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Pirates of not Freeport or the Caribbean


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Hello all,


My f2f group has decided they want to go pirate for a while. So I'm modifying Freeport and doing a bit of research as I've never done a nautical campaign, let alone a pirate campaign.


I want this to be more cinematic than historic, so I turn to you kind folks for movies that I can grab on Netflix and watch for research. I'll likely be coming back for more questions about ships and what not...so be warned.


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Re: Pirates of not Freeport or the Caribbean


'Hornblower' and 'Master and Commander' spring to mind. For the historical content if not the pacing or plot.


Pirates of Penzance is a classic, (as in old), take on the pirate myth.


Came across this while trying to track down a pirate film which I watched as a child, years before 'the Caribbean' stole the show. http://www.beaglebay.com/jensens_reviews.html


Found the one I was looking for. 'Cuthroat Island'. The reviewer in the link above doesn't think that much of it but I have fond memories myself, such is childhood.

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Re: Pirates of not Freeport or the Caribbean


If you can find a copy in English, try "Red Orm" (I think it was also published as "The Long Ships" in English) - it's a book about a bunch of vikings who go a-pirating along the coast of France and Spain, amnd run into some Barbary corsairs, for a slightly different take on things.


Also - a must-read - is Tim Power's "On stranger tides". It's got pirates, magicians and voodoo!


cheers, Mark

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Re: Pirates of not Freeport or the Caribbean


I suggest looking a little at Puzzle Pirates as a source of inspiration--lots of things to think about there. I've got a little project sitting around called "Pirates of the Cerulean Ocean," which is sorta a mix of the setting of Puzzle Pirates and the style/magic of Brave Fencer/Samurai Legend Musashi.

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Re: Pirates of not Freeport or the Caribbean


Puzzle Pirates--lots of stuff you can use in your own game just from glossing over the material. (Who wouldn't want to search a haunted island fulled with zombies? :D )


As for Brave Fencer/Samurai Legend Musashi, those two are Playstation games, but they use a Wushu-like feel with fancy bladework and elemental magics.


*hunts up his blurb of a PotC Davey Jones-style character for Cerulean that's worth adding*

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Re: Pirates of not Freeport or the Caribbean


(Who wouldn't want to search a haunted island fulled with zombies? :D )

My players soon won't. :smoke:


As for Brave Fencer/Samurai Legend Musashi' date=' those two are Playstation games, but they use a Wushu-like feel with fancy bladework and elemental magics.[/quote']

Yeah, I don't do console games so I'll need some linkey or showey, hehe

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Re: Pirates of not Freeport or the Caribbean


Nate and Hayes


You can probably pick up Sid Meier's Pirates for cheap. That can give you a loose frame of reference for cities and ship types. It is a fun play, but does get repetitive.


I highly recommend picking up GameMastery Flip-Mat: Ship. I made extensive use of it in my Pirate campaign.

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Re: Pirates of not Freeport or the Caribbean


As a Referee of the '7th Sea' rpg. I would suggest a look in that direction for some inspiration.


The "Ramage' series of books by Dudley Pope are worth a look. Set in the Napoleonic Wars (with a couple of side-mentions of a fellow called 'Hornblower').


I wholeheartedly second Sid Meier's 'Pirates' as a thoroughly awesome computer game.


A couple of links:




Online magazine for all things pirate-y




For general flavour

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Re: Pirates of not Freeport or the Caribbean


I've been eyeballing this. I've got the tavern/bar on the docks and the dockside maps already.


I had enlarged the sloop from G.U.R.P.S. Swashbucklers 3rd edition and had printed it out so that each hex = 1 inch (I hope I am not admiting to violating copywrite laws). It was rough, but serviceable. After laying my hands on the flip mat, I just let the PCs capture a two master and used it.


I am not sure what kind of pirate campaign you are going to run. For me, at least 50% of the battles involved the ship, so it was indispensible.

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Re: Pirates of not Freeport or the Caribbean


I'm starting off pirate lite until I can get a better handle on the whole nautical game style. But right now they're on a sloop and eventually I'll give them an opportunity to capture their own ship.


Cannon and such are rarities, so that ship map may be a bit late in coming to the game.

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Re: Pirates of not Freeport or the Caribbean


I'm starting off pirate lite until I can get a better handle on the whole nautical game style. But right now they're on a sloop and eventually I'll give them an opportunity to capture their own ship.


Cannon and such are rarities, so that ship map may be a bit late in coming to the game.


I suggest that, whatever ship the PCs end up having, you provide not just deck plans but a fair amount of detailed description. Stuff like what the figurehead looks like, general condition, arrangement / style of cabins, etc..


Maybe include a "special capability" or two, for the PCs' benefit - nothing game-breaking, just something to make them think they have an advantage. Perhaps the ship is tougher than it looks, or sails better than usual in certain conditions, or has a secret compartment or two, or whatever. If this worries you, provide a couple of disadvantages for counter-balance - maybe the ship sails slower than usual in certain other conditions, or tends to roll more (extra checks for sea-sickness), or is haunted or something. 7th Sea's advanced ship design / combat system has several ideas for both sides.


The ship's name is damned important. Make sure there is one in advance. If the PCs want to change the name later, let them - though maybe drop an ominous hint or two about this being "UNLUCKY", just to mess with their heads.


The thing is that whichever ship the PCs have, it is both their means of travel AND their home. Treat the ship like an NPC - give it a history, something that can be used for a scenario or two. The ship itself may once have belonged to a certain noble family, or maybe different parts came from elsewhere (the compass once belonged to a certain smuggler, for instance - and maybe he needs it back for something). Have a few cryptic inscriptions or other peculiarities scattered around - you don't have to do anything with them immediately, but it lends a certain depth and flavour to proceedings.

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