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Brink Of War


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Re: Brink Of War


For those reading the logs I play Chaz. He is a human raised from a young age by a goblin swordsmith from the lands of Chaddath. While human by birth he is a goblin warrior by training and temperament, and a swashbuckler at heart. Think of the old western classics where a young white boy is taken after an indian raid and raised by the Souix to become a great warrior, then returnes to his own people only to be shunned as they think he has turned indian. In Chaz's case he is truly proud of his adopted goblin heritage.


In this last session, it was great fun even though Chaz was slowly getting wittled to death by the waves of mook skeletons. It truly felt like an epic cinemetic battle. Due to the darkness, and the relentless forward march of the skeletons, I would cut down 2 or three only to find myslef surrounded by 4 or five more. With defense manuaver, two weapon fighting, rapid attack, and a goblin sword martial art based on real world Kenjustu, surrounded is right where I like to be in a battle, but a raking bony claw here, and a skeletal slash there, was soon taking it toll. By the time the battle ended I was seriously wounded and bleeding from multiple wounds. And a slight case of flash burn from a spell gone wrong :D


All in all, it was a really good fight, and some good roleplaying all around. I look forward to tracking down the dogs that kidnapped Evelyn and Jak. The mystery of why they are after the amulet, and how they keep finding us as we trek through the wilderness has Chaz intrigued. And as a bonus he gets to kill the occasional Barbarian (Chaz hates most barbarians, it's a back story thing).


With a break this coming week due to life, I will spend some time expending XP and perhaps even get to start some real character art.

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Re: Brink Of War


Defense Maneuver saved your butt BTW. Of course' date=' I only surrounded you like that because you had the skill. . . I like making sure Players can use their abilities.[/quote']


Is that why the mocks decided to attack Shania and Chaz rather then Qliian. Because his magic spells were non functioning except when they back fired.

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Re: Brink Of War


I like the feel of the system. Perhaps just change the penalty curve based on AP? Of course that could have the opposite effect and make spells too effective. With us being brand new characters, maybe just leave it be for a while and see what expending XP does to the effectiveness of the characters. It gives us something to work for besides the usual hack and slash and grab the wagon loads of treasure. Have you noticed that we have not yet even tried to ransack any bodies (of course the skeletons and the elementals left nothing to ransack), but the barbarian Orcs had charred remains, and we didn't even look. I know I took the map fragment and half silver from Evelyn's charred pack. But I plan to return them to her once we find and hopefully rescue her royal nibs. :D

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Re: Brink Of War


I was going to make the Limitations inherent on a spell adjust the Skill Roll like any Ritual per the rules. That's give a +2-3 automatically to all spells.


Remember, you can alter the aspects of any spell you paid a full Skill for. You can make them inherently easier by adding more Limitations.

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Re: Brink Of War


I was going to make the Limitations inherent on a spell adjust the Skill Roll like any Ritual per the rules. That's give a +2-3 automatically to all spells.


Remember, you can alter the aspects of any spell you paid a full Skill for. You can make them inherently easier by adding more Limitations.


I forgot all about that and I took inventor in both areas of magic. So next time I have xp to spend I'll use them for that. I may have to find a large stick for the next mock battle if my magic becomes ineffective.:D

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Re: Brink Of War


You don't even need Inventor. Those are only for making Magic Items and New Spells.


Take your Fiery Missile spell - add on: "Must Have Fire To Work With" (like say, a Camp Fire) at -1/2 and you add +2 to your Skill Roll. . .


SO how many points would I have to spend to do that.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: Brink Of War


We are - last week I was forced into a 7Day work week and schedule change, so I called the game to adjust my brain to the work-related fatigue.


We are on this week, and I own The Book Of Dragons now :eg:

Is it possible to feel sorry for the players and jealous cuz I can't be one of the victims at the same time? :P
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Re: Brink Of War


If I kill them quickly do we get to go back to Gemini? :D
Work has been settling down. The only problem is the new boss is somewhat unstable and I am sure he doesn't like me much. I think I am almost to a point where I am stable again. Gemini is not too far in the future, er... so to speak. ;)
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Re: Brink Of War


Due to bad planning on my part I had to cut the adventure an hour early, and I didn't get all I wanted accomplished either.


Stupid work. Must remember to either cook enough food Wednesday to last for lunch friday, or cook lunch for Friday BEFORE gaming.


So yeah, synopsis tomorrow.

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Re: Brink Of War


Game was short but good. I keep having connectivity issues, so we are going to try upgrading to MT version 1.3b53 as it has been reported to be very stable, in the hopes it will fix my problem. We are in the middle of a pretty complex mystery with many questions left unanswered...


Nol if your schedule gets to where it allows you could maybe join our FH group until you are ready to resume the GA campaign. A foursome would be very cool, we could really use a good rogue, warrior, bard, ranger, etc. :D

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Re: Brink Of War


Ya the game was short but it was good . Trying to expand Qliian knowledge and magic skills has been interesting. Ecspecially since I have never played a character like this one and I am enjoying it.

Nol I agree with Starwolf if you could find a way to jion us that would be awesome. A fourth player would really round out the group.

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Re: Brink Of War


Session Five


A really short game session due to bad planning on my part. We didn't get to everything I set down to do.


The group wakes up the next day, refreshed and ready to follow a very "visible" Shadow Magic spell. Shadow Magic is Elven Magic, and extremely rare in this part of the world, almost completely unheard of this far north actually.


The group sets off, and on the way meets a Lorgeth the Barbarian warrior. Since the group is traveling into the Barbarian lands and he's the friendly type he offers to help them. He can also see that to a man they'd probably die within a week on their own out there.


They accept his help, even the Barbarian hating Chaz accepts him as a guide. Making noises about Orcs and such. Lorgeth is much more accepting of other peoples. Lorgeth warns them that using spells in this area is dangerous as the Shamans keep an eye on such things in their territory.


It's sometime after day two of following the trail, they think they might have actually reached where the Shadow Step spell deposited their friends, when the spell suddenly fades (with the magic equivalent of a whip-snap). Gone and them in the middle of nowhere.


Lorgeth does find some tracks, wagons pulled by horses. The common beast of burden here are oxen, and these horses have big hoof-prints to boot.


It takes most of the next day to catch up to the slow moving train of five wagons - Gypsies. They talk to a Gypsy guard who offers them food for the night as the wagons circle up for the evening.


Which is where is was ended. There was no planned combat encounter (they could have attacked Lorgeth, or possibly the Gypsies as there was a tiny implication that they might be involved and you never know what Players will do). The Gypsy Camp was going to be another Campaign Reveal that will open next weeks session.


I, unfortunately, do not have Nolgroth's flare for jaw dropping cliff hangers.

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Re: Brink Of War


Now you know that Qliian would never start a fight with anyone. Meeting people and learning from them is more important as well as spreading the words of the church. He is not Chaz and I don't think Shania is a the aggressive type either. And your flair for drama in the campaign makes up for major jaw dropping cliff hangers.

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Re: Brink Of War


I like the idea of Magic being another profession/skill.


I haven't really gotten to far in my thinking of Society. But, I think I'm going to against grain - Gods do not grant Spells, Clerics are clergymen not Holy Spellcasters. In fact - I think I'm going to go with the idea that Gods aren't actually Proven To Be There. By the same token, Miracles may just be the work of Religious Wizards. Wizardry will not be the "science metaphor" and be separate from the idea of worship. In fact, I'd imagine some high ranking religious people would be powerful Mages who "Do Magic In Gods Name".

Why not take it a step in a different direction? Clerics get Conversation-type skills, but 'Only To Speak With the God/Only For the Gods Purposes'.


So a cleric wouldn't cast spells at all - They'd do what priests are actually supposed to do throughout history - They'd talk to their gods. So it wouldn't be 'I use "Heal Light Wounds"', it would be 'I pray "This man is a good man who does your will. Please heal him"'.


Exactly what the result is, mechanically...Well, this is Hero System. ;)


Could be Healing with RSR: Conversation; could be a conversation roll and if you're successful the Conversation skill points get 'converted' to a Healing roll.


...Whoop, missed the page count before I posted.

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