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Water-based transformation


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Does anyone have any ideas on how to build a power/powers that allow a character to transform part/all of their body into water?


Specifics include:

Immunity or near immunity to physical damage

Retain humanoid shape unless the character desires otherwise

Able to pass through small areas (but obviously not pass through solids)

Anything else that makes logical sense

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Re: Water-based transformation


Desolidification, Cannot pass through solid objects


Note that this is very expensive, if you want to be able to attack at the same time. You might want to put it in a multipower with other things.


You can also simulate the damage resistance with Damage Reduction, but that's also pricey (and a bad value, if you ask me). Of course, you can also just use high levels of DEF, and give it a small limitation to account for the fact that the attacks pass through, so the character can't, say, block an attack against another.

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Re: Water-based transformation


Does anyone have any ideas on how to build a power/powers that allow a character to transform part/all of their body into water?


Specifics include:

Immunity or near immunity to physical damage

Retain humanoid shape unless the character desires otherwise

Able to pass through small areas (but obviously not pass through solids)

Anything else that makes logical sense


This is basically the stretching archtype with a different sfx.


Take a look my version of the DCU's Plastic Man for examples of most if not all of what you mentioned.


The body of water sfx also suggests a 'drowning' attack which is best accomplished with a NND attack.

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Re: Water-based transformation


For the basic form, Multipower with Desolid, can't pass through walls and for attack-enabled mode, a slot with 50 or 75% rPD Damage Reduction to represent being semi-solid. Saves on "Affects Real World" costs on STR or attack powers.


Some NND attacks as suggested above may be handy. Extra Running to simulate flowing quickly for movement. Stretching, to reach out and touch someone.

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Re: Water-based transformation


*Physical Damage Reduction, Resistant, 50% (30 pts)


*Energy Damage Reduction, Resistant, 25% (20 pts)


*De-Solidification (Affected by Water, Fire, and Cold attacks) (40 active);

Cannot Pass Through Solid Objects (-1/2) (Total Cost: 27 points)


*Stretching 8" (Total Costs 40 pts)


*Environmental Movement:No Penalties in Water (3 pts)


*Life Support: Expanded Breathing (Breathe Underwater) (5 pts)


*Life Support: Safe in Intense Cold and High Pressure (3 pts)


*"Water Jet" 8d6 Energy Blast (40 pts)


*"Extinguish" Dispel 12d6, Any Fire Power or Effect, One at a Time (+1/4); (45 pts)


*Growth (+45 STR, +9 Body, +9 Stun, -9" KB, 50,000 (110,000 lbs) -6 DCV, +6 to PER Rolls to Perceive Character, 16m tall (52 feet) 8m wide (45 Active Points); Requires Large Body of Water (-1) (Total Cost: 22pts)


*Swimming +30" (30 pts)

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Re: Water-based transformation


The character should have reduced damage from electrical attacks' date=' [u']if in contact with a grounded conductor.[/u] with increased damage if not.


Thinking some more, I wonder if this should be the other way around?


What do you folks think?

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Guest steamteck

Re: Water-based transformation


Probably it should be the other way around but... I don't think electricity does much damage to water at all.

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