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Golden Girl


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Re: Golden Girl


Some observations:


1. As a GM, I wouldn't allow the -1/4 Visible limitation. It seems that every where it appears is all ready visible, except the energy trail on the flight.


2. I'd want a little more detail on the whole Public ID, Streetwise thing. While there are teenagers that have contacts in the darker underworld of crime in our cities, cheerleaders aren't the first to come to mind. Additionally, it seems a bit odd that she in particular would have such contacts as she is known to be a (presumably) crime fighting superhero.


3. Minor/Young. I see these as more social limitations, and more valuable (20 pts or more). Speaking on social lims, she's still in school so she would have the same social limitations as someone with a desperately needed 9 to 5. (After all, it's a crime for a minor not to attend school, unless she's dropped out; plus, there are all those other commitments implied by her backstory, homework, midterms, sporting events, cheerleading practice, etc.)


4. Golden Energy Cage: probably needs "hole in the middle" for the effect you describe. As a GM, I'm leery of continuing effects at 0 end. You might consider some way to extinguish or otherwise dispel the effect.


5. Endurance management: You have a lot of attacks that consume a ton of endurance with a relatively very small pool of End and Recovery.


6. Potentially underpowered. 6d6, even with autofire, is simply going to bounce a lot. It may be quite difficult for this character to "punch their way out of a paper wad death trap."


7. Potentially quite fragile. Depending on the lethality level of the campaign, of course. If others are tossing around 75 AP attacks, particularly killing attacks, 12rpd is just not going to keep you alive. With only 18 Con, you're likely to be stunned on almost any significant hit, and with only 6 DCV, you're hard to miss.


8. You should qualify for a normal characteristic maxima disadvantage.



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Re: Golden Girl


I agree with the above posts. Also, a couple things I noticed:


1. You have 200 base points, and 140 points of Disadvantages, with 314 points spent. . . but the sheet says Unspent Points: 0??? Ok, that's just confusing me.

2. You have several PRE skills, but you only bought PRE to 12 when 13 would get you +1 to all of those. Maybe a mis-click or type-o? Either way, I'd bump that up by a point.

3. You have +2 with Flight for 2 points, and it's listed as a CSL? That should be 4 pts and not a CSL unless I'm missing something.

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Re: Golden Girl


I've seen a more common and perhaps more justifiable limitation on powers, -1/4 +3 PER rolls to notice.


Any power that costs END is visible, and that includes flight. +3 to notice might be worth a -1/4, though I distinctly recall that in earlier versions of Champions this was listed as a -0. Sure, it makes bad guys easier to find you, but it also makes it easier for your friends.


Still, it's a thought.

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Re: Golden Girl


5 Physical Limitation: Minor: (Infrequently, Slightly Impairing)

10 Physical Limitation: Young: (Infrequently, Greatly Impairing)


These 2 physical limits seem a tad odd. What would the difference be between Minor and Young?


15 Psychological Limitation: Good Hearted: (Common, Strong)

15 Psychological Limitation: Novice Superhero: (Common, Strong)

20 Psychological Limitation: Tries Very Hard To Be A Proper Superhero: (Very Common, Strong)

15 Psychological Limitation: Tends To Bite Off More Than She Can Chew : (Common, Strong)


These 4 seem to be a way of just lowering power costs. How do you play the Psych limit 'Novice Superhero'? Likewise the 'Good Hearted' and 'Tries to be...' are pretty much the same thing for silver age games and would get her dead in a single round for darck champs games.


These seem to be the players gaming style, not psych limitations.


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Re: Golden Girl


Visible on Powers that are visible by default makes them Very Visible... everyone notices them whether they're paying attention or not. It's a valid Limitation, in a rules sense, but the GM will have to play out correctly.


Visible on RKA: Gun would make it extra loud for example (like, say, a howitzer going off).

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Re: Golden Girl


I've seen a more common and perhaps more justifiable limitation on powers, -1/4 +3 PER rolls to notice.


Any power that costs END is visible, and that includes flight. +3 to notice might be worth a -1/4, though I distinctly recall that in earlier versions of Champions this was listed as a -0. Sure, it makes bad guys easier to find you, but it also makes it easier for your friends.


Still, it's a thought.

I think I remember seeing it termed Highly Visible somewhere :think:

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Re: Golden Girl


Novice Superhero seems more like a physical limitation (she can't be mind controlled to not be a novice) and might be difficult to make calls on as a GM. Basically you'd have to determine when she was behaving "too experienced" which can be tough. I'd suggest maybe using the Grace Under Fire rules and giving Pre attacks in superheroic combat and other stressful heroic situations a small bonus. She might suffer CV or skill penalties in some situations, like trying to coordinate attacks with team mates, for example. A die or two of Unluck with sfx:Rookie Mistakes might represent this is a less fiat driven manner if you prefer.


Tries to be a good superhero could be interesting. What does she consider a "good superhero"? Will she be moralizing to "youth" to stay in school, posing dramatically when she should be acting or making bombastic speeches allot and otherwise doing "impressive and heroic" things rather than "tactically sound or sensible" things?

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Re: Golden Girl


Is Visible really a limitation on her Mulltipower? All of the powers listed are normally visible anyway.

Yes, but you have to think about it...

Visible on Powers that are visible by default makes them Very Visible... everyone notices them whether they're paying attention or not. It's a valid Limitation, in a rules sense, but the GM will have to play out correctly.


Visible on RKA: Gun would make it extra loud for example (like, say, a howitzer going off).

Yeah. Larger caliber. Remember episodes of Magnum, P.I. with the difference between the .38s, 9mms and his .45...

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