks, etc...


Would you go the various mental powers (machine class of minds), with HRPP for communications and some Clairsentience to see through cameras and such? This build is getting pretty evil from a cost perspective...


A VPP (which I'd rather avoid if possible)?


Something else entirely?


Again, the character in question is basically a walking Computer/Cell Phone/Network...


Any thoughts would be appreciated!

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Re: Walking Network Guy


Reading hard drives is probably an enhanced sense (possibly a clairsentience use here?) and a language skill (to understand what you are reading).



Power surges are some sort of indirect NND Does Body.



'Cracking networks'...well, that depends how networks are modelled in your game. I personally like to model 'cyberspace' as a EDM (leaves body behind) which creates a 'cyberspace avatar' which you can then use to attack cyberspace constructs - like networks and their legions of ICTroopers.


Avatar creation is either a custom Perk 'Avatar' (cost dependent on the number and power of avatars available) or a multiform of some sort, possibly duplication even.


Of course if the GM doesn't want that kind of work, you can do it with mental powers (although I've never felt that works brilliantly) or with superskills.


Another option is a transform that requires a hacking roll.

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Re: Walking Network Guy


If you have the normal hacking skills, then you could possibly apply them remotely by building your EM sense with Transmit and Rapid. Maybe get some skill levels, only vs extra time. That would only work on machines that were possible to hack though; for others, a Transform should cover it.

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