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Waking up with not-so-super powers


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What if you lived in a world where Captain America, the Flash, etc. were real, but you wake up one morning with the fascinating ability to turn your skin different colors. Or you wake up with the power to telekinetically move a penny a few inches across a table.


What "Deuce" or trivial or useless power would you want and why ? And how would you change your life afterward ? Difficulty: Nothing or no change are not options. Would you become wealthy so you could own a super team ? Would you just look up ladies' dresses ?


Also how would you handle the inevitable jokes ?

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Re: Waking up with not-so-super powers


I would take my power (the power to become invisible but only whole my eyes were closed) and become a superhero known as The Ostrich! My career would promptly end the next day after being beaten to death by a bunch of middle schoolers who I tried to stop from stealing change out of a newspaper machine.

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Re: Waking up with not-so-super powers


The ability to instantly understand physical gestures, even if they aren't a language like sign-language. No one would ever ask me to play charades (which would be great) and I'd understand what someone means when they wave to me across the room during a meaning.


If that's too powerful then how about the ability to "get over it". I can't help but think that my life and potential are only restricted by my inability to forget dumb things I did, whether 5 minutes ago or 35 years ago. I know plenty of people with this, so I know it's do-able.

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Guest steamteck

Re: Waking up with not-so-super powers


Um, I'd probably like Super house cleaning for a trivial power if any sort of health longevity etc is too much to ask.


I'd have lots more free time for my wife , kids, activities ( including GMing of course.)

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Re: Waking up with not-so-super powers


I would want the ability to chap peoples' lips at will. I would then create a chapstick company and gain millions!! Mwuahahahaha!!!


You are teh Eeebbill!!! :ugly:


For my own moderate superpower I'd like the ability to transform any broken/non-functioning mechanical or electrical device into a like-new/functioning mechanical or electrical device.


Then I'd go into business restoring cars, boats, planes,etc. :D

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Re: Waking up with not-so-super powers


I'd like the power to be completely without shame.


No, I already have that one... :think:


How about the power to seduce movie starlets by saying crass things to them?


No, got that one too... :smoke:


How about the power to just be awesome?


No... dang, I can't think of any good ones. :(

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Re: Waking up with not-so-super powers


The power to turn anything inanimate into edible, nutritious food, including making it taste good. The downside is that the changed item still looks like its original form.


This was an ability a student had in PS238.

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Re: Waking up with not-so-super powers


You are teh Eeebbill!!! :ugly:


For my own moderate superpower I'd like the ability to transform any broken/non-functioning mechanical or electrical device into a like-new/functioning mechanical or electrical device.


Then I'd go into business restoring cars, boats, planes,etc. :D


mwuahahahaha!! No one shall stop me for I am... Ol' Chap!!

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  • 4 months later...

Re: Waking up with not-so-super powers


I'd like the ability to see thru anything but living flesh, at will. Not only would I be able to see anyone naked I wanted to, I'd also be able to tell at a glance when someone was really most sincerely dead.


"How do you know he's dead?"

"I can see through him."

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Re: Waking up with not-so-super powers


My not-so-superpower will be knowing what a person is going to say before they actually say it and what the proper response should be. Since there would be no possible way that this power would allow me to survive in any fight, I would only use it and become some form of "super-debater". I can see ways that I could talk someone into wanting to give me all the money they have on them, access to their personal and corproate accounts, into any job position that I desire (even if not qualified), and anything else that talking would allow. Maybe I might even talk the ubervillain into surrendering to the authorities without a fight :P.

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Re: Waking up with not-so-super powers


Classifications in Wild Card. There are certain broad classes of characters in the Wild Cards universe of superhero novels started by George R. R. Martin.




To be classified as an Ace, the person must still be basically human in appearance and generally be able to "pass" in society as normal people--as opposed to the physical mutations affecting those known as Jokers, resulting in various physical deformities or debilitating conditions. Certain individuals with both powers and physical alterations are still considered Aces, such as the celebrity Ace known as Peregrine, who despite having a pair of feathered wings growing from her shoulder blades is otherwise physically attractive in appearance.


Ace powers range from the trivial (for example, the ability to turn water into wine) to the fantastic abilities that the general public would actually consider to be "superpowers" (flying, teleporting, mind-reading, shape-shifting, etc). Those Aces with powers that are so minor or specific as to be considered "parlor tricks" are sub-classified Deuces.




A Joker is a person that was infected by the Wild Card virus and got one or more deformities or crippling physical conditions as a result. The mutations can be slight (like Father Squid's nose, which turned into a mass of tentacles) or grotesque (like Snotman, who exudes a foul-smelling secretion through every pore of his body). Some alterations that would be classified as a Joker are only obvious if one was aware of the infected individual's original appearance (such as Gimili, who appeared to simply be a dwarf, but was in fact mutated into that form by the virus, or Succubus, who appeared to be an elderly woman, whose physical aging had been accelerated by her mutation). Those who gained superhuman powers were instead classified as Aces, though there were some with both powers and deformities who were referred to as Ace/Jokers, such as Bloat. There were even a very fortunate few whose deformities were considered attractive by many, such as Peregrine, an Ace with flight-capable angelic wings who eventually became a TV star with her own talk show, Peregrine's Perch. Jokers often refer to those not affected by the Wild card virus as Nats.


Dr. Tachyon has theorized that the forms taken by Jokers are influenced by the subconscious mind through a form of micro-telekinesis during the initial stage of the disease. This could explain why some joker forms are similar to those of animals or fantasy creatures, or often reflect the personal fears or desires of the individuals.


The largest and oldest Joker community in the world is the New York City neighborhood known as Jokertown.




A Deuce is a person that was infected by the Wild Card virus and gained a useless or trivial ability, like the power to levitate pennies, the ability to turn into a puddle of water, the ability to grow bodily hair at will, or the ability to levitate 2 feet off the ground. Those with more significant powers are known as Aces.

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