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FH Arcane Magic System. Critical Comments Wanted

Guest Worldmaker

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Guest Worldmaker

This is the Arcane magic system I've come up with for a Fantasy Hero campaign for which I am still in the work-up stages. The primary goal of its design was to be close in concept to the 2E D&D idea of dividing magic into schools of thought (called "Colleges" and "Philosophies").


I'm looking for critical input on any tweaks that might be necessary. Thanks ahead of time.



Arcane Magic is the magical power wielded by Wizards (who learn their spells from tomes, teachers, and other external sources) and and Sorcerers (who, by way of a mystic heritage, have innate spell-like powers that, rules-wise, are functionally identical to other Arcane spells). It is differentiated from Divine Magic, the magic of Priests, Druids, Paladins, and other servants of the gods in that the basic energy powering Arcane spells comes from the environment or from the spellcaster himself, while the power behind Divine Magic is bestowed by the gods themselves.



Spell Colleges and Philosophies


All Arcane spells used in this campaign are classified by the philosophy behind the magic. These philosophies are also sometimes called "schools" of magic. The philosophies themselves are grouped into colleges.


Wizards characters must take a Power Skill in every magical philosophy from which they wish to be able to cast spells.


College of Change:


  • Abjuration: Spells that deal in protection and alleviation.
  • Enchantment: Spells that deal with endowing objects and creatures magical traits and abilities.
  • Transfiguration: Spells that deal with changing creatures and objects from one form into another.

College of Forces:


  • Conjuration: Spells that deal with creating something out of nothing.
  • Evocation: Spells that deal with the generation of magical energy, usually for use as a weapon.
  • Summoning: Spells that deal with bringing something from one place to another.

College of Information:


  • Divination: Spells that deal with gathering information.
  • Illusion: Spells that deal with false images and phantasmic effects.
  • Charm: Spells that deal with thought and the mind.

College of Matter:


  • Alchemy: Spells that deal in creating magical potions, ointments, powders, and other formulae.
  • Necromancy: Spells that deal with life, death, and undeath.
  • Runecraft: Spells that deal with the crafting of magical runes and sigils to achieve mystic effects.

Occasionally, a spell will be equal parts of several philosophies.



Arcane Spell Pools: All Wizards possess an Arcane Spell Pool from which they cast their spells. The basic Spell Pool, included in the Wizard Package, is built as follows: Arcane Spell Pool: Variable Power Pool (40 Points)(60 Active Points) - Arcane Magic Only (-1/2), Can Only Change Spells With Access To The Wizard's Spell Book And Sufficient Time (-1/2), Only Spells From The Wizard's Known Spell List (-1/4), All Slots Take Requires A Power Skill: Magical Philosophy Roll. Total Cost: 49 Points.


The above-listed pool is considered a base. With GM approval, Wizards can increase the size of their spell pools during character construction. Otherwise, they can increase it during the course of play through the use of Experience Point expenditures as normal.


Once a spell is "prepared" through the Arcane Spell Pool, the Wizard can cast it as many times as he likes (and has Endurance enough to pay for), until he replaces the spell by "preparing" something else.




Spell Construction: All Wizard spells must follow these basic rules:


  • All Arcane spells must be built with the "universal" limitation Requires a Power Skill: Spell Philosophy Roll (-1/2); If an individual spell's Active Point Cost is greater than 100 points, this limitation automatically takes the +1/4 modifier Penalty Is -1 Per 20 Active Points.
  • All attack spells have the required limitation Spell (-1/2).
  • No Arcane spell may take any form of Reduced Endurance advantage, including the Costs END Only To Activate advantage.

Sorcerer Powers: Sorcerers buy their spells individually as powers. Such spells cannot be purchased in a Framework (though sometimes a single spell might be constructed as a Framework, if such construction is appropriate and meets the GM's approval), but they do divide the real cost of the spell by 3. Such abilities cannot take the Requires a Power Skill: Magic Philosophy limitation, but like Wizard spells are required to always have an END Cost (that is, they cannot have any form of the Reduced Endurance advantage (including the Costs END Only To Activate advantage). All such powers are subject to GM approval.



If a spell is built as a Multipower, only the reserve cost is divided by 3; the costs of the individual slots are then added to the result to determine the cost of the spell. If the spell is built as an Elemental Control, the total cost of the spell is divided by 3.




Special Effects Rules: Magic spells (whether Arcane or Divine) generally have very broad Special Effects (SFX). In addition to any specific SFX that a particular spell might have (such as electricity for a Bolt of Lightning spell or fire for a Fireball spell), all spells also automatically have the additional SFX of "Magic", plus either "Arcane" or "Divine".


All Arcane spells gain the applicable Spell College and Philosophy as additional SFX. This mandatory SFX cannot be altered by any means, including Variable Special Effects. For example: an Arcane spell taken from the Necromancy philosophy always has Magic, Arcane, Matter, and Necromancy SFX, regardless of any other SFX that might be applicable.



Black Magic: Spells that carry the SFX tag "Black Magic" carry a hazard to their caster. Such magic is a corruptive influence on the wizard, and the more he uses black magic spells, the darker his nature becomes until finally he is corrupted and evil. In addition, merely learning black magic spells causes this corruptive effect.


Every time a black magic spell is learned, the caster suffers a Major Transform 2 Points (Adds Psychological Limitation: Utterly Evil and Social Limitation: Corrupted Soul to the Caster For No Disadvantage Points) - Works vs. Ego, Not Body, Cumulative with no possible defense. Once learned, casting a black magic spell causes the wizard to suffer a Major Major Transform 1 Point (Adds Psychological Limitation: Utterly Evil and Social Limitation: Corrupted Soul to the Caster For No Disadvantage Points To The Caster) - Works vs. Ego, Not Body, Cumulative, also with no defense.


When the transformation is complete, the caster has been corrupted by the dark nature of his magic and is now a being of darkest evil. This transformation can only be healed by the application of certain Divine magic spells, usually accompanied by a long and complicated ritual, all of which the corrupted Wizard will be no doubt violently opposed to undergoing anyway.




Skill Levels: Characters can buy Spellcasting Skill Levels, as follows:

  • Two-point skill levels apply to a single spell philosophy.
  • Three-point skill levels apply to all of the philosophies of a single college, or can be added singly to any three schools regardless of college.
  • Five-point skill levels apply to all the schools in two colleges or can be added singly to any six schools regardless of college.
  • Eight-point skill levels apply to the schools of three colleges, or can be added singly to nine philosophies
  • Ten point skill levels apply to all colleges simultaneously.

"Mundane" skill levels cannot be applied to spellcasting.

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Guest Worldmaker

Re: FH Arcane Magic System. Critical Comments Wanted


Some example spells built with these proposed rules:



Wizard Hands: This spell creates two invisible "arms" made out of magical force and attached to the caster's body at the shoulder. These arms do not interfere with the operation of the caster's natural limbs in any way, but the caster can use the two magical arms for holding and carrying objects. The wizard cannot use the magical arms to make attacks, nor can they be used to cast spells. The limbs are as strong as the caster's normal arms. They disappear when he ceases to pay endurance for them.



College: Forces

Philosophy: Evocation

Effect: Extra Limbs

Casting Time: 1/2 Phase

Target/Area Affected: Caster

Duration: Constant

Range: Self

Active Cost: 7

Skill Roll Penalty: -1

Real Cost: 2

END Cost: 1


Wizard Hands: Extra Limbs (2 Magical Arms) - Invisble Power Effects (Fully Invisible, SFX Only; +1/2)(7 Active Points); Costs END (-1/2), Requires A Power Skill: Evocation Magic Roll (-1/2), Cannot Be Used To Attack Or Cast Spells (-1/2), Gestures (-1/4), Incantations (-1/4).





The Lofty Eye: This spell gives the caster an unusual view of his surroundings: from a point far above his present location. The point, which is the spell's maximum range straight up, looks down on a huge area, centered on the wizard. The spell is limited by visibility conditions; it does not grant the ability to see through trees, clouds, smoke, and so on. It will not function at all if cast indoors or underground.


College: Information

Philosophy: Divination

Effect: Sight Group Clairsentience

Casting Time: 1/2 Phase

Target/Area Affected: Caster

Duration: Two Phases

Range: No Range

Active Cost: 52

Skill Roll Penalty: -5

Real Cost: 13

END Cost: 5


The Lofty Eye: Clairsentience (Sight Group), Discriminatory, +10 PER Rolls - Increased Maximum Range (4375"; +1/2)(52 Active Points); Fixed Perception Point (-1), Only To Look Down On The Caster From Above (-1/2), Does Not Function If Cast Indoors Or Underground (-1/2), Requires A Power Skill: Divination Magic Roll (-1/2), Gestures (-1/4), Incantations (-1/4).




Cloak Of Blades: When cast, this spell creates numerous daggers, knives, swords, and axes that whirl through the air around the wizard in a tight but deadly orbit. Anyone who gets too close to the wizard while this spell is in effect is effectively sliced and hacked to pieces by the flying blades.



College: Change, Forces

Philosophy: Abjuration, Conjuration

Effect: HKA 1d6

Casting Time: 1/2 Phase

Target/Area Affected: Self

Duration: Constant

Range: Caster

Active Cost: 49

Skill Roll Penalty: -5

Real Cost: 20

END Cost: 5


Cloak of Blades: Hand Killing Attack 1d6 - Area Effect (One Hex; +1/2), Damage Shield (Offensive; +3/4), Continuous (+1)(56 Active Points); Requires A Power Skill: Abjuration Magic Or Power Skill: Conjuration Magic Roll (-1/2), Spell (-1/2), Gestures (-1/4), Incantations (-1/4).




Bano's Bolt Of Power: With this spell, the caster projects a roaring bolt of silvery arcane energy that blasts forth at high speed from the caster's pointed finger. The bolt rushes unerringly at the target in a perfectly straight line; smaller, flimsier objects in the bolt's path will have holes blasted through them if they are not utterly destroyed. Larger, heavier objects can block the bolt, but still tend to become pock-marked as the bolt impacts them. Naturally, any creature caught in the path of the bolt is likewise damaged.



College: Forces

Philosophy: Evocation

Effect: RKA 1d6

Casting Time: 1/2 Phase

Target/Area Affected: 6" Line

Duration: Instant

Range: 300"

Active Cost: 30

Skill Roll Penalty: -3

Real Cost: 12

END Cost: 3


Bano's Bolt Of Power: Ranged Killing Attack 1d6 - Area Effect (6" Line; +1)(30 Active Points) - No Range (-1/2), Requires A Power Skill: Evocation Magic Roll (-1/2), Spell (-1/2), Gestures (-1/4), Incantations (-1/4).

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Re: FH Arcane Magic System. Critical Comments Wanted


One last point: if you want to get even closer to the 2E feel, you might like to require that all spells take "one charge, -2". That would reduce the cost of the VPP slightly and also reduce the cost of each spell. That way the wizard would be able to cram as many spells into his VPP as he liked (including multiples of the same spell, if he liked) but once used, they'd be gone until he could study up again.


cheers, Mark

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Guest Worldmaker

Re: FH Arcane Magic System. Critical Comments Wanted


One last point: if you want to get even closer to the 2E feel, you might like to require that all spells take "one charge, -2". That would reduce the cost of the VPP slightly and also reduce the cost of each spell. That way the wizard would be able to cram as many spells into his VPP as he liked (including multiples of the same spell, if he liked) but once used, they'd be gone until he could study up again.



I thought about doing that, but decided that charges make it a bit too close to 2E. I'm looking for some of the flavor, but not all of it.

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Guest Worldmaker

Re: FH Arcane Magic System. Critical Comments Wanted


So should the lack of further commentary be taken as general disinterest, or should I take it as having a pretty good system in place already and that I should just go with it?

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Guest Worldmaker

Re: FH Arcane Magic System. Critical Comments Wanted


I don't claim any special knowledge of the HERO system but your system seems perfectly workable and with a decent amount of flavor.


Okay, cool! Thanks.

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Guest Worldmaker

Re: FH Arcane Magic System. Critical Comments Wanted




I looked through your site, yeah, and I think its amazingly well-thought out. Not quite what I was looking for, but it inspired me to put more thought into things than I had previously.

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Re: FH Arcane Magic System. Critical Comments Wanted



Your system is amazingly similar to the one I created some months ago.

I started with your same goal, converting a campaign from D&D Mystara to Hero, and ended up doing the same thing: a limited VPP for mages.


But, given that I was fed up with the basic Vancian system that D&D proposes, I made some other changes: I opted for different kind of schools (12, but they are centered over what you manipulate instead than the philosophy), characters actually knows spells and they don't have to learn it everyday on the book (spellbook may anyway help them in the skill roll, if used, and prevent the mage from forgetting spell on the long run) and they don't have to prepare slots.

In addition to all this there are no special rules for different kinds of magic users. The skills a character possess define what caster he is. For example: a necromancer is a just a wizards with some spell skills and the right set of spells for his VPP. There may be another wizards with the very same skills but with a total different set of spells that makes him anything but a necromancer. Maybe he can be a Bard if he got all spells with the complementary skill requirement "Playing musical instrument".

Aside from that, my system is pretty much like yours.

Another thing is divine magic, that I wanted totally different and detached from the arcane one.


Anyway, your idea over Black Magic is interesting. I will think if integrating that in my campaign or leaving the matter of soul corruption to roleplaying.

Your table for Magic Skill Levels is interesting too. Have thought about having a single table with both MSL as skill bonuses and CSL for magic attacks?




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