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How to make the Loner feel not so Lonely?


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Re: How to make the Loner feel not so Lonely?


... I'm just surprised at the whole thing' date=' really. I've never had the experience of someone basically "hunting" me at a game table, although the other two say that it has happened to them a lot. (But they're cute and hot respectively, and I'm thankfully fairly transparent on most guys' radars; you know that quiet, meek anemic girl in the corner who keeps writing in her little book? That's me.)[/quote']


Open your mouth and repeat after me: "I am a kind, decent person and some people will look at me and say 'WOW!'."


Don't sell yourself short and don't think that beauty is only skin deep. Initial attraction may begin with what he can see, but in my own experience, the woman I love becomes much more attractive to me than any other woman. Someone will inevitably get to know you and have a "Wow! Just wow!" moment. Make sure they're someone you like well-enough to stick with before you commit. If he's not good enough (good enough =/= perfect, BYT) another one will be along shortly. Physical beauty is only part of the package, but what's inside the box is what really matters.


Been there. I still do it. The day after the game I am slapping my forehead thinking' date=' "Why didn't I do [i']that[/i]."




Excellent advice! It seems I can't rep CourtFool enough (I've already tried today and have to spread some ;)).


Give yourself permission to not be perfect. It is a huge relief. If you were perfect' date=' then you could not improve and how boring would [i']that[/i] be? Not to mention, no one likes Ms. Perfect anyway. She is such a know-it-all. :D


Read my reply to his first quote above.

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Re: How to make the Loner feel not so Lonely?


Francis? Federico? Ferdinand? Fred? Frank? Fibinocci? Fabio? Faust? Filipe? Feivel? Fergie? Filbert? Flash? Fitzpatrick? Floyd? Fry? Forbes500? Fastback?



Am I getting close? :drink:


How about "Fuggedaboutit!" :P


Gotta admit, I liked the inclusion of "Fibinocci" and "Forbes500". :)

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Re: How to make the Loner feel not so Lonely?



I'm so tempted to almost give another clue to my name, but I think this way lies despair/madness.

I know just a first name might not mean much, but my name's a bit different (it's not English for one), so it would sort of single me out.


SSgt Baloo:

Thanks for the compliment (sorry if it seemed like I was fishing for one, after re-reading my lines of self-deprecation, I guess it could seem like it. I wasn't really looking for one, it's sadly just how I write...)

I guess I might find someone who could put up with me someday, but I'm not really searching. I figure that I'll have to put my life together before I think of adding anyone else to the mix. But since I just found a bunch of friends (who'll listen to my nonsense), it'll be good enough. :)


BTW, I love kaiju! (really non-girly I know) But... why is putting something in his pants? And why does he have pants?



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Re: How to make the Loner feel not so Lonely?



I'm so tempted to almost give another clue to my name, but I think this way lies despair/madness.

I know just a first name might not mean much, but my name's a bit different (it's not English for one), so it would sort of single me out.


SSgt Baloo:

Thanks for the compliment (sorry if it seemed like I was fishing for one, after re-reading my lines of self-deprecation, I guess it could seem like it. I wasn't really looking for one, it's sadly just how I write...)

I guess I might find someone who could put up with me someday, but I'm not really searching. I figure that I'll have to put my life together before I think of adding anyone else to the mix. But since I just found a bunch of friends (who'll listen to my nonsense), it'll be good enough. :)


BTW, I love kaiju! (really non-girly I know) But... why is putting something in his pants? And why does he have pants?





Its Fiona isn't it?




You can't guess my name :P

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Re: How to make the Loner feel not so Lonely?


I sort of wish it was fancy like that.

My folks gave me an old-fashioned name that people always have to ask me to spell :)

I would try to guess another person's name, but I am horrible at it, you have no idea :)

(Although if your name was Harry, that'd be great ;) )



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Re: How to make the Loner feel not so Lonely?


I sort of wish it was fancy like that.

My folks gave me an old-fashioned name that people always have to ask me to spell :)

I would try to guess another person's name, but I am horrible at it, you have no idea :)

(Although if your name was Harry, that'd be great ;) )




My name is easy! You have all the clues you need.


Nope not Harry.

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Re: How to make the Loner feel not so Lonely?


You know I was going to almost break my cardinal rule and PM you my name and then I saw this:


I'd almost put you at a bit younger than me (I'm 22 so id say you are 18 or 19) and you gotta watch your back.



Can't give out intimate information to a guy who thinks I'm 18! :)

(I'd still be living with my parents. Yikes!)

I'm at least... kind of older than that! :P



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Re: How to make the Loner feel not so Lonely?


Sort of a weird question, but when do threads stop?

My loner problem is kind of done for a bit, and I've noticed that it's been mostly my insane J-girl craziness lately.

I like this thread, but I don't want it to get locked if we go off topic or something?



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Re: How to make the Loner feel not so Lonely?


If they go off topic into non-gaming territory, then it's off to NGD land.


But it takes more to lock a thread. They usually just die a quiet death in the back of an alley, cold, alone in the rain.



This quote actually made my draw drop in sheer metaphysical horror.

I'll uh, do my best to try and bring it up to par :o



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Re: How to make the Loner feel not so Lonely?


I am a little surprised to see someone suggesting lying. I apologize, Ian. this is not meant as an attack on you. I just do not think that is the best idea.


I would go with something more like…


BC: "Oh hey, sorry I missed the game the other night. I was out of town. I am looking forward to this week's game."

SC: "I am sorry. I like the group dynamic the way it is now and I do not want to change it. BloodClaw dropped out of the picture and I do not want to work him back in."

BC: "But I was only out one game!"

SC: "I am sorry. I like the group as it is."


Oh, I'm all in favour of honesty as a general rule.


But, like most (if not all) aspects of human behaviour, I do not regard it as an absolute - there are times when it simply may not be the best thing to be. I can think of a couple of personal instances where being honest would have only caused needless hurt.


In this particular case. telling somebody (after he has already left) that there isn't room in the group for him anymore, is arguably a far better course than saying outright "You're REALLY creepy, and we really don't want you back...".

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Re: How to make the Loner feel not so Lonely?


If it's served its purpose, just let it drop to the back pages on its own. Bring it back if there's some new developments, like if Slashy McBindalot resurfaces or something.


If you have other game-related things to discuss, easy enough to make new threads. If you have non-game related things to discuss, start a thread in NGD, but beware. If you just want to ramble on about something, start a blog (look to the top where User CP and the FAQ are).

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Re: How to make the Loner feel not so Lonely?



I'm so tempted to almost give another clue to my name, but I think this way lies despair/madness.

I know just a first name might not mean much, but my name's a bit different (it's not English for one), so it would sort of single me out.


No no! Don't tell us! It's more fun to guess!


Let's see.... Frog? France? Flickr? :D



BTW, I love kaiju! (really non-girly I know) But... why is putting something in his pants? And why does he have pants?


Fin Fang Foom is a monster from Marvel Comics. He's been around for, like, ever, and for some strange reason, when he first appeared, the Comics Code Authority required him to have pants (apparently giant radioactive lizard junk is forbidden by the CCA). Fin Fang Foom's giant purple pants have become sort of a running joke in comics fandom since then. :drink:

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Re: How to make the Loner feel not so Lonely?


No no! Don't tell us! It's more fun to guess!


Let's see.... Frog? France? Flickr? :D


You know there's going to be some poor kid named Yahoo Flickr somewhere.


Fin Fang Foom is a monster from Marvel Comics. He's been around for, like, ever, and for some strange reason, when he first appeared, the Comics Code Authority required him to have pants (apparently giant radioactive lizard junk is forbidden by the CCA). Fin Fang Foom's giant purple pants have become sort of a running joke in comics fandom since then. :drink:


Which is odd, since reptiles don't have external junk. And then you had Donald & Daisy Duck waving in the breeze.

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Re: How to make the Loner feel not so Lonely?




Well, I didn't want to make it a big mystery or anything.

My name is Japanese (I'm Japanese, there's a lot of Japanese in NY, so I guess that's not giving away anything big).


But there's probably not that many girl Japanese Champions GM's out there...

Sorry to be so evasive, it's not like I'm trying to tease anyone, it's just that I'm sort of worried about the whole safety issue (I know you all are nice, but you never know who may come across these replies... Maybe I'm just over-worrying again...)



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Re: How to make the Loner feel not so Lonely?


Sorry to be so evasive' date=' it's not like I'm trying to tease anyone, it's just that I'm sort of worried about the whole safety issue (I know you all are nice, but you never know who may come across these replies... Maybe I'm just over-worrying again...)[/quote']


Better safe than sorry. Nothing to apologize for.

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Re: How to make the Loner feel not so Lonely?


But there's probably not that many girl Japanese Champions GM's out there...

Sorry to be so evasive, it's not like I'm trying to tease anyone, it's just that I'm sort of worried about the whole safety issue (I know you all are nice, but you never know who may come across these replies... Maybe I'm just over-worrying again...)





So we'll just call you "F." :straight:


Really, no worries. Do what's comfortable.


Besides: we aren't the only people who can see them.


I'm David. Or Gavriel. I go by both, IRL.

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