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Real World Books in Fictional Libraries


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Re: Real World Books in Fictional Libraries


Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't the graphic novel give both Ozymandis and Night Owl a lot more credit than the movie by requiring Night Owl to know that Ozymandis was another name for Ramses on his own' date=' instead of trying to make viewers believe that the "world's smartest man" needed a reminder of his password right next to his computer?[/quote']

I always took that as a purposeful plan to get Night Owl down to Antarctica at the right time. The "world's smartest man" would easily have a secure password memorized, even in the '80s when password security wasn't trumpeted around every company.

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Re: Real World Books in Fictional Libraries


Ran across this list while digging thru boxes; I think it's the list of some books on the shelf in some lord's castle in a FH campaign. It was post apocalyptic with some warhammer influence.


This was a list that one character was able to make before being interrupted and I think the other players "helped" with the titles.


The Book of Eibon

My talks with Cats

The Journey of Skolner Karnal

Captain Kidd


Red Storm Rising


Lord of the Rings

Fundamentals of Linear Algebra

Catcher in the Rye

Mirror Maze


Slave Girl of Gor

Mein Kampf

A Feast Unknown

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Guest Worldmaker

Re: Real World Books in Fictional Libraries


My hero world includes an "immortal sorcerer" style Evil Overlord who fits the same sort of role as Vandal Savage in the DCU (though my sorcerer has only been active since the 15th Century, he's been manipulating the entire world since then). When the players invaded his base once and found his library, the books included volumes like a signed, original printing of the collected Sherlock Holmes stories, "The Way Things Work", the collected A. A. Milne, and "How To Win Friends And Influence People". But the big find was a handwritten copy of Machiavelli's "The Prince", dedicated to "my friend" and signed to the sorcerer.

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Re: Real World Books in Fictional Libraries


I'd prefer to use imaginary or legendary books. Great stuff here - List of fictional books. Wikipedia is getting more and more awesome.


A Treatise on the Binomial Theorem, by Professor James Moriarty

At Long Last Lust by Daphne Farquitt

The Sigsand Manuscript

The Conversation with the Man Called Al-Mu'tasim: A Game of Shifting Mirrors by Mir Bahadur Ali -- Illustrated version

A General History of Labyrinths by Silas Haslam

Axaxaxas Mlo


The last three are from Jorge Luis Borges. I think his imaginary books sound particularly weird and wonderful.

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Re: Real World Books in Fictional Libraries


Here's a few ficititous books that I posted on a thread on another message board--


All four volumes of The Whole Art Of Detection, by Sherlock Holmes. (This according to The Book Of Lists, which also says he wrote A Practical Handbook Of Bee Culture.)


Getting Over Your Childhood Traumas, by Bruce Wayne. (Mine. ;D)


How I Did It, by Victor Frankenstein. (From the movie Young Frankenstein.)


Interpreting The Prime Directive, by The Starfleet College Of Law, With Additional Commentary By James T. Kirk. (Also mine. ;D)


The completed Mystery Of Edwin Drood, by Charles Dickens. (It must have irritated him not to finish it in real life.)


Also, in the Day Of The Destroyer adventure, there is, on the dining room table of Destroyer's hacienda, a first edition copy of George Orwell's 1984 opened to the last page--leading the PC(s) who discover it to wonder just what is going on. :sneaky:

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