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teleporter attacking fliers


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Re: teleporter attacking fliers



As it turns out, as someone found, the rules explicitly give no DCV penalty while falling, so this would be a house rule. That makes me a bit less likely to do it, but I don't think that the rules have EXACTLY the right level of complexity, so that any tinkering is too much. I just wish I had some good ways to tinker to eliminate some existing complications.


I just got an answer from Steve in the rules forum:



Is there a DCV penalty for falling?


Hi Steve,


I couldn't find a clear answer for this within 5er or the FAQ.


Is a character who is falling or otherwise currently in uncontrolled movement considered to be prone during that movement (and at 1/2 DCV as a result)?




Steve replied:


From USP 222:


"A character in Uncontrolled movement is at -2 DCV, and -2 OCV as well (if he can even attack at all). For characters skidding along the ground, the -2 DCV is replaced by the ½ DCV penalty for being prone."


While that's mainly referring to things like skidding, you could certainly apply it to characters who are in long falls if you like.

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Re: teleporter attacking fliers


Aha! Vindication! Sort of!


Thanks for checking, H-M. It does seem to contradict what jwpacker quoted earlier - maybe that was just re: applying levels.


I think I'll only apply the penalties on the phase after the attack - I like the idea that it's controlled movement on the attack phase.


I'll drop the KB penalty, too. As often noted, there's myriad problems with KB overall.


Thanks for all the input.

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Re: teleporter attacking fliers


Now all he needs to rule on is whether a 'porter who has just 'ported is falling before or after they attack' date=' assuming a half phase move followed by an attack.[/quote']


You don't start falling until the end of the segment. So no, the teleporter gets one segment (and one attack) at full CV before he starts 'uncontrolled movement.'

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