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Quote of the Week From My Life.


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Re: Quote of the Week From My Life.


Boy: "Daddy daddy daddy daddy are you going to hang the Christmas spider?"


Me: "The what?"


Boy: "The Christmas spider!"


Mom: "No, honey, it's Halloween, not Christmas."


Boy: "But I want a Christmas spider!"


Me: "Don't worry, kid, if you still want a spider when Christmas rolls around, I'll put one up for you."


Boy: "Yay!"

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Re: Quote of the Week From My Life.


Thanks, but I have to point out they're not always fun. For example, typical 2 A.M. quotes would include "WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!" and " *barff* " and "Daddy, I had an accident." I only put the highlights in this thread, usually.

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Re: Quote of the Week From My Life.


When you're doing science, data reduction takes about 90% of the time.


Actually doing the analysis and getting the scientific results takes the second 90% of the time.


I hope the science being discussed here isn't mathematics...


It works with percentages. I just wonder what's the other 1%.


It's actually the statement that most research projects take approximately twice as long as you planned. And that's if all goes well.

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Re: Quote of the Week From My Life.


In early 1977, my friends and I were watching the weather report on Channel 3's eleven-o'clock news while we were waiting for the Tonight (Johnny Carson) Show. The Channel 3 weather girl was Kristine Hanson, who had, just a couple of years before been a Playboy Playmate of the Month. The guys were making a big deal that she had been in Playboy and had (very) probably been hired for her looks. One of the girls said "I'm sure they hired her for her brain!"*


My Reply? "Yeah! Look at those frontal lobes!"


* I will be eternally grateful for that gem of a straight line. We laughed so much that we missed most of Carson's monologue.

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Re: Quote of the Week From My Life.


I was at work several years ago, listening to a coworker complain about her new, and apparently fully evil, kitten. I jokingly made the comment, "If I had a cat like that, I'd give it flying lessons." At that moment, another coworker (one who adores cats) was walking past, heard what I had said, and got all huffy about it.


Later that day, I went over to her desk.

Me: You really love cats, don't you?

Her: Yes, I do.

Me: It might surprise you to know that I grew up with cats. I love cats, too. (pause) Maybe we should get together some time and swap recipes.


She wouldn't talk to me for a week.

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Re: Quote of the Week From My Life.


"... Now that we've gathered all the data it's all downhill from here!"

...What hill-climbing algorithm are you using?

I was at work several years ago, listening to a coworker complain about her new, and apparently fully evil, kitten. I jokingly made the comment, "If I had a cat like that, I'd give it flying lessons." At that moment, another coworker (one who adores cats) was walking past, heard what I had said, and got all huffy about it.


Later that day, I went over to her desk.

Me: You really love cats, don't you?

Her: Yes, I do.

Me: It might surprise you to know that I grew up with cats. I love cats, too. (pause) Maybe we should get together some time and swap recipes.


She wouldn't talk to me for a week.

There's one I can't tell my Sister.


...Unless I want her mad at me. :D

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Re: Quote of the Week From My Life.


Me: It might surprise you to know that I grew up with cats. I love cats, too. (pause) Maybe we should get together some time and swap recipes.


Yea, that line gets you nowhere with people in animal rescue. Probably because we've dealt with so much cruelty that someone joking about it comes off badly.

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Re: Quote of the Week From My Life.


Yea' date=' that line gets you nowhere with people in animal rescue. Probably because we've dealt with so much cruelty that someone joking about it comes off badly.[/quote']


True, and my apologies for any unintended offense. I encountered the same thing the first time I met a friend's boyfriend and he told me a "joke" involving domestic abuse. I might have taken it better if I hadn't known that he had hit her before.

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Re: Quote of the Week From My Life.


I've never equated "eating cat jokes" to "joking about animal abuse". I mean, if I talk about eating a burger no one (except PETA of course) is like "oh my God, you abuse cattle!?" Eating an animal does not equate to abusing it, or harming it at all with the exception of the moment of the kill. Okay, so our huge industrial strength farms tend to be horrible to the animals and are overcrowded and yadda yadda yadda, but you get my point.

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