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Partial Growth

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Let's say I have a character who is 5 feet tall and wanna make them 6 feet tall with a simple enchanted item. If I wasn't interested in any of the extra bonuses given by Growth, couldn't I just take Growth for like 3 or 4 points to achieve this? Or is there another way to do this? My ultimate goal is to make an item that turns the character into an ideal version of herself.... better looking, a little taller, a little more charismatic.

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Re: Partial Growth


Hero is a special effect driven game. What you haves described is purely cosmetic according to hero rules. You can be anywhere between 4 and 9 feet tall without growth or shrinking. To grow a foot, in Hero terms, is purley cosmetic.


If you say growing a foot makes you:


-more visually striking (extra pre),

-more pleasing on the eye (extra com)

-but it only works through the amulet (focus)

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Re: Partial Growth


It could also be done as limited Shapechange


Or even as a single level of Growth, heavily Limited to cut out the aspects you don't need.


The question I have is, what benefit, if any, do you see the owner of the item having?


Lucius Alexander


The palindromedary has four feet and doesn't want to grow another

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Re: Partial Growth


If anyone who met the character in either shorter or taller version would recognise them as the same character, then the only difference, presumably, between the shorter and taller version is increased characteristics.


You could make being taller a special effect of the increased characteristics (PRE, COM, maybe STR even).


If, however, they are not likely to be recognised as the same person, you could build it as a shapeshift, image or even an acting or disguise superskill.

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Re: Partial Growth


The question I have is, what benefit, if any, do you see the owner of the item having?


Roleplaying reasons mostly. The character who will own this artifact is going to be a scrawny, nerdy kid. The idea is, when he decides to use this item, he'll transform into this "better" version of himself while he's using it.


I've been asking questions about this same item in another thread, but for different purposes, if you'd like to check it out.


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Re: Partial Growth


changing appearance in this case is merely a Special Effect of turning on ones Powers (activating the artifact).


Two examples:


He-Man, goes through his transformation sequence, changes appearances, *poof*


Captain Marvel - says Shazam and transforms from Billy Batson to CM.


Neither of them purchase an ability to change, they just do.

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