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Unidentified Villains

Steve Long

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Hey folx! We could use your help with a little project.


Cryptic's asked us for a list of villains mentioned in 5E Champions books that haven't been illustrated or significantly described. Rather than rely solely on my own memory, I thought I'd ask y'all to post here with mentions of anyone who fits the bill.


To save you some time:


1. I have already compiled a list using the sidebars and text boxes in Stronghold, CKC, and VIPER. I've also trolled through the histories in CU and CU:NotW to dig out names of Silver Age villains and such.


2. Do not list villains from before 5E. We're only interested in villains who are actually mentioned in 5E Champions book.


Thanx for your help!

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Re: Unidentified Villains


From Champions Worldwide


Bestiaro [bestiary]--a Spanish mystic metamorph

Czarny Anielica [black Angel]-- Polish mystic

Widdershins Man --A DEMON morbane

Der Kaefer [The Beetle] --German (Bogenschuetze's rogue's gallery)

Der Fallensteller [The Trapper] --ditto

Orvos Spila [Dr. Speed] --former Hungarian Communist supervillain, retired, reformed(?)

Baobab --Plant manipulating Hutu supervillain; Rwanda/Burundi/Congo?

Serpentine --Ma'at's rogue gallery.

Harajagara [Green Python] --Indian Viper Nestleader.

Murugapp --Indian mystic, Rashindar's rogue gallery

Fandao Junzhu [The Overlord]-- Warlord wannabe, Tiger Squad's rogue gallery.

Taikei: villain, allegedly from Fifth Dimension, Charm Girl's rogue gallery

El Grifo Rojo [Red Griffin] --Chiquadoran flying brick

Los Aplastantores [The Crushers] --supervillains active in Latin America

Los Reyes de Crimen [The Kings of Crime] Mexican supervillain group

Escollera [breakwater] --Mexican aquatic brick, member of above

Tronida [Thunderclap] --Mexican wind/weather manipulator, member of above

Jigsaw --"disturbing" supervillain, multiform/metamorph? Member of above

La Cuchicheo [The Whisper] --Female mentalist, member of above

Os Depredatores [The Predators] --Brazilian supervillain team

Bruxo Negro [black Sorceror] --member of above

Caimo [Caiman] --alligator man, member of above

Avalanche --vibration projection/earthquake powers, member of above

Gritador [brawler] --grotesque brick, member of above

X --strange, possibily extradimensional being with intangibility/invisibility/teleportation, member of above

Hombre Inferno -- Mexican supervillain, member of Medico Demonico's rogue gallery

The Tzitzimine --Aztec-themed demon mob, Mahachuitl's rogue gallery

Cihuateteo --ditto

Superior --Medina-linked flying brick active in Europe, currently a mole in Dragon Branch

Gorbun [Hunchback] --matter transformer/bio-manipulator active in Russia despite his advanced age

Shturm [Onslaught] --energy projector/teleporter with Stalwart armour, active in Larisagrad, Russia

Reaktor --nuclear-fueled energy-projector powerhouse, Vulnapyezdka's rogue gallery

Musail --Forest Lord of the Xloptuny demon folk, Gyeroy Vedun's rogue gallery

Khafir Hadidi [iron Sentinel] --power-armour supervillain active in Awad

al-Musabbaq [Racer] --speedster, active in Awad

al-A'amlaq [Gigantic One] --growing brick, active in Awad

Sutekh and Epoch --Dragon Branch supervillains attached to Cairo nest, presumably detailed in Viper:Coils of the Serpent. If not, Sutekh is "rather like Anubis," but claims to have his powers from Set (as does Anubis....). Epoch is a temporal manipulator who has clashed with Captain Chronos.

Eshu --trickster god of the Yoruba. Ogun's rogue gallery

Bantu Mvave --South African gadgeteer and radical left wing (PANC) terrorist.

Kali --self explanatory. Rashindar's rogue's gallery.

Donar --self explanatory. Rivalry with Lightning Man.

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Re: Unidentified Villains


Here are some lists I remember seeing that didn't include write-ups. I hope they help.


From Villains, Vandals, and Vermin page 39 under "OTHER TIGER


Boxer (martial artist)

Daughter of the Moon (mentalist, energy projector)

Dragonfly (winged martial artist)

Earthquake Fist (vibratory powers)

Eight-Ways Lightning (martial artist, energy


Gossamer Storm (mystic)

Heart of the People (martial artist, patriot)

Immensely Strong One (brick)

Immortal Philosopher (martial artist, mystic)

Iron Horse (powered armor)

Lady of a Thousand Fires (energy projector)

Leafmaster (plant manipulator)

Mighty Hammer (brick, weaponmaster)

Peach Blossom Spirit (mystic)

Phantom Soldier (weaponmaster)

Phoenix (martial artist)

Revolutionary III (martial artist)

Shaolin Five (metamorph)

Shining Dawn (energy projector)

Soothing Touch (disease controller, healer)

Steel-Shattering Fist (martial artist)

Swarmlord (insect controller)


From Arcane Adversaries page 8 under "OTHER SCARLET MOON MEMBERS":

Doctor Herbert Rush

Ambassador Marcella Latour

Assistant Undersecretary Henrick Van Diericks

Clarissa Thorp


From Arcane Adversaries page 57 under "THE OPPOSITION":

The Fire-Bearer

Lords of the Jewled Spider

The Ravens of Dispersion

Thanoro Azoic

The Angel of Cold Shadow

The Mother of Dust

The Seventh Hand

The Ladies Around the Corner :eek:

The Duke of Suns

The Lunar Rose

The Voice of the Golden Imprecations

The Silver Executioner


From Arcane Adversaries page 59 under "The Ranks of the Sylvestris":


Fra Diavolo

Erictho McFarlane

Canidia Liefeld

Georgius Liefeld

Sagana Liefeld

Velledna McFarlane


From Arcane Adversaries page 74 under "The Ranks of the Vandaleurs":

The Alcedama

Claude and Roderick Van Thaler

Patricia Torrance

Jaque Yves "Crackerjack" Vandaleur

Julie Rainbow

Max Miracle


Theordore, Virginia, and Angus Burke

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Re: Unidentified Villains


Green Dragon is in Champions and Villains, Vandals and Vermin. He has worked out his issues with Seeker, though.


From Champions of the North


King Vultok --ruler of the Nard-uuk-ul [ice People], ruler of the Kingdom of Ice, a mystic lost land under an ice dome in the far north. Defunct. Princess Aureole rogues's gallery.

Dr. Scar --Evil Nazi plastic surgeon, active in Ottawa in WWII. Rex Sterling, Hound of Tomorrow rogues's gallery. (Mightygodking would call that quite an honour.)

Kigatilik--evil Inuit god, slayer of shamans (and superbeings). Defunct. Mighty Canadians rogues's gallery

La Cognee [The Axe] --Quebecois terrorist supervillian, active after the peak of the FLQ's terror campaign

Redstone --martial artist supervillain and VIPER Nestleader in British Columbia's Lower Mainland, based in Abbotsford, an hour's drive from Vancouver.

Dread MacKinnon --DEMON Morbane active near Toronto

Adam's Jury --Outrageous slander of Tory traditions....er, I mean 10 disembodied spirits who direct DEMON operations in Canada

Cyberlord --cybernetics genius. Dead. Justiciar rogues's gallery.

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Re: Unidentified Villains


Was the Green Dragon ever remade for 5e? I remember seeing the name, but all I have are 4e books with him in it.



Hai. He's in the Champions genre book, page 198.


Speaking of the Champions genre book, there are a bunch of illustrations in it depicting unnamed heroes and villains--


Page 21--A guy who looks like Thunderbird in a firefight with what could be either a large robot or a power-suit.


Page 26--Three guys in techy-looking suits standing in a ducted-fan vehicle firing various energy weapons at a target off-panel.


Page 31--Angry giant in prison garb yells at a judge while two bailiffs and the defense attorney try to restrain him.


Page 61--Guy in tights with a stylized icicle design freezing three police officers.


Page 92--Techy-looking guy with a force-field and a ray gun blasting the rifle of a guy in the foreground.


Page 111--Android with metallic skin holding something off-panel over his head; everyone looks scared of him.


Page 116--Pointy-headed alien in a space suit holds a device over a not-so-pointy-headed alien. The device shoots energy, and the second alien doesn't look so good.


Pages 156-157--Two guys shooting energy blasts at each other. One could be a hero, one could be a villain. Or maybe they just don't like each other.


Page161--Big guy with a do-rag bearing a skull image and knuckle-braces the size of cinder blocks punches a guy in Roman soldier garb through a wall. (Guy was made for a video game, IMO.)


Page 175--Sorceror-type with little skulls all over his outfit fires an energy beam at some schoolkids, who are protected by a heroine with a force-field.


Everyone else in the book is either an obvious hero-type, or already identified. Hope that helps.

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Re: Unidentified Villains


I haven't heard any sign of a character sheet for Dr. Yin Wu. Is there a reason for that (i.e. his own book) or have you just set him aside for better villains?


He and his Four Sons of the Dragon are featured in their own Hero Plus PDF e-book, The Dragon Mandarin, on sale in the Hero Games online store. I recommend it. :thumbup:


Here are possibly qualifying villains from The Mystic World, starting with the Netherworld and the Descending Hierarchy (pp. 25-27):


Mephistopheles, Emperor of Pride, presiding over the palace of Pandemonium (and further described on p. 63);

Baphomet, Emperor of Wrath, ruler of the Warzone;

Mulciber, the Netherworld's greatest smith, abiding in Mount Mulciber;

Lucifuge Rofocale, Lord of Avarice, storing his treasures in the Labyrinth of Greed;

Hela, queen of the Norse hell of Niflheim;

The Yama-Kings, who administer the numerous Chinese hells.


The description of Faerie includes the Dark Elf realm called the Onyx Kingdom (TMW p. 20). Its ruler, the Ectolian Prince, is mentioned in the origin of Vilsimbra of the Devil's Advocates (Arcane Adversaries p. 39).


TMW pp. 50-51 (sidebars) mention three additional "occult dynasties":

The Chunhu, Chinese therianthropes;

The Kayvanzadi, Middle Eastern alchemists, including the villain Solvent who works with radical Islamists;

The Magambo, malevolent Central African witches.


The great sorceror Archimago (TMW p. 54) might yet return from the dead. ;)


Among active gods mentioned on p. 63, the Greek goddess Hecate patronizes several modern cults, including the Circle of the Scarlet Moon; and Mara, Buddhism's supreme power of evil, prompts evil acts across south-east Asia.


P. 64 of TMW notes several hostile "dimension lords":

Balthus, master of darkness who feeds on fear;

Cassai, master artifact-craftsman who steals magic energy from other dimensions;

Fuzon, Prince of Fire who rules the Burning Sky, sometimes attempts large-scale fiery destruction.


Skarn the Shaper has a cadre of elite minions briefly described on TMW p. 103, including Commander Klek-T-Kak, Exalted Delth/Clavarn, General Kirth, Herald Gand, Major-Domo Frask, and Spymistress Tharlis.


Pp. 143-144 (sidebar) describes several cults of the Dragon besides the Red Banner, including The Bone Children, Ouroboros, The Sons of Kingu, and Vritrasangha.



There are also a couple of "cosmic" entities of villainous attitude mentioned in Galactic Champions p. 122 who might be operating in the present day: the war-mongering Galaxar called The Warlord (that name might be problematic) ;) ; and the nihilistic "conceptual space god" known as Lord Entropy.

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Re: Unidentified Villains


First, please let's not worry about illustrations that aren't identified. I'm only interested in named villains that haven't been illustrated or described.


Second, a question:


I haven't heard any sign of a character sheet for Dr. Yin Wu.


You just haven't looked in the right place. ;) He's detailed in one of our Hero Plus Adventures PDF products. When we get around to doing a book on the Martial World of the CU, he'll appear in that.



Thanx for all the help folx! I'll be sending my list in to Cryptic later today.

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Re: Unidentified Villains


First' date=' please let's not worry about illustrations that aren't identified. I'm only interested in named villains that haven't been illustrated or described.[/quote']


Well, I tried. :(


and (Green Dragon's) rivalry was retconned to be with shugoshin


Hmm. A martial artist with an ego the size of the Great Wall versus another martial artist with a pair of razor-sharp swords that can cut through ghosts.


Can anyone say--Mismatch?

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