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The Ten Things I Love About 6e and the Ten Things I hate about 6e


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Re: The Ten Things I Love About 6e and the Ten Things I hate about 6e


I don't see the Megascale being a price issue - either it's a good fit for the genre or it isn't. In a superhero campaign, or one set in the future, or even a modern-day on where the PCs have access to military vehicles, it's no big deal, and shouldn't cost that much. Sure you can move quickly - which you could also do by jumping on a jet. Getting from point A to point B just isn't a big deal in many settings.


In a low-magic fantasy campaign, or a historical past campaign, it's going to be a bigger deal - so much so that it probably shouldn't even be available except under special circumstances. The pricing isn't the limiting factor.

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Re: The Ten Things I Love About 6e and the Ten Things I hate about 6e


I don't use Hero Designer either, but the fact is a lot of people do, so it can't be ignored. Even ignoring Hero Designer, though, I also have limited time for gaming. I'm not enamored of spending a lot of it re-learning the game for each GM's 40+ pages of house rules. When I was younger, I tried lots of systems, because I had the time to invest in learning a new rules set. Now, not so much.


re Flash Defense:




This has improved in 6e, as the value of the advantage is set based on the frequency with which the defense exists. Almost no one has Smell/Taste Flash Defense? Then an AVAD vs Smell/Taste flash defense is more expensive. You want it to target Resistant Smell/Taste Flash Defense? Then that will be even more expensive.




Many people buy Radar because it's a defense against being flashed. How many Flash vs Radar powers do you see to deal with this common ability of your powersuit villains?


Although these are micro issues, I do agree with the overall premise that we don't need all these multiple types of Flash Defense. Sure, general Flash Defense that protects sight, smell, hearing and radar seems hard to envision. Tell me a bit more about the protective material that protects you against cold, heat, fire, acid, electricity, sound and all the many other ED SFX in the Hero system. Remember that it doesn't protect you against heatstroke or frostbite since we bought those as NND's, and won't in any way blunt the damage from a thrown rock.


We accept compromises in the interests of playability. Flash Defense merits such a compromise, in my view, at least as much as ED does.




I'm not sure we're viewing Barrier correctly. Maybe a 60 AP Barrier is overpowered. In the same context, how many of us would be comfortable with a character spending 60 points to buy +30 PD and +30 ED? Would you be OK with a player spending 60 points on +120 STUN? Using 60 AP as your benchmark for attacks doesn't mean it's a good benchmark universally. Maybe we have to rethink our perception of Barrier and not treat it as an attack power.


You know, and it is house rule land, but on the issue of Flash Defence:


If you make it a base power, then (like Flash) allow you to tack on extra sense (Say for +1 non targeting single, +3 non targeting groups/targeting single, +5 For targeting group). then it would solve the issue here

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Re: The Ten Things I Love About 6e and the Ten Things I hate about 6e


One thing that I felt should have been in 6E is a recommended minimum cost for powers. I don't know if you'd do this by power, by campaign type, or something else, but minimum costs really help stop advantage stacking. If you have to spend a minimum of 10 points on a power (before advantages), then adding a +1 advantage guarantees a minimum cost of 20 points.


A more radical solution would have been adding a frontloaded base cost, but that would have been more complicated and broken the tradition of 5 pts = 1 DC.


Balabanto, my suggestion would be to institute a minimum cost for powers in your game, before any advantages are added. That way you won't have people buying 5 points of a movement power and stacking on lots of MegaScale. Hope that helps!


The "other" easy fix is turn Megascale into an Adder....5m 5 pts, Mega +10, more mega +10 more....no stacking....

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