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Grabbed by Multiple Opponents

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Hello all and thanks in advance for any guidance you can provide.


Is anyone familiar with any rules (main book, FAQ, Rules Thread) that descibe how to handle a single target being grabbed by multiple attackers? I seem to be stumped and my search-fu has falied me (rolled an 18 I think).


If not, how would you officiate a single character that has been grabbed by two or more characters and is attempting to escape from multiple holds?

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Re: Grabbed by Multiple Opponents


If I recall correctly, you add the lifting capacity of all of the grabbers and use that to figure out their combined Strength. For example, if you had two grabbers with Str 15, they can lift 200kg+200kg=400kg, so they have a combined Str of 20 (which is the Str required to lift 400kg). I can't find a page reference right at the moment though.


Obviously both grabbers would have to hit the target. They may have to Coordinate their attacks (can't remember). If they attack at different times, probably the target would get to resist the first attacker's Grab, but if that Grab succeeds, the target's DCV would be affected for the second Grab.

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Re: Grabbed by Multiple Opponents


I took these answers from the online FAQ:



What happens when a character (A) wants to Grab a character (B) who’s already Grabbed by another character ©?


If C is willing to have A help him hold B, A simply makes a normal Attack Roll against B’s DCV (which is reduced by the Grab, of course). If C doesn’t want A to Grab B (maybe A is trying to pull B free), A has to make his Attack Roll against the higher of C’s DCV or A’s DCV. If A succeeds, he can then engage in a STR Versus STR Contest with C to free B (B takes no damage from this, unless the GM feels it would be appropriate to apply some measure of the STR involved to reflect the tugging on B’s fragile body).


What happens when a character (A) wants to Grab a character (B) who’s already himself performing a Grab on another character ©?


That depends on A’s declared intent. If A wants to help B hold on to C, or simply hold on to B and stop him from moving, the Grab takes effect as normal. If C wants to break out, he has to defeat the higher of A’s and B’s STRs.


If A is trying to help C escape, he makes a Grab attack against B as normal. He may then pit his STR against B in a STR Versus STR Contest to pry B’s arms from around C, and if he succeeds, he frees C.


If Character A Grabs the arms of Character C, and Character B Grabs the legs of Character C, how does Character C break free?


If the Grabbed victim wants to escape both Grabs at once, add the Grabbers’ lifting capacity (not STR, lifting capacity based on STR) together, then consult the STR Table to determine how much STR is required to lift that much. That’s their “group STR” against which the victim must struggle to escape.


If the victim only wants to free the two limbs Grabbed by one person, he has to make his STR Roll versus that person’s STR, but if he succeeds he only frees those limbs.

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Re: Grabbed by Multiple Opponents


I took these answers from the online FAQ:



What happens when a character (A) wants to Grab a character (B) who’s already Grabbed by another character ©?


If C is willing to have A help him hold B, A simply makes a normal Attack Roll against B’s DCV (which is reduced by the Grab, of course). If C doesn’t want A to Grab B (maybe A is trying to pull B free), A has to make his Attack Roll against the higher of C’s DCV or A’s DCV. If A succeeds, he can then engage in a STR Versus STR Contest with C to free B (B takes no damage from this, unless the GM feels it would be appropriate to apply some measure of the STR involved to reflect the tugging on B’s fragile body).


What happens when a character (A) wants to Grab a character (B) who’s already himself performing a Grab on another character ©?


That depends on A’s declared intent. If A wants to help B hold on to C, or simply hold on to B and stop him from moving, the Grab takes effect as normal. If C wants to break out, he has to defeat the higher of A’s and B’s STRs.


If A is trying to help C escape, he makes a Grab attack against B as normal. He may then pit his STR against B in a STR Versus STR Contest to pry B’s arms from around C, and if he succeeds, he frees C.


If Character A Grabs the arms of Character C, and Character B Grabs the legs of Character C, how does Character C break free?


If the Grabbed victim wants to escape both Grabs at once, add the Grabbers’ lifting capacity (not STR, lifting capacity based on STR) together, then consult the STR Table to determine how much STR is required to lift that much. That’s their “group STR” against which the victim must struggle to escape.


If the victim only wants to free the two limbs Grabbed by one person, he has to make his STR Roll versus that person’s STR, but if he succeeds he only frees those limbs.

Awesome, thx all.


Must spread rep...blah.

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