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Superhero Legacy. Passing on a Name


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Re: Superhero Legacy. Passing on a Name


Zl'f: Zl'f is immortal, so she'll stop being a superheroine when she decides that it's time to do something else or when she no longer feels effective. A 20 year break to "recharge the batteries" might be nice - she'd like to raise horses. She's not particularly tough in terms of raw power; but she could be a crimefighter almost indefinitely. She's nowhere near ready to quit being a superheroine - it's something she thoroughly enjoys - but she's smart enough to know that's she'll need a break someday and right now is intrigued by the idea of advanced training at Shangri-La, which she's been invited to undergo by the masters in the legendary hidden city in the Himalayas her team MidGuard saved in 2008. Her power would be considerably augmented by such training, but the fact such training would take about 50 years will probably delay such a move until her friends and family have passed away.


She'd probably take her time out, then just pick up where she left off however many years or decades it may be.

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Re: Superhero Legacy. Passing on a Name


Though it was never my intent as a creator (or the character's either for that matter)...


Dr. Sebastian Castle AKA: BASTION would bequeath his title and the incredible *Chromo-Dial to...


Jacob Carr; Dr. Castle's devotee and apprentice. Through good and bad times he has remained Dr. Castle's biggest supporter, convinced that his mentor may have the greatest scientific mind in existence.


Of all his friends Sebastian spends most of his time in and out of the lab with Jacob Carr. Jacob has become Dr. Castle’s confidant and close friend over the last two years of their association. No longer does Dr. Castle have to mumble to himself while working out the complex computations of his work. Now, Sebastian is accompanied by a trusted student and friend through even the most extreme of circumstances.


Though Jacob could be considered Dr. Castles best friend his relationship with him is still developing.


*(Bastion's powers are derived from a complex mechanism of his own creation that manipulates subatomic chromodynamic forces. Utilizing the Chromo-Dial, a complex Chromo-Field projector worn around his waist, and field amplifiers constructed as bracers Bastion is able to manipulate his size and mass from subatomic to gigantic.)

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Re: Superhero Legacy. Passing on a Name


Deuce would probably let the name die with him, unlike most of the training/gadgeteer types. He would consider himself incredibly lucky he's gotten that far, as there aren't many 90-year-olds in as good a shape as he would be in at that point. Especially ones who smoked, drank, been shot at, been beaten up, and chased skirts as much as he has, even if they did lose 40 years of memories in the process. Without Alzheimer's.


Deuce would not want any potential successors to face the same enemies as he did, just because of the name. Each new age should face its own challenges without any more problems from the past than is already bequeathed to it.


If, however, some young hero (he'd hope, with powers beyond his own seemingly merely-mortal ones) wants to take up the black gi and mask after his retirement, that's their business.


Deuce would support them as best he could, if they needed it, but he also realizes that casualties among heroes are very high, and so it's best not to become too emotionally attached...

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Re: Superhero Legacy. Passing on a Name


Remembering a NPC... or two, actually, and about to become three.


Same story, multiple campaigns, multiple character types.


The villian decides that he has enough money and wishes to retire. Using magic (techno device, something) to make him younger and then inheriting a fortune from his now deceased father (himself). He flips the switch (casts the spell, whichever) and makes himself younger... to much so. Instead of halving his age to 36, he's made his age 9... and the plan starts coming apart. He can't inherit, he's underage and obviously NOT the 30+ year old mentioned in the will. So, he quickly sets up to be his own grandson (he still has his gadgets/spellbook) so he could still inherit... eventually.


(I used this as a NPC in a teen champitons campaign twice. He's likely to show up a third time.)

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Re: Superhero Legacy. Passing on a Name


Badger-would choose to get killed rather than retire. ANyhow, with his half-alien physiology, he might not grow old quite that way. Possibly he could either fight some of the lesser villains. Or change his basic tactics. (since he is kind of projectile slinging MA, he'd probably go more for EBs from a distance rather than getting up close and personal). But, make no mistake he WANTS to go out getting killed in a battle, when it is time for him to die.


Frosty Bob- does not age. Practically immortal, no need to worry.

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Re: Superhero Legacy. Passing on a Name


Remembering a NPC... or two, actually, and about to become three.


Same story, multiple campaigns, multiple character types.


The villian decides that he has enough money and wishes to retire. Using magic (techno device, something) to make him younger and then inheriting a fortune from his now deceased father (himself). He flips the switch (casts the spell, whichever) and makes himself younger... to much so. Instead of halving his age to 36, he's made his age 9... and the plan starts coming apart. He can't inherit, he's underage and obviously NOT the 30+ year old mentioned in the will. So, he quickly sets up to be his own grandson (he still has his gadgets/spellbook) so he could still inherit... eventually.


(I used this as a NPC in a teen champitons campaign twice. He's likely to show up a third time.)

"I went through puberty TWICE for this?"

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Re: Superhero Legacy. Passing on a Name


Vitus ages. Indeed, gnolls have a significantly lower lifespan than humans ( but is Vitus irritated by this - of course not, Vitus has always been the very epitome of good humour and stoicism )


He selected a few apprentices whilst stuck in Nebraska, to try and ensure some aspect of Samurian lore survived in case anything happened to him, and to have some convenient henchmen to do any dirty work he was too busy to do himself. This was all well and good. But it probably should have been the ethics lessons he was giving them that really should alarm people.... :eg:

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Re: Superhero Legacy. Passing on a Name




Void: "If I need to have a legacy, I'm going to be bitterly disappointed that my cynicism was well founded." One of his major gigs is anti-mutant hysteria battling; he'd retire if it was just regular super crime, put his cash to better use.


Steele: Probably not so much a legacy she establishes, unless she finds somebody who can duplicate her metal-body powers. The most important element in a 'successor,' however, has to be the qualities that put her on top - an active love life and a willingness to have it fictionalized for paying audiences (hey, when you're a romance author and a super heroine....)


Outsider: Would pick his successor from young mages willing to fight the Qliphothic... or would rather take a dunk in hydrochloric acid than establish a legacy.

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Re: Superhero Legacy. Passing on a Name


Interestingly, I've been sharing with my fellow Haymaker! contributors the chapters (three so far, though I've written a full twelve) of a superhero graphic novel, Legacy. Several heroes pass therein on their legacies to others -- sometimes to their own children, sometimes to proteges, in one case to another hero's offspring, a couple to extradimensional counterparts... but I don't want to say who passes on and how, because some of the readers may read this thread and I don't want to spoil any surprises. :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Re: Superhero Legacy. Passing on a Name


Super-Pimp is 86 years old, but barring catastrophe should live well past the 2120s. He has been pretty promiscuous throughout his colored past. He may have a son or 2 out there with the same sort of mental powers. The problem is that they may take up his villainous legacy rather than his more recent convertion to a superhero for the past decade.


Either way, it will be a LONG time before Sassafras Jackson is ready and willing to give up the mantle of Super-Pimp and pass over the keys to the Pimp-Mobile.

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