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Favorite 60-point Power Construction

Mr. Gridlock

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Re: Favorite 60-point Power Construction


One of my favorite 60 point powers:


Energy Leech: 2d6 Transfer END to END, Continuous, Uncontrolled, Can be stopped by "killing" the leech (DEF 6, 6 BDY), transfered END goes to leech not caster (+0)


Except that this construct can only transfer 12 CP of END (24 END). Once it has reached it's max, it can't do any more.


Try this:


60 Energy Leech: 2d6 Drain END, Zero END(+1/2), Continuous(+1), Uncontrolled(Stopped by "killing" 6 DEF/6 BODY leech or when out of END; +1/2) (60 Active Points)


Now the SFX are "It feeds itself from you", and it's opened-ended... :eg:


That is, if you ignore Mr. Long's strange ruling that every Drain attack gets it's own 5 AP Recovery each Turn. Such a ruling places a hard cap on how much a Drain can do, making the statement from 5ER...


There's no limit to the amount of Character Points a character can Drain from his victim.


... false in the sense that after a period of time (Draining all the while), the Drain will no longer be able to stay ahead of the numerous recoveries Mr. Long's ruling grants, and thus it reaches a "bottom" that it cannot go past. I've run the math.

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Re: Favorite 60-point Power Construction


Seems I missed that little line about the maximum number of points transferable. Thanks for catching it SteveZilla, and for the proper power construct.


In retrospect, I can see where a small, repeating Transfer could be potentially abusive. Of course, a small, repeating Aid with the maximum bought up is abusive too, but that is legal under current rules.

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