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Which way?


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Re: Which way?


Without looking at any of the other answers already posted....


I (all my characters) go to rescue the woman. Whether or not she'll turn out to be a genocidal maniac with the power to enact her desires, I can't know. What I CAN know is that she's in danger RIGHT NOW. And I can do something about that.


The future will have to handle itself.

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Re: Which way?


13 Black: (Cybernetic and Genetically enchanced Black Cat (Large Domestic Cat).


She would help the girl. She would stealth into the Alley and use her TK to trash the bad guys.


After defeating the thugs, she would approach the young woman looking cute and purring loudly. Making friends, she would then introduce herself. Once she gets past the "I must be insane that cat is talking to me" phase. She will then introduce her to her best friend, A human woman who is into the whole "Animal rights" movement. Eventually 13 and her friend will get the young lady trained in Self defense. Also, we will do everything we can to be a friend to her. Who knows we might save the world. If the teams were BSing, then they have made a new friend.


Yeah, 13 is one of my most unusual characters. She was quite fun to play :D

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Re: Which way?


Vitus would call for a halt to the kerfluffle, and ask


"Now, when is all this world-destruction due to happen? A decade from now? *thinks this over, doing some mental calculations, and counting on his fingers* Thank you for the heads up. Carry on. *waves at them to continue beating the crap from each other*"


After all, Vitus has no intention to still be in this reality that far from now.


Of course, he'd still stroll past the imminent assault and take the opportunity to hospitalize somebody deserving. After all, regular exercise is good for you. Not so good for the person he just beat to a pulp with a lead pipe.

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Re: Which way?


Yeah' date=' 13 is one of my most unusual characters. She was quite fun to play :D[/quote']


Sounds like a female version of TCWOAN.


Just about all my characters would have gone to the rescue first and asked questions later.


TCWOAN would let his team-mates sort things out after the dust settled.


Lance O'Bannon the Singing Cowboy would probably be able to sort things out on his own, but he'd rescue the girl, first.

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Re: Which way?


H'mm, well. . .


Casimir, a zero-point energy manipulator is ex-PRIMUS and still thinks like a cop, and this is a crime in progress, so she'd intervene to save the girl and arrest her assailants. After the bad guys are in chokey she'd get some stright answers.


Black Steel (a Cyclops-style brick with American Football-based martial arts) would rescue the girl with no questions asked. He's got a very Heroic mentality and sees himself as a pro superhero. The bad guys would learn just how painful it is to be hit with steel fists.


Domino would use her sorcery to find out who was telling the truth. She'd still save the girl from a beating, however. She has ways and means of dealing with the girl if she is a threat.


If the girl is a threat, that's in the future and the future can be changed. Superheroes are about saving worlds and lives, after all. It's part of the job description.


And none of my characters like or trust zealots or fanatics.

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