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Super Friends Campaign


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Super Friends Campaign Themes


The Super Friends Campaign is one where the heroes all have not only a code against killing, but the code of the hero as well. Morality is black and white, the heroes are always good, and the villains are always evil.


The villains will have a plan to take over the world, or even the universe. The plan will need some device in order to make it work. The heroes will either attempt to prevent the villain from stealing the device, or have it in their actually have it in their possession.


The villains will either attempt to steal the device, or capture the heroes and put them in a death trap. Then while the heroes attempt to free themselves, the villains use the device to take over the world (or universe).


The advantages of this type of campaign is the moral clarity as well as the challenge of fighting evil the right way. You know you're on the side of good. This will mean, however, that the villain will be able to strike first, and you will have to use the minimum amount of force necessary to capture the villain.


No wonder they called it "Challenge of the Super Friends".

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Re: Super Friends Campaign Themes


This will mean, however, that the villain will be able to strike first, and you will have to use the minimum amount of force necessary to capture the villain.


No wonder they called it "Challenge of the Super Friends".


I can picture this, okay everyone make 600 Base +150 Disadvantage Heroes. Please take Analyze Combat at 20-.


"Okay, looks like they have 6 PD, due to my moral code I should only use 8d6 out of 35d6 Strength on this attack." - Superman's Player


As a GM, I would just enjoy watching the players squirm at all the baddassery they are not using.

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Re: Super Friends Campaign


I'm not sure I'd call Super Friends low powered. I mean' date=' there were episodes where Superman pushed a planet and he and GL pulled people out of a black hole![/quote']


On the other hand, they were often unable to escape from fairly simple traps, like nets and pits. :snicker:

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Re: Super Friends Campaign


Gleek and Wonder Dog should be followers. In the spinoff comics, at least, they were actually somewhat useful, and not just unfunny comic relief.


The Wonder Twins, Wendy and Marvin would be PCs, although they would probably be secondary characters played whoever wasn't using their heavy hitters at the time. Robin could possibly be the same, as could be the various guest stars.


As far as power levels go, I would consider building the adult characters at roughly 350 or 450 points. 100 of that would be a cosmic VPP, to allow them to have their full range of abilities, while the rest of the points would be for the basic character. That still wouldn't allow for the cases where Superman and Green Lantern push planets around, but these can be ignored as hyperbole.


In general, this is a fairly forgiving environment, so the characters built for it don't have to have all the features of a "standard" Champions character. They can be rather one-sided in some ways.


This allows for things like Superman's invulnerability to be represented comparatively cheaply. Basically, he just needs to be able to withstand attacks that would take out Wonder Woman and Aquaman in a single hit, while falling over in a heap when his vulnerabilities are targeted. This shouldn't be too hard to arrange. Don't buy up anyone's CON without good reason!


This should be very much a design for effect situation. The characters should be able to do most of what they do in the source material. They don't need to be able to fight Doctor Destroyer - he doesn't exist in their world.


PS: the spinoff comics were much cooler than the actual shows, IMHO.

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Re: Super Friends Campaign


Check with RhinoBunny. He runs a Superfriends game at DunDraCon each year. You must make a soliloquy each Phase or else the writers forget you're in the room' date=' and you lose your action.[/quote']


Now THAT is just too cool...
Why, thank you. :D


Cassandra, you might (or might not) be interested in the article I did for Digital Hero #11 called Saturday Morning Supers. It was based on the Challenge of the Super-Friends games I've run at conventions for years. :)

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Re: Super Friends Campaign


Don't forget that no one has Power Defense, and everyone should likely be vulnerable to such attacks. Anything that Transformed someone always worked more or less instantly.


Oh, and all powers come with a form of No Conscious Control - they can't be used when the GM decides the hero can't escape the deathtrap that way. [recalling Superman, weakened by a kryptonite variant, in an underground cave filling with water - and needing to escape before he drowned...the same Superman who can fly through airless space, of course.]

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Re: Super Friends Campaign


i have an idea for a super -friends campaign remember the episode universe of evilbased on the crime syndicate of america[ the evil JLA] why not have the campaign be a sequel to that ep where the super-friends help superman keep his promise to the scientst that help him escape by ridding her earth of the superenemies

or conversly have LUTHOR and the legion of doom find the superenemies world and try to conquer it

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Super Friends Campaign "Power Levels"


The Super Friends Campaign is very lose level. The core group of the Justice League made up of Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, and Aquaman will be at 250 Points (150 Base and 100 Points Disadvantages).


Robin will be a 200 Point follower of Batman.


All will have the Code Against Killing and Code of the Hero Disadvantages. Zan and Jayna will be Slightly Less Powerful DNPC built on 200 Points.


All established superheroes such as The Flash, Green Lantern, Hawkman, and Firestorm will be built on 250 points.


Super Friends universe heroes such as Black Vulcan, Samurai, and El Dorado will be built on 200 points.


The average character will be 10d6, DEF 20, SPD 5, with a maximum allowed 12d6, DEF 30, SPD 6. Normal Characteristics Maxima is manditory for those character without natural superpowers (yes, that means Batman!).


Each Justice League member will have one power or characteristic that can be higher then the norms. Superman will have greater STR then anyone in the universe, The Flash will have greater SPD, etc..


The villains will operate under the same rules.

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Super Friends Campaign "Death Trap"


Here is a classic death trap.


In "Wanted: The Superfriends" Lex Luthor has used a mind control device that makes the Justice League members steal when they are asleep. The heroes turn themselves in to the authorities (Code of the Hero kicking in) and when they allow themselves to be put into a cell it turns out to be a trap.


Mind Control 12d6, No Range (-1/2), Area Affect (+1), Single Command "Do Not Move" (-1/2), [1c] (-3), IAF: Disguised Mind Control Device (-1/2)

21 Points


RKA 4d6, No Range (-1/2), Area Affect (+1), Linked to Mind Control (-1/2), Extra Time: One Minute (-3/4), [1c] (-3), IAF: Disguised Death Trap (-1/2)

19 Points


The Superfriends are paralyzed by the mind control device and sent on a one way trip to the sun. This is a special effect (no life support needed). The one minute delay is the travel time to their collective doom.


Wonder Woman uses her telekinetic ability (usable only on her magic lasso) to disable the mind control device and free the group before the death trap is activated.

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Re: Super Friends Campaign


This would be my starting point for characteristics:


Standard Superfriend

Val CHA Cost

20 STR 10

20 DEX 30

10 CON 0

10 BODY 0

10 INT 0

10 EGO 0

15 PRE 5

14 COM 2

8 PD 4

8 ED 6

4 SPD 10

6 REC 0

20 END 0

25 STUN 0

Characteristic Cost: 67


Robin would be 15 STR (he's college age, according to the comics). Batman 20 STR. Aquaman a bit more. WW full brick STR. Superman top of the heap STR.


The baseline characteristics are based on:

CON, BOD: they're all glass cannons once you get past their defences.

INT: they're not particularly perceptive, and are suckers for disguises etc. Batman could go a bit higher, but that could be handled through his skills.

EGO: they're toast against mental attacks, and rarely do much willpower related stuff. Some characters will need to go somewhat higher (WW, Aquaman, GL...)

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Re: Super Friends Campaign "Power Levels"


Super Friends universe heroes such as Black Vulcan' date=' Samurai, and El Dorado will be built on 200 points.[/quote']


That's pushing it in some cases, but OK in others.


It would also apply to the international heroes that popped up in the comic like the Tasmanian Devil, Tuatara and Godiva. Cool! I was planning a Tasmanian Devil homage anyway...

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