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Iraq Probe Eyes U.S. Military Officers

Source: United Press International

Publication date: 2009-02-14


A federal probe of reconstruction contracting in Iraq has expanded to

include activities of senior U.S. military officers, The New York Times


Citing court documents and interviews with senior government officials,

the newspaper said Saturday the investigation is looking into the

activities of Col. Anthony B. Bell, a retired U.S. Army officer who

oversaw reconstruction contracting in Iraq in 2003 and 2004.


The investigation is also focusing on Air Force Lt. Col. Ronald W.

Hirtle, who served as a senior contracting officer in Baghdad in 2004,

the Times said.


Both men said they had nothing to hide, the newspaper reported, but

officials said criminal cases indicate corruption was rife in the

operations the two helped oversee.


Investigators are reviewing information provided by American arms dealer

and contractor Dale C. Stoffel, who was shot and killed in Iraq in 2004

after describing large amounts of cash being delivered secretly in pizza

boxes to U.S. contracting offices in Baghdad, and paper bags full of

money being left in "dead drops" in Green Zone.


Stoffel had been granted limited immunity from prosecution in return for

the information, government documents obtained by the Times indicated.

The newspaper said Stoffel's attorney, John H. Quinn Jr., confirmed the

arrangement and said there is no evidence Stoffel's death was related to

the alleged corruption in Iraq.

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