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UFH: The Sixth Sun setting (Pulp Hero style)


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Re: UFH: The Sixth Sun setting (Pulp Hero style)


The Bright Boys: Various inventors, including an aged Nikola Tesla, who are responsible for many of the weird science inventions in 6th Sun, 1930. Albert Einstein is an honorary Bright Boy, although he has created no actual inventions, and has retreated from public life to become a sort of guru on the mountain top. Another Bright Boy outfit, the Wright Co., named for it's co-founders, Orville and Wilbur, is famous for it's use of Sky Hooks -- dirigibles with large cranes used to erect many of the larger buildings.


Walker Pilots: Artificial, steam driven machines, designed to do work in place of people, piloted by a small person who is its Pilot. The most well known pilots are the Iron Guard, ten foot tall armed metal guards who patrol the streets of Campaign City.


These are some pretty cool ideas. I'm reminded of the "Sons of Ether" from the old WOD by White Wolf. Come to think of it, weird science mages would fit in really well for a 1930s style Sixth Sun campaign.


"The fools! They laughed at me over my ideas for a steam-powered walking tank! They will pay!"

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Re: UFH: The Sixth Sun setting (Pulp Hero style)


I'd have fantasy humanoids be "lost races" who have been cut off from Terra for millenia (except perhaps a few stragglers who inspired legends), but the Sixth Sun caused the entrances to their hidden lands to become available for transit. (In fact, I'm planning to use something very much like this idea for a future campaign.) You still have to travel to remote places to reach those entrances, of course.


(That'd make a good self-contained adventure: A new entrance to...somewhere...has been found in the Rocky Mountains, and a small band of brave explorers must enter, find out what's in there, and with luck make an alliance that will strengthen America against the forces of the Hun.)


You could even use the Valdorian Age as a setting in this case. Put it inside a pocket universe of some sort with a gate inside the arctic.


It worked for the DC Universe's Warlord. :)

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Re: UFH: The Sixth Sun setting (Pulp Hero style)


This also allows the GM to moderate the amount of fantasy humanoids and critters to taste. Species she wants lots of come from a hidden land with a wide-open gate; Those that are gamebreakers or otherwise annoying have lands with narrow, heavily-guarded exits.

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Re: UFH: The Sixth Sun setting (Pulp Hero style)


"The fools! They laughed at me over my ideas for a steam-powered walking tank! They will pay!"


Steam men were actually one of the earlier ideas for steam machines, at least by the fanciful:




I just decided to make it a bit more pulpy. Also, Girl Genius has clanks, and my Iron Guard owe just a bit to Baron Wolfenbach's soldier clanks, though I added the human pilot. "Bright Boys" is just another term for Mad Boys. ;)

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Re: UFH: The Sixth Sun setting (Pulp Hero style)


If the Sixth Sun was born in 1901, that would ignite mass catastrophes across the globe. Perhaps fascism and Nazism came about in response to that instead of the First World War as people turned to strong leaders in a time of unrest and fear. Perhaps the War never happened.


While Shadowrun non-humans do have a certain appeal, maybe the setting works better to just have humans with magic. (Although I have a fondness for the image of a Chinese elf woman dressed in Dragon Lady attire). :D


These were some ideas I had for a Shadowrun game set in 1920s or 1930s. While there was no cyberware, I envioned the power level as being similar to Swords and Sorcery with mages generally having poorer attributes and combat abilities than their two fisted "warrior" companions.


1901- The Year of Chaos;

  • magic returns to the world in full force; the first sign is the Great Dragon Ryumo, rising out of Mount Fuji
  • Goblinization epidemic: millions of people undergo traumatic transformations (including Queen Victoria, if you believe the rumours about her death). Those that survive find that they have become orcs and trolls.
  • Mayan people use magic to regain momentum in the 53 year ongoing Caste War of Yucatan.
  • Boxer Rebellion takes a turn for the Chinese forces who are backed up by Chinese Wizards and Geomancers who find their power increasing. Magic helps drive out the round eye foreigners.
  • Phillipine Insurrection takes a new turns as Phillipino mystics are able to use their magic to counter the American occupiers' superior technology;
  • Faerie folk reveal themselves openly
  • Plans to reinter Lincoln's body in a memorial are upset when his remains disappear, some say for nefarious purposes.
  • Scotland Yard begins a fingerprint archive and a collection of criminals' fingernail clippings and hair samples as material links in rituals.
  • Red Cloud leads Sioux from his reservation and begins the Second War named after him.
  • Tehran destroyed by Aden, a dragon, after jihad is declared against metahumans.
  • By the end of the year, Members of Torchwood and the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn are consulted to form the Ministry of Magic in the UK. In the US, Congress and the Senate sanction the Freemasons to openly form the Department of Thaumaturgy.


  • Second Boer War ends. Sub-sharan colonization slows dramatically as African magic counters European expansion.
  • Panama remains under Columbain control as US troops remain focused on Second Red Cloud war.
  • Race riots become more frequent as orcs and trolls become targetted. The new breeds found their own communities.
  • Many babies conceived in the previous year are observed to have Elven and Dwarven features.


  • Newly elected Pope Piux X issues an edict against magic.
  • British invasion of Tibet fails as the Expeditionary Force discovers just how powerful the population's belief in the Dalai Lama is.
  • Central Australian landscape becomes chaotic as manastorms from the Dreamtime spills over into reality. Accessible areas are only on the coastal regions.


  • Baltimore Fire destroys 1500 buildings in 30 hours: believed to have been set by mages for sinister ritual
  • Japanese forces surprise Russian invaders with their strength in the Russo-Japanese war. Global community suspects that Japan may have some mystical secrets.


  • Westward expansion of North America is halted to a crawl by increasing powerful Native American tribes, who have accepted many outcast Orcs and Trolls seeking a new life for themselves. However, Utah seems immune to the wrath of the Native Americans, probably because of the populations' collective faith.
  • Albert Einstein submits several papers, including "The Special Theory of Relativity" and some theories corelating thaumaturgical events and subatomic ones.


  • Red Cloud's forces order all non-Native Americans out of the West. When the order is refused, he brings the power of the Great Ghost Dance down upon San Francisco which undergoes an Earthquake that measures 7.8 on the Richter scale.
  • Canada and the US sue for peace, agreeing to terms that has them cede the Western half of the continent back to the Native American nations. The Native American Nations (NAN) agree to a limited Canadian/American presence at certain outposts for trading purposes. Utah secedes from the US and keeps its borders as a standalone country.
  • Charles Curtis wins Nobel peace prize for his role in negotiating the Treaty of Denver.


  • The Tunguska Event occurs in Siberia: the most powerful mystical event for the next thirty years
  • Dorando Pietri is disqualified form the Olympics when it is discovered that his performance was enhanced with sorcery.


  • Japan annexes Korea, establishes a naval base in Hawaii


  • Magic is added as a category for the Nobel Prize
  • Aztlan (the new name for Mexico) secedes from the NAN.
  • Wuchang uprising leads to overthrow of Qing dynasty and the establishment of the Republic of China
  • Lofwyr, a dragon, appointed Kaiser of Germany.


  • Magic is deemed inadmissible in legal proceedings by the US Supreme Court following its misuse in the Titanic investigation.


  • The Seelie Court takes over Ireland and renames it Tir Nan Og


  • The Great War breaks out, with Germany, Austria-Hungary, Aztlan and Turkey (the Central Powers) fighting the Allies (The Russian Empire, France, British Commonwealth, Italy, the United States and the Empire of Japan). In North America, Aztec forces invade Texas, with the US retaking Texas, New Mexico, Southern California and Cuba.
  • MIT changes its name to MIT&M (Massacusets Institute of Technology and Magic) to reflect the importance of its Thaumaturgical research.


  • After Aztlan sues for a conditional peace, American troops were freed up and could be sent to Europe, shifting the balance of power overseas in the Allies' favour, and offsetting the loss of Russia, following their withdrawl from the War after the Russian Revolution.


  • A magical arms race ensues as Cops battle Organized Crime to control Prohibition.
  • Influenza outbreak devastates populations of many nations.



  • Beer hall putsch and metahuman riots break out in the failing, post Great War Weimar Republic


  • A powerful spell disrupts earth's electromagnetic field. Radios, compasses and other technologies go haywire. The next few years find the mystical groups of the world cooperating in an unprecendented global ritual that restores the field. The widespread use of magical communication during the next two years forms the basis for the Magenet, a permanent network of scrying spells, crystal balls and magic mirrors that standardized global communications. However, the spirit of cooperation quickly fades as the various groups try using the Magenet to gain info on their rivals and advance their own causes.

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Re: UFH: The Sixth Sun setting (Pulp Hero style)


These were some ideas I had for a Shadowrun game set in 1920s or 1930s. While there was no cyberware' date=' I envioned the power level as being similar to Swords and Sorcery with mages generally having poorer attributes and combat abilities than their two fisted "warrior" companions.[/quote']


A very cool timeline. Repped.

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