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Magic of the Fey


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I'm looking for ideas for powers/spells for a character who is half fey/half human


Ideas I already have


A Multiform into some common animals (Maybe with combat abilities, but probably not)


A shapeshifting into other humans


Illuison casting


Telekinesis (Maybe, just so magical)




any other ideas?

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Re: Magic of the Fey


Oddly enough, Mole, one of my superheroes, got a gift in an adventure (and a dandy one it was too) from a lady of Faerie. The gift was one of "true sight" of sorts


5 Gift of the Fairy I: +10 PER with Normal Sight (10 Active Points); Only to see through illusions, images, disguises (-1) 0

6 Gift of the Fariy II: Mental Defense (15 points total) (13 Active Points); Only Works Against Mental Illusion/Illusion SFX (-1) 0

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Re: Magic of the Fey


Change Environment




Variable Power Pool (Faerie Magics)


The best resources I have found are HERO System Bestiary, Tuala Morn, GURPS Faerie, GURPS Castle Frankenstein, and soon Urban Fantasy Hero.


Weaknesses like Iron, True Faith, etc... are always good for Limitations or Disadvantages.



Changeling: The Dreaming





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Re: Magic of the Fey


Faerie Hero Resources





Tuala Morn



Hero System Bestiary



Asian Bestiary I



Asian Bestiary II



Kingdom of Champions



Champions in 3-D



Changeling: The Dreaming Hero - Thanks Susano





Changeling: The Dreaming



Changeling: The Lost



GURPS Faerie



GURPS Celtic Myth



GURPS Castle Falkenstein



GURPS Castle Falkenstein: The Ottoman Empire





Brath by CrossGen Comics



Roar TV series



Robin of Sherwood or Robin Hood TV series



The Mists of Avalon (TV miniseries)



Tristan & Isolde (film)



Arthur of the Britons






More later




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Re: Magic of the Fey


I'm looking for ideas for powers/spells for a character who is half fey/half human


Whose version/vision of the fey? The old Celtic? The Anglo-Saxon? Geoffrey of Monmouth and the other medieval "Arthurian Cycle" writers? Victorian "serious" fey? Victorian "flower fairy" fey? Post Victorian writers? And if the last, de Lint style, Lackey style, or Pratchett style? (if anyone thinks Pratchett writes only comic stuff, go read Lord and Ladies.)


Seriously, how poweful are the "fey" you mean, and how vicious/non-human?

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Re: Magic of the Fey


I'm looking for ideas for powers/spells for a character who is half fey/half human


Ideas I already have


A Multiform into some common animals (Maybe with combat abilities, but probably not)


A shapeshifting into other humans


Illuison casting


Telekinesis (Maybe, just so magical)




any other ideas?

I like all the above (especially Multiform into animals, Images, and Invisibility). Here is a few I think would go well with them:

Pixie Form: Winged Flight plus Shrinking

Plant Control: Entangle, Focus "Flora of Opportunity"

Animal Control: Summon, Focus "Fauna of Opportunity"

Pixie Dust: Mind Control (Sleep, Charm, Dance, ect.)

Create Light: Sight Flash

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Re: Magic of the Fey


Depends on whether the character in question is a superhero or not I suppose.


Transform is a fairly standard Fey ability.


Other possibilities are.


Curse. (Long term Drain).


Summon. (Lesser Fey such as Red Caps and Barghest).


Spell of Beauty. (Increased Comeliness and Presence).


Charm. (Mind Control).


Enchant. (Mental Entangle).

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Re: Magic of the Fey


The Fey Magic (spelled Majic) is truly the powers of Earth and Elementalism. This is where the the character should be working on and advancing. Since most Celtic Fey (seely) were simply and literally bonded to the earth they would have extreme power, but also disads that represent their taking damage by anything that will damage the Earth in anyway.


I would make:

EC (Elementalism)

- Bonded - Entangle

- No See Me - Invisibility

- Cannot Catch Me - DCV Levels; Costs END


There would be other abilities that would work in this EC. Remember that the seely were more of the sneaky type that did not get into direct combat but would instead trick others into doing the work for them.

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Re: Magic of the Fey


You might want to have a look Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream for what Puck and the other fairies can do.


A couple of the things I remember right off the bat:

Invisibility (Oberon even says, "I am invisible")

Shapeshifting (Puck says that he often takes the form of various animals)

Mimicry or Images (Puck uses different voices to confuse, frighten or surprise people)

Darkness (Puck creates a mist)

Mind Control (Oberon instructs Puck to use the juice of a certain flower as a love potion)

Running (Puck runs a tremendous distance in hardly any time at all to fetch the flower)

Transform (Bottom's head is transformed into that of an ass)

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