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Adventure Ideas For The Late 80s And The Berlin Wall


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Warning to my gaming group, stay away from this thread, there could be spoilers here…


Recently, I started a Teen Champions campaign, and I have decided to take a different twist. The campaign takes place in the late 80s. Yup, I decided to go retro 80s and revamp my superhero universe. I mostly use the Champions Universe, however the time line is a little different since many of characters for Champions were made or remade for the present era. Anyhow, I’ve been thinking of my old high school days in the late 80s and early 90s and I remember a few events that happened worldwide; I was thinking some of these events could be cool to throw into adventures. The first big event I thought of was ‘The Fall of the Berlin Wall!’ This day is forever burned into my brain because I was at a Shakey’s eating pizza with a bunch of friends and it was on the news all night playing on the big TV. However, I’m not so sure how accurate I remember the events; to me, being 14 years old, the how event looked like a rock concert with a lot of vandalism. I imagine Scorpions and Pink Floyd playing in the background. Being that many of us that play Champions are from the Ol School, I was thinking maybe you guys could help me brainstorm adventure ideas; the who, why, and what of the Berlin Wall Adventure. Any ideas?

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Re: Adventure Ideas For The Late 80s And The Berlin Wall


Oh my, oh no, my memory of the fall of the Berlin Wall has meshed into the 1990 concert! :ugly: Oh the memories… Those were the days… :help:Nevertheless, what I’m looking for is a reason for my PCs to be in Berlin during that monumental day. In addition, what sort of villainy would be amok? Yeah, pun intended...;)

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Re: Adventure Ideas For The Late 80s And The Berlin Wall


Well, there's always the obvious villainy: East German/Stasi supers, seeing the writing on the wall (and the warrants being filed) pulling off some sort of big hit under the cover of the chaos, either to just get the heck out of dodge or to fund their coming "unwilling retirement" to South America.

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Re: Adventure Ideas For The Late 80s And The Berlin Wall


You could do a school field trip. Then some Soviet Super villains take a bunch of the students hostage. How can the super teens slip away and change costumes without being found out?

field trip would work otherwise the teen champions pardon the pun would either be in school or preocupied with their activities in their areas of operation

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Re: Adventure Ideas For The Late 80s And The Berlin Wall


Not so much for your Berlin Wall issue, but for general events in the 80s. Also this one.


Quick list:



Reagan's election and later shooting

Soviet War in Afghanistan

Berlin Wall

Benazir Bhutto - Pakistan President

Exxon Valdeez

Tienanmen Square and the general youth rebellion

Mt St. Helen (This is a great storyline, IMO)

The Iran hostage Crisis (also not a bad one)


Space Shuttle Challenger (Also a good one)

Indira Gandhi is assassinated (Good one)



The Hitler Diaries

A couple different Bombings on US embassies.

Gorbachev takes power

Human Genome project

Chernobyl (great one)

Haley's Comet

Black Monday (October 19, 1987) - Interesting but I can't think of any game tie in

Pan Am Flight 103

Iran Contra

Iraq - Iran War

Pol Pot - Cambodia

John Lennon shot

Space Shuttle Columbia

Anwar Sadat is assassinated - Egypt

Kashmir. India - Pakistan


La Rose

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Re: Adventure Ideas For The Late 80s And The Berlin Wall


Hmmm... how about:


The new student at school was a former East Berliner whose mother escaped with him to the West. Now he needs the teen heroes' help to rescue his father, an important East German scientist, before the powers-that-soon-won't-be use him in some nefarious plot that takes advantage of the chaos as the Wall crumbles. Ideas of the plot could be: stealing a tac nuke or some chemical or biological weapons to sell to the highest bidder; sneaking out an injured alien that crashed in East Germany; or spiriting away a SuperSoldier formula that the East Germans just perfected and someone wants to use to create his own personal army.


Alternately, the kid's dad could be a spy, with lots of information that one side wants to use and the other side wishes to suppress, and the kid's dad just wants to get out with his head intact.

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Re: Adventure Ideas For The Late 80s And The Berlin Wall


Hmm, I worked all night in our unit armory, handing out weapons to the other MPs who were working all night guarding stuff that wasn't in much real danger.


I'd suppose the biggest problem would have been someone using the commotion as cover for some bigger plot. Like maybe a supernatural organization sneaking from one side to the other to steal some mystical Nazi artifact from a museum or the like.

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Re: Adventure Ideas For The Late 80s And The Berlin Wall


There are lots of good ideas and great links here. I believe I am forming a vision for this campaign. Thank yourockon.gif


Best of Luck and hope the game goes well.


Although I probably wouldn't do an 80's game, it does have a lot of good storyline events.


La Rose

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Re: Adventure Ideas For The Late 80s And The Berlin Wall


Hmmm... how about:


The new student at school was a former East Berliner whose mother escaped with him to the West. Now he needs the teen heroes' help to rescue his father, an important East German scientist, before the powers-that-soon-won't-be use him in some nefarious plot that takes advantage of the chaos as the Wall crumbles. Ideas of the plot could be: stealing a tac nuke or some chemical or biological weapons to sell to the highest bidder; sneaking out an injured alien that crashed in East Germany; or spiriting away a SuperSoldier formula that the East Germans just perfected and someone wants to use to create his own personal army.


Alternately, the kid's dad could be a spy, with lots of information that one side wants to use and the other side wishes to suppress, and the kid's dad just wants to get out with his head intact.


The Border had been officially opened a couple of weeks before that. It is relative unlikely that somebody could have moved to the states fast enough to learn english and been intducted (sp?) into High School live deep enough to get a bunch of Teen´s to help him. Of course there is always the possibility that his/hers part of the family had fled the DDR, but why go to the USof A if the BRD is way closer?

Sorry pretty unrealistic, even for comics.

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