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Jason Voorhees

Doc Samson

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In honor of the re-lauch of Friday the 13th, I present a write-up of Jason Voorhees (I wanted to see "Taken" but I lost the vote :D).


I didn't think he was going to take so many points to write-up but when I neared 350 pts., I rounded a few things off to land right on it. Despite the high point total, I would consider this to be an early version of the character, before he exhibited overt superhuman strength and immortality. Going by the "Characteristics Comparison" chart, I kept all of his characteristics within human ranges. If you were to run him as a villain (this write-up has him about as powerful as a standard super), I would play his Regeneration as "Hard to kill" as opposed to "Comes back from the dead".


The Naked Advantage was built to simulate how he can strike a killing blow through a wall, a floor, ect. The Indirect is especially useful against hidden opponents. The HKA is purposefully high as he should be able to to kill a norm in one shot.


If Micheal Myers is more your flavor, just change the Machete to a Butcher Knife and the Hockey Mask to a William Shatner Mask and you are set :thumbup:.


***Please note a spolier warning is in effect for the Background section.***


Jason Voorhees


Val Char Cost

30 STR 20

14 DEX 12

30 CON 40

30 BODY 40

8 INT -2

8 EGO -4

20 PRE 10

1 COM -4


15 PD 9

15 ED 9

4 SPD 16

13 REC 2

60 END 0

60 STUN 0


9" RUN 6

0" SWIM -2

4" LEAP -2

Characteristics Cost: 150


Cost Power END

20 Doesn't Feel Pain: Physical Damage Reduction, Resistant, 50% (30 Active Points); STUN Only (-1/2) 0

20 Doesn't Feel Pain: Energy Damage Reduction, Resistant, 50% (30 Active Points); STUN Only (-1/2) 0


1 Hockey Mask: Armor (2 PD/2 ED) (6 Active Points); Activation Roll 8- (-2), OAF (-1)


9 He Will Find You: +3 PER with all Sense Groups 0


22 Won't Stay Down: Healing 1 BODY, Resurrection, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Persistent (+1/2) (60 Active Points); Extra Time (Regeneration-Only) 1 Turn (Post-Segment 12) (-1 1/4), Self Only (-1/2) 0


20 Machete + Improvised Weapons: Killing Attack - Hand-To-Hand 2d6 (4d6 w/STR) (30 Active Points); OIF ("Objects of Opportunity", always starts with a Machete; -1/2) 3


1 Undrownable: Life Support (Extended Breathing: 1 END per Turn) 0


22 You Can Run But You Can't Hide: Variable Advantage (+1/2 Advantages; Limited Group of Advantages (Armor Piercing, Indirect, Penetrating, or Reduced Endurance); +3/4) for up to 30 Active Points of STR or HKA (22 Active Points)

Powers Cost: 115


Cost Skill

7 Climbing 14-

32 +4 with All Combat

3 Concealment 11-

2 AK: Camp Crystal Lake and the surrounding area 11-

15 +3 with a group of similar Skills (INT)

7 Stealth 14-

2 Survival (Temperate/Subtropical Forests) 11-

3 Tracking 11-

4 WF: Common Melee Weapons, Common Missile Weapons

Skills Cost: 75


Cost Talent

3 Fearless: Resistance (3 points)

7 Is he really dead?: Simulate Death (+4 to roll)

Talents Cost: 10


Total Character Cost: 350


Val Disadvantages

15 Distinctive Features: Hideously Deformed (Easily Concealed; Extreme Reaction; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses)

35 Enraged: (Berserk) Teenagers having sex, drinking or taking drugs, or saying "I'll be right back","Hello?" or "Who's there?" (Uncommon), go 14-, recover 8-

10 Money: Destitute

5 Physical Limitation: Mentally Impaired (Infrequently, Slightly Impairing)

15 Physical Limitation: Can't Swim (Infrequently, Fully Impairing)

20 Physical Limitation: Mute (All the Time, Greatly Impairing)

15 Psychological Limitation: Seeks to kill anyone he comes into contact with (Common, Strong)

10 Psychological Limitation: Enjoys scaring his victims by slowly stalking them or sneaking up on them (Common, Moderate)

10 Psychological Limitation: Confused by women who bare a resemblance to his mother (as determined by the GM) (Uncommon, Strong)

15 Reputation: Murderous Psychopath, 14- (Extreme; Known Only To A Small Group (limited geographic area))


Disadvantage Points: 150

Base Points: 200

Experience Required: 0

Total Experience Available: 0

Experience Unspent: 0



[snipped from Wikipedia Article: Friday the 13th (2009 film)]


On Friday, June 13, 1980, a young Jason Voorhees witnesses his mother get beheaded with a machete by a female camp counselor who was trying to escape Mrs. Voorhees's murderous rampage around Camp Crystal Lake. Mrs. Voorhees blamed the camp counselors for Jason's assumed death by drowning because the counselors weren't watching him enough, even though they were aware of his genetic deformities that made it difficult for him to swim. After the counselor leaves, Jason picks up the discarded machete and secretly vows to avenge his mother's death by killing anyone who comes near him or Crystal Lake again.


Approximately thirty-years later, a group of vacationing friends: Wade , Richie, Mike, Whitney, and Amanda arrive at Crystal Lake on a camping trip, and to find some weed that was planted in the woods. As Mike and Whitney explore the woods, surrounding Crystal Lake including the campgrounds where Jason was supposedly killed, Jason shows up and begins to kill the group one-by-one. Jason kills everyone with the exception of Whitney, who he decides to kidnap because of her resemblance to his mother at a young age.


Six weeks later, Trent, along with his girlfriend Jenna, and their friends Chewie, Chelsea, Nolan, Bree, and Lawrence arrive at Trent's summer cabin, which sits on Crystal Lake, unaware of the events that occurred a few weeks prior. Also in town is Clay, who has come to Crystal Lake searching for his sister, Whitney. Clay eventually makes his way to Trent's cabin, where Jenna agrees to help him look for his sister on the other side of the lake.


On the opposite side of the lake near the site where the group of teens killed six weeks earlier lies, Jason encounters Donnie, who found the stash of weed that the teens were hoping to finds. Jason kills Donnie in his attic, but not before Donnie rips off Jason's mask which was made from an old sack of flour to hide his ghastly and deformed face. Before Jason leaves the attic, he discovers an old (Detroit Red Wings) hockey mask, which he takes to replace his old mask and accepts his new identity.


As Clay and Jenna search for clues to Whitney's disappearance, Jason kills Cheslea and Nolan out on the lake. Clay and Jenna reach the old Crystal Lake campgrounds, where they witness Jason hauling a dead body into one of the abandoned camp houses. Clay and Jenna run back to warn the others about Jason, who arrives shortly after them and cuts the power to their cabin. After killing Chewie and Lawrence, who ventured outside the house, Jason sneaks inside the cabin and kills Bree. Trent, Clay and Jenna escape the house, but Trent is killed shortly after when he reaches the main road. Jason then chases Clay and Jenna back to the campgrounds, where Clay discovers Jason's lair and finds Whitney who's been chained up by Jason. Clay frees Whitney, and all three attempt to escape as Jason arrives. The trio find an exit, but Jenna is killed before she can get out.


Jason comes after Clay and Whitney, who use Jason's love and memory of his mother to distract him long enough to stab him in the chest with his own machete. The next day, Clay and Whitney dumps Jason's lifeless body into the lake, along with his hockey mask, but before he and Whitney can leave, Jason bursts through the lake dock and grabs Whitney.



[snipped from Wikipedia Article: Jason Voorhees]


In his original appearance, Jason was scripted as a mentally disabled young boy.[55] Since Friday the 13th, Jason Voorhees has been depicted as a non-verbal, indestructible, machete-wielding mass murderer.[84][85] With the exception of flashbacks of Jason drowning as a child, and a brief scene in Jason Goes To Hell where his spirit is possessing another body, the character has never spoken in any of the sequels to the original Friday the 13th. Online magazine Salon's Andrew O'Hehir describes Jason as a "silent, expressionless...blank slate."[86] When discussing Jason psychologically, Sean S. Cunningham stated, "...he doesn't have any personality. He's like a great white shark. You can't really defeat him. All you can hope for is to survive."[87] Since Friday the 13th Part VI: Jason Lives, Jason has been a "virtually indestructible" being. Tom McLoughlin, the film's director, felt it was silly that Jason had previously been just another guy in a mask, who would kill people left and right, but get "beaten up and knocked down by the heroine at the end." McLoughlin wanted Jason to be more of a "formidable, unstoppable monster."[24]


Many have given suggestions as Jason's motivation for killing. Ken Kirzinger refers to Jason as a "psychotic mama's boy gone horribly awry...Very resilient. You can't kill him, but he feels pain, just not like everyone else."[88] Kirzinger goes on to say to Jason is a "psycho-savant", and believes his actions are based on pleasing his mother, and not anything personal.[77] Andrew O'Hehir has stated, "Coursing hormones act, of course, as smelling salts to prudish Jason, that ever-vigilant enforcer of William Bennett-style values."[86] Todd Farmer, writer for Jason X, wrote the scene where Jason wakes from cryonic hibernation just as two of the teenagers are having sex. Farmer liked the idea that sex acts triggered Jason back to life.[76] Whatever his motivations, Kane Hodder believes there is a limit to what he will do. According to Hodder, Jason might violently murder any person he comes across, but when Jason Takes Manhattan called for Hodder to kick the lead character's dog, Hodder refused. When it comes to hurting a dog, Hodder believes Jason would not act with disregard.[89]


In an early draft of Freddy vs. Jason, it was decided that one of the villains needed a redeemable factor. Ronald D. Moore, co-writer of the first draft, explained that Jason was the easiest to make redeemable, because no one had ventured into the psychology surrounding the character prior. Moore saw the character as a "blank slate", and felt he was a character the audience could really root for.[90] Another draft, penned by Mark Protosevich, followed Moore's idea of Jason having a redeemable quality. In the draft, Jason protects a student named Rachel Daniels and her unborn child. Protosevich explained, "It gets into this whole idea of there being two kinds of monsters. Freddy is a figure of actual pure evil and Jason is more like a figure of vengeance who punishes people he feels don't deserve to live. Ultimately, the two of them clash and Jason becomes an honorable monster."[90] Writers Damian Shannon and Mark Swift, who wrote the final draft of the film, disagreed about making Jason a hero; although they drew comparisons between the fact that Freddy was a victimizer and Jason was a victim. They stated, "We did not want to make Jason any less scary. He's still a brutal killer... We never wanted to put them in a situation where Jason is a hero... They're both villains to be equally feared."[90] Brenna O'Brien, co-founder of Fridaythe13thfilms.com, saw the character as having sympathetic qualities. She stated, "[Jason] was a deformed child who almost drowned and then spent the rest of his childhood growing up alone in the woods. He saw his mother get murdered by a camp counselor in the first Friday the 13th, and so now he exacts his revenge on anyone who returns to Camp Crystal Lake. Teenage fans can identify with that sense of rejection and isolation, which you can't really get from other killers like Freddy Krueger and Michael Myers."[5]


California State University's Media Psychology Lab surveyed 1,166 people Americans aged from 16 to 91 on the psychological appeal of movie monsters. Many of the characteristics associated with Jason Voorhees were appealing to the participants. In the survey, Jason was considered to be an "unstoppable killing machine." Participants were impressed by the "cornicopic feats of slicing and dicing a seemingly endless number of adolescents and the occasional adult." Out of the ten monsters used in the survey—which included Vampires, Freddy Krueger, Frankenstein's monster, Michael Myers, Godzilla, Chucky, Hannibal Lecter, King Kong, and the Alien—Jason scored the highest in all the categories involving killing variables. Further characteristics that appealed to the participants included Jason's "immortality, his apparent enjoyment of killing [and] his superhuman strength."[91]






Slasher Film Monster



Psychopathic Killer



Hair Color: Bald

Eye Color: ?

Height: 1.95 m

Weight: 125.00 kg

Description: See Picture

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Re: Jason Voorhees


Looks pretty good to me. The 30 STR seems a little high, as Jason always struck me as more about the unkillable-ness than being all that much stronger than a normal person of his build. (I'd pare 5 off and use those points to buy another 10 END, and maybe shave a few points elsewhere to further enhance his END score. Dude never slows down.)


I really like the Variable Advantage on his attacks. Reminds me of when I was watching Feast and thought to myself "These monsters must have bought their HKAs with Armor Piercing, Only Usable When Target Is On The Other Side of a Door, Wall, Or Other Barrier."

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Re: Jason Voorhees


Looks pretty good to me. The 30 STR seems a little high, as Jason always struck me as more about the unkillable-ness than being all that much stronger than a normal person of his build. (I'd pare 5 off and use those points to buy another 10 END, and maybe shave a few points elsewhere to further enhance his END score. Dude never slows down.)


I really like the Variable Advantage on his attacks. Reminds me of when I was watching Feast and thought to myself "These monsters must have bought their HKAs with Armor Piercing, Only Usable When Target Is On The Other Side of a Door, Wall, Or Other Barrier."

He regularly crushes people with his bare hands. To include the cranium.


30 STR is about the minimum I'd go for this



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Re: Jason Voorhees


Looks pretty good to me. The 30 STR seems a little high, as Jason always struck me as more about the unkillable-ness than being all that much stronger than a normal person of his build. (I'd pare 5 off and use those points to buy another 10 END, and maybe shave a few points elsewhere to further enhance his END score. Dude never slows down.)


I really like the Variable Advantage on his attacks. Reminds me of when I was watching Feast and thought to myself "These monsters must have bought their HKAs with Armor Piercing, Only Usable When Target Is On The Other Side of a Door, Wall, Or Other Barrier."

Your right about the tireless aspect. I added Reduced Endurance to his list of Variable Advantages (you can list upto 4 for the limited version). This also works better because it means he isn't using AP on every attack and when he does use it to ram his machete through a wall, it will take a little more effort.

He regularly crushes people with his bare hands. To include the cranium.


30 STR is about the minimum I'd go for this



I agree here. For flavor purposes I didn't want to make him superhuman, but he did a few things in the movie that could be described as legendary STR. Thanks guys.

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Re: Jason Voorhees


Don't forget he's used to fighting incompetent normals' date=' zero pointers at the most - he's gonna look better on screen that he actually is.[/quote']

Exactly, he never seems to attack squad sized groups of people that are actually prepared for his attack.


He strikes against individuals and pairs, with no weapons higher than blades or clubs and they are never prepared for his assault. Kind of colors our perception of his abilities.


That being said, he's still an undead killing machine that would likely need company sized infantry units with anti-tank weapons to consistently take him down.



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Re: Jason Voorhees


While it is true he normally faces incompetent normals mostly, hasn't he taken out some military guys as well. Plus at least half of his victims are high school or college jocks, so maybe skilled normals. Still, this version of Jason seems to be that of a high-end cinematic version who would be a threat even to superheroes.

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Re: Jason Voorhees


Course some(not so serious) thoughts.


Need to add an INT drain on his victims (they do seem to do some really stupid things)




Some kind of unconcious mind control or something that randomly lures people to the area (I mean if like 100 people have disappeared from an area throughout the years, why the heck, do people keep going there? :D )

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Re: Jason Voorhees


How about:


He's Right Behind You!: Teleportation 10", Invisible Power Effects (Fully Invisible; +1) (40 Active Points); Requires A Stealth Roll (-1/2) (27 Real Points)

Need to add "must cross intervening space" of he'd be able to get into bank vaults that are locked, etc...



I really like this idea. Of course, with his huge Stealth and Running, he pretty much can already do it.

The machete looks very beefy too. I mean it's basically a shortsword you chop with not a claymore.

I don't disagree, it's pretty large. However, I almost increased it a little further due to the fact that he routinely kills people with a single blow (which would require about 16-20 BODY to do). With a slightly above average roll (avg =~14) he could do it. As it is, he could do it with an average Haymaker.

But have you seen what he does with it? You might as well add NND does Body since he's able to drive it through wood over an inch thick to make killing blows.



This should be covered by the Indirect Advantage. Barriers would offer no protection against his attacks while he is using it.

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Re: Jason Voorhees


I don't disagree, it's pretty large. However, I almost increased it a little further due to the fact that he routinely kills people with a single blow (which would require about 16-20 BODY to do).



It takes 8 body to body the average person in the dead or on the way there bracket in Hero. Only 26 stun to make them unconscious. 2-3d6 is going to achieve that admirably. Add in hit locations and and bleeding and most people will be functionally dead with one or two average blows from a machete.

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Re: Jason Voorhees


It takes 8 body to body the average person in the dead or on the way there bracket in Hero. Only 26 stun to make them unconscious. 2-3d6 is going to achieve that admirably. Add in hit locations and and bleeding and most people will be functionally dead with one or two average blows from a machete.

I believe you have to reduce a person by twice their original BODY (8-10 for an average person, for a total of negative 16-20) to kill then.

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Re: Jason Voorhees


I believe you have to reduce a person by twice their original BODY (8-10 for an average person' date=' for a total of negative 16-20) to kill then.[/quote']


Yes, but a person at negative body will bleed to death pretty quickly. Joe Average at -1 body will bleed to death in under 2 minutes without health care.


(Champions bleeding rules are pretty brutal. The falling rules are pretty gentle. Go figure.)

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Re: Jason Voorhees


Arrgghh! You are' date=' of course, correct. Forgot to add it.[/quote']


Except of course that Jason manages to places he shouldn't be able to get to as a matter of course. For example in the third movie when the final girl is trying to escape him, she opens the door and there Jason is despite previously being behind her with an ax in his head.

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