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Storn Sci-Fi Character Art Thread


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This seems to work well for death tribble in the Champions forums, so I'm going to give it a go here.


I'm commissioning some art from Storn for a sci-fi character. Why should superheroes get all the love? I run and play in sci-fi campaigns, and it can be damn hard to find good character art for those. Most of the stuff people post online is either extremely specific as to setting (like the Star Wars art featuring jedi with light sabers) or not fully in the sci-fi genre (like steampunk art). While these are great for people playing those campaigns, I like my sci-fi a bit harder.


So, I figured I would start a contest for it. Some ground rules are in order:


  1. I have final approval on anything to be drawn. And Storn has to be willing to draw it. As death tribble puts it, "part of the idea is to challenge the artist with something he hasn't done before or not done in a while."
  2. The picture has to be for Star Hero or otherwise sci-fi. A science-based superhero could qualify, but will probably not be favored as I'm looking for something I haven't seen yet.
  3. Novelty value trumps standards. Let's go for something new and different as opposed to the infinite retreads.
  4. Humanoid animals are quite common online. I know you think your character is unique, and he/she may very well be, but you're starting way at the back of the pack.
  5. Try to go for useful and reasonable characters; I like slightly harder sci-fi than is usually popular, like BSG and B5 rather than SW. I mean, really, SW is just a fantasy story of knights and dragons with a thin veneer of sci-fi.
  6. Storn will certainly have restrictions of his own. It's going to have his name on it, and I don't know about anybody else, but I'd rather not have my name on something I'm embarassed by.
  7. No Intellectual Property. Period.

The contest starts now and will go for, I don't know, three weeks? And then we'll have one week for voting.


I'll close with another quote from death tribble, as it's very appropriate here: "if you don't like this approach you could always ask Storn yourself."

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Re: Storn Sci-Fi Character Art Thread


I may have come off too harsh in my initial post.


By all means, submit characters from TE! All sci-fi characters should be submitted -- you have to be in it to win it!


However, "space wizards" and "star knights" (item 2), "cat-human rogues" (item 4), and "space marine with massive phallic symbol" (item 3) will be handicapped by being overdone.

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Re: Storn Sci-Fi Character Art Thread


My suggestion would be an Orbital Assault Trooper in mid-deployment. Sort of like the Mobile Infantry from Starship Troopers (the book) or Battle Dress out of Traveller. Here's what I propose..


Low angle shot. Trooper in an articulated armored suit with retro rockets flaring a primary charge mounted at the lower back and attitude adjusters on the boots or calves. Maybe a drag-chute ready to deploy at around 5 km from dirtside. Trooper is carrying a big assault energy weapon (like the classic old FGMP from Traveller). A re-entry shield is deployed beneath, and flares with re-entry plasma.


Have Storn play "Radar Rider" on loop while he draws.

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Re: Storn Sci-Fi Character Art Thread


Maybe I missed it' date=' but how much info is needed? Do we need full character write-ups, or just a basic description?[/quote']Post what you like. Try to give enough information for people to make up their minds; I'll note that in death tribble's threads, people post whole writeups, but it doesn't necessarily have to be so if the description's thorough enough. There'll be a poll.
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Re: Storn Sci-Fi Character Art Thread


My suggestion would be an Orbital Assault Trooper in mid-deployment. Sort of like the Mobile Infantry from Starship Troopers (the book) or Battle Dress out of Traveller. Here's what I propose..


Low angle shot. Trooper in an articulated armored suit with retro rockets flaring a primary charge mounted at the lower back and attitude adjusters on the boots or calves. Maybe a drag-chute ready to deploy at around 5 km from dirtside. Trooper is carrying a big assault energy weapon (like the classic old FGMP from Traveller). A re-entry shield is deployed beneath, and flares with re-entry plasma.


Have Storn play "Radar Rider" on loop while he draws.

Let's go into detail on your vision.


Articulated armor with retro-rockets -- are we talking big honkin' chemical thrusters, or something higher-tech like fusion rockets or grav boosters?


Assault weapon -- clean design with an eye toward simplicity, or a complicated multi-purpose assault weapon like the M-41 Smart Gun from Aliens?


Re-entry shield -- something like this?


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Re: Storn Sci-Fi Character Art Thread


I have in mind a Subcontinental Indian Staff Sergeant from the Federation Marine Commandos, an organization that's been knocking around in my head for a while now. He's a fireplug of a guy, only five and a half feet tall, but almost one hundred seventy pounds. His uniform is green and brown, essentially a smarter version of BDUs, with black calf-high boots and a dark green beret, like the one currently worn by the Royal Marines, all of which are immaculate. He is dark-skinned, round-faced, of swarthy features and with an impressive moustache. His whole demeanour projects authority and his gaze is fierce enough to make even experienced Marines quail before him, not to mention wet-behind-the-ears recruits.


His name (if needed) is Staff Sergeant T C Badrinaryan.

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Re: Storn Sci-Fi Character Art Thread


Okay, here's what I'm thinking of for a Space Wizards character illo:


William Baker III, a military veteran who lost both arms during a war and became a cyborg... and later, though no fault of his own, became a vampire. He still wears a mixture of military and civilian garb (the former looks somewhat like the double-breasted Star Trek movie uniforms), though with the sleeves torn off to reveal his metallic arms, and enchanted Cloak of Shielding. He carries a laser carbine, and keeps a comm device and several hand-held sensors on his belt. As a backup weapon he has a Katana of Freezing -- he knows Kenjutsu as well as the Commando Training from his military days.

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Re: Storn Sci-Fi Character Art Thread


OK here is my entry.


A UTC Operative from my upcoming campaign, though the concept isn't campaign specific. A female Computer and Cybernetics specialist and Military Intelligence operative, image would be her watching around a corner while plugged into a computer terminal via a cord connected to her wrist. In the background, around said corner or around/above the terminal she is ducked behind, you would see two startled guards in front of an opening airlock door. She would be clad in lightweight body armor, and holding at the ready a small high-tech rifle (not a blaster, think Pulse Rifle :D - it would have a special sight that links to her cybernetic eye through implants on her palm, not sure if there would be any way to make this obvious in the drawing.) She would have a not-quite-obvious cybernetic eye and some assorted gadgetry on her outfit. Computer screen should give some evidence of her directing the airlock door to open. Armor should have a full helmet with a visor and breathing apparatus, but she should have that visor up. Airlock is not opening to vacuum, she is just opening the door for the waiting party of boarders :D


Difficulty: No revealing clothing, yet should still be attractive / sexy.

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Re: Storn Sci-Fi Character Art Thread


Let's go into detail on your vision.


Articulated armor with retro-rockets -- are we talking big honkin' chemical thrusters, or something higher-tech like fusion rockets or grav boosters?


Assault weapon -- clean design with an eye toward simplicity, or a complicated multi-purpose assault weapon like the M-41 Smart Gun from Aliens?


Re-entry shield -- something like this?


Make the thrusters compact, especially the boot thrusters. The armor itself should be more military looking than "Spaceman".


Assault weapon, More on the complicated side Big and intimidating with a testosterone-inspired barrel. It's a heavy energy weapon so mount heavy armored cables and a cooling jacket.


Re-entry shield. Make it like a disc, and transparent. The plasma can flare off it like a halo, and from the low-angle could be used to frame the character.

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  • 2 years later...

Re: Storn Sci-Fi Character Art Thread


Let's go into detail on your vision.


Articulated armor with retro-rockets -- are we talking big honkin' chemical thrusters, or something higher-tech like fusion rockets or grav boosters?


Assault weapon -- clean design with an eye toward simplicity, or a complicated multi-purpose assault weapon like the M-41 Smart Gun from Aliens?


Re-entry shield -- something like this?



OK. Why does this guy feel that he has to have his pistol in hand during this procedure? What could possibly threaten him while he entering a planetary atmosphere that could possibly be taken out with pistol ammo? I'm just saying.

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Re: Storn Sci-Fi Character Art Thread


OK. Why does this guy feel that he has to have his pistol in hand during this procedure? What could possibly threaten him while he entering a planetary atmosphere that could possibly be taken out with pistol ammo? I'm just saying.


Well you see he's an American and he just feels safer that way.

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Re: Storn Sci-Fi Character Art Thread


I'd love to have one of the characters from Terracide illustrated by Storn. But which one? Visually, here are some of the most interesting: I still need to narrow it down.


Sorcha: genetically modified scientist who left the idyllic life of a dyson-tree habitat to search for immortality among aliens.





Alena: corsair Captain who became a privateer in the service of Terran Galactic Operations during the Kruger 60 invasion of 2312.





Cassiopeia: bounty hunter raised among aliens who returned to Terran space and became a legend. Her story in my blog.




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Re: Storn Sci-Fi Character Art Thread


I have in mind a Subcontinental Indian Staff Sergeant from the Federation Marine Commandos, an organization that's been knocking around in my head for a while now. He's a fireplug of a guy, only five and a half feet tall, but almost one hundred seventy pounds. His uniform is green and brown, essentially a smarter version of BDUs, with black calf-high boots and a dark green beret, like the one currently worn by the Royal Marines, all of which are immaculate. He is dark-skinned, round-faced, of swarthy features and with an impressive moustache. His whole demeanour projects authority and his gaze is fierce enough to make even experienced Marines quail before him, not to mention wet-behind-the-ears recruits.


His name (if needed) is Staff Sergeant T C Badrinaryan.



I'm surprised that, with that background, you didn't make the character a

Gurkha. Talk about the definition of baaada**...



Major Tom 2009 :eg:

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Re: Storn Sci-Fi Character Art Thread


How about:


Jai Devlyn

Think Errol Flynn as cybernetic space pirate. Vibro-sword in one hand, stylistic blaster/ray gun in the other ... with a "Jack Sparrow" panache slapped on for good measure. Always faces danger with a grin, and also has an angle no matter the situation.

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Re: Storn Sci-Fi Character Art Thread


How about:


Jai Devlyn

Think Errol Flynn as cybernetic space pirate. Vibro-sword in one hand, stylistic blaster/ray gun in the other ... with a "Jack Sparrow" panache slapped on for good measure. Always faces danger with a grin, and also has an angle no matter the situation.


Sounds a lot like the cover art from Lux Aeternum:



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Re: Storn Sci-Fi Character Art Thread


I'm surprised that, with that background, you didn't make the character a

Gurkha. Talk about the definition of baaada**...



Major Tom 2009 :eg:


Y'know - you're absolutely right. . . I have a Gurkha sniper in mind, but he's not a Star Hero character.


I was just trying for something a little different. I figured a Indian NCO hadn't been done before. I was riffing on Starship Troopers, a little.

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