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Super Friends Campaign


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Re: Super Friends Campaign


Some thoughts on building Superman for this setting:


Obviously 250 points imply some pretty serious trimming of the character. The question is: where?


It's easy enough to give him a slight edge over Wonder Woman. First, he doesn't need to spend points on missile deflection, her lasso or her invisible plane. Second, a lot of his stuff can be bought as "not in the presence of Kryptonite or red sun radiation". Even as a -1/4 modifier, that can save him enough points to give him a definite edge.


But even so, he needs to buy a lot of stuff. Things will have to be trimmed.


What are his core abilities? Well, strength, invulnerability, flight/superspeed, x-ray vision, telescopic vision, heat vision, superbreath and life support come to mind. His other powers can be ignored in this context.


The first three are the main ones. X-ray vision and telescopic vision are cheap, and basic life support will come in under 20 points.


What about heat vision? Well, he isn't going to have a lot of points to spend on it. It isn't going to be very powerful. If it's an energy blast, it's not going to be very useful, while an RKA is a bit problematic in the setting. I'm inclined to ignore it, at least in his intial build.


Superbreath? Well, again, if it's an EB, it isn't going to be very useful. On the other hand, if it's an entangle, it's likely to be too useful. Basically, he could very easily turn into Captain Cold! Once again, I'm inclined to skip it.


So basically, a very very cut down Superman would be a flying brick with life support, x-ray and telescopic vision. Nice and simple, and quite powerful within the setting.


He also wouldn't need much in the way of skills.


Tunnelling and instant change might be nice...

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Re: Super Friends Campaign


Thoughts on Wonder Woman.


I started thinking about WW before I started on Superman, simply to get a baseline for the latter.


Basically, she can be represented as something of a "demi-brick", mainly relying on missile deflection against ranged attacks.


Her lasso would probably combine stretching and mind-control, with the latter linked to the former. Entangle is an option too, but I'd go with stretching.


Her invisible plane could be simply bought as flight, but she uses it as a group form of transport in the source material. I'd consider going for a proper vehicle build. It's also at least somewhat space capable.


I'd give her running, gliding, and leaping in a multipower. This could be fairly cheap.


I wouldn't bother with life support or senses.


She wouldn't need many skills - just a few more than Superman.


Again, she's a "big" character crammed into very few points.

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Re: Super Friends Campaign


Aquaman would be fairly cheap. The main thing would be his fish telepathy. What it actually does could be a little complicated, since real marine creatures can't do a lot of what his critters can, and he always seems to be able to find the right type of critter at the right time.


Relying on the GM to determine whether or not appropriate critters are available seems a little dodgy to me, so I'm reluctant to go with that kind of build.

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Re: Super Friends Campaign Themes


I can picture this, okay everyone make 600 Base +150 Disadvantage Heroes. Please take Analyze Combat at 20-.


"Okay, looks like they have 6 PD, due to my moral code I should only use 8d6 out of 35d6 Strength on this attack." - Superman's Player


As a GM, I would just enjoy watching the players squirm at all the baddassery they are not using.



Ehh, well....


Anyhow, for a Challenge of the Super Friends campaign. I'd give Superman like 2 INT (and that is being generous).

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Re: Super Friends Campaign


Some thoughts on building Superman for this setting:


Obviously 250 points imply some pretty serious trimming of the character. The question is: where?


It's easy enough to give him a slight edge over Wonder Woman. First, he doesn't need to spend points on missile deflection, her lasso or her invisible plane. Second, a lot of his stuff can be bought as "not in the presence of Kryptonite or red sun radiation". Even as a -1/4 modifier, that can save him enough points to give him a definite edge.


But even so, he needs to buy a lot of stuff. Things will have to be trimmed.


What are his core abilities? Well, strength, invulnerability, flight/superspeed, x-ray vision, telescopic vision, heat vision, superbreath and life support come to mind. His other powers can be ignored in this context.


The first three are the main ones. X-ray vision and telescopic vision are cheap, and basic life support will come in under 20 points.


What about heat vision? Well, he isn't going to have a lot of points to spend on it. It isn't going to be very powerful. If it's an energy blast, it's not going to be very useful, while an RKA is a bit problematic in the setting. I'm inclined to ignore it, at least in his intial build.


Superbreath? Well, again, if it's an EB, it isn't going to be very useful. On the other hand, if it's an entangle, it's likely to be too useful. Basically, he could very easily turn into Captain Cold! Once again, I'm inclined to skip it.


So basically, a very very cut down Superman would be a flying brick with life support, x-ray and telescopic vision. Nice and simple, and quite powerful within the setting.


He also wouldn't need much in the way of skills.


Tunnelling and instant change might be nice...


I already solved the problem. He sold back his INT to get the extras. In the classic cartoon, he was incredibly dimwitted. :doi:

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Re: Super Friends Campaign


dimwitted SUPERMAN?

also if you use the super friends version of darkseid darksied as a villian wasn't there a non agresion pact between apokolips and oa prreventing the green lantern corps from opposing them or am i thinking of a plot device from omega men used to keep the glc out of a space war in that series?

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Re: Super Friends Campaign


dimwitted SUPERMAN?

also if you use the super friends version of darkseid darksied as a villian wasn't there a non agresion pact between apokolips and oa prreventing the green lantern corps from opposing them or am i thinking of a plot device from omega men used to keep the glc out of a space war in that series?


Well, on the Superfriends cartoon, yes, Superman was. Though this probably was a case of suffering from dumbed down child cartoon syndrome. And all the heroes did to some extent. But, I remember Superfriends' Superman being a master at pointing out with amazement the "so obvious a 3-year old has already figured it out" :doi:


Just keep in mind, we are talking (at least I am) the Superfriends Saturday morning cartoon version of Superman. (though given Clark Kent was a reporter, and given my opinion of the average reporters' intelligence, that might be accurate otherwise. :D )

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