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Favorite 60-point Power Construction

Mr. Gridlock

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Re: Favorite 60-point Power Construction


30 Hand Clap!: Touch Group Flash 8d6' date=' Does Knockback (+1/4), Explosion (+1/2), Double Knockback (+3/4) (60 Active Points); No Range (-1/2), Restrainable (Claps Hands; -1/2) - END=6[/quote']


Nice! I usually go for Hearing Flash, but thats a style thang...

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Re: Favorite 60-point Power Construction


Electric Arc: Energy Blast 4D6, NND(Defense is Being Insulated from Electrical Shock; +1), Reduced END(Half END; +¼), No Range(-½)


Flash Vs Sight & Hearing Groups 2D6, No Range(-½), Linked to Energy Blast(-½)


A Electrical Blaster/Brick of mine, Thunderfist, has this as his signature power -- the Thunder Strike . He uses it in a Multi-Power Attack with his high STR (or by itself against fragile targets). And if the target is blinded, that's a good setup for a Haymaker the next Phase. :eg:

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Re: Favorite 60-point Power Construction


My favorite 60 pt power is my 12D6 EB. My hero is a collector of ancient artifacts though he never intended to even be a hero. Anyway, he found THE original magical flaming sword which can shoot a fireball of 12D6, 5 charges. No advantages. The thing is every time I use this particular attack I roll like 4.0 to 5.0 pt average on the dice, which if you do the math is 48 to 60 Stun :eek:. It's not the dice. I use various dice from various players and it's still the same :D. It's funny.

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Re: Favorite 60-point Power Construction


I'll pick two offensive, one defensive, and misc. power. All from the same character....


Digger rounds: Tunneling 3" through 13 DEF material.


Tranquilizer rounds: Suppress SPD 12d6, 4 clips of 4 continuing charges, lasting 1 minute each (+0) vs. taking a Recovery as an action. (more cheesy)


Withstand the Pain: Absorption 5d6 (energy, STUN) 40pts worth + Absorption 5d6 (physical, STUN) 40pts worth.


this works with SPD 6 character....


Second Chance: +6 SPD, "defensive" actions only (Block, Dodge etc.) (-1) So I don't have to abort to Block or Dodge.

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Re: Favorite 60-point Power Construction


The only drawback with the hand clap built with hearing flash is that deaf people are immune to it, somehow.


Probably building it as Dispel Running (3 points per D6 again) would work better: even for people who don't run it will go off, and on those who do it will slow or even halt them mid run.

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Re: Favorite 60-point Power Construction


this works with SPD 6 character....


Second Chance: +6 SPD, "defensive" actions only (Block, Dodge etc.) (-1) So I don't have to abort to Block or Dodge.

How do keep the GM from ripping the sheet up when you take an action on Phase 1 (from the old house rule: Phase 1 action = torn up sheet)?

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Re: Favorite 60-point Power Construction


How do keep the GM from ripping the sheet up when you take an action on Phase 1 (from the old house rule: Phase 1 action = torn up sheet)?


Always Hold your phase 1 action, or use the optional snatch to safety manuever on your sheet.

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Re: Favorite 60-point Power Construction


Uh, never encountered a GM that rips up character sheets because he/she didn't like the powers-just as easy not to allow the character in the game.


While mechanically questionable, the Speed is only for defensive actions, no offense, that keeps it from being abusive.



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Re: Favorite 60-point Power Construction


As a combination of above ideas:


Knock You Into Tomorrow:

Dispel Knockback Resistance 10d6 (Does Knockback +1/4, Double Knockback +3/4, 12 Boostable Recoverable Charges +0) 60AP


Burn 5 charges for 16.5d6, giving an average of 26" of Knockback with upto 28" of Knockback Resistance Dispelled.

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Re: Favorite 60-point Power Construction


The only drawback with the hand clap built with hearing flash is that deaf people are immune to it' date=' somehow.[/quote']


They wouldn't suffer the effect of the Flash itself (or, perhaps, they'd continue to suffer from the infinite Flash to Hearing), but that wouldn't immunize them from the knockback. They'd still go flying.

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Re: Favorite 60-point Power Construction


Just a shade over at 62pts.


Empowerment: Succor 10d6 any one characteristic (one at a time) standard effect 30pts.


Really broken if you apply it to say INT and thus all INT skills, PRE and all PRE skills, etc. (bonus of +6)


Need a quick 60 END? Pow! +60 COM? Wow.


Apply to yourself or a teammate.

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Re: Favorite 60-point Power Construction


Wow. It is amazing how many really munchkinesque suggestions have been made here, especially since this thread started with...


Not in any abusive way' date=' but what's your favorite 60 Active Point power construction?[/quote']


Empahsis mine, BTW.

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Re: Favorite 60-point Power Construction


They wouldn't suffer the effect of the Flash itself (or' date=' perhaps, they'd continue to suffer from the infinite Flash to Hearing), but that wouldn't immunize them from the knockback. They'd still go flying.[/quote']


As a combination of above ideas:


Knock You Into Tomorrow:

Dispel Knockback Resistance 10d6 (Does Knockback +1/4, Double Knockback +3/4, 12 Boostable Recoverable Charges +0) 60AP


Burn 5 charges for 16.5d6, giving an average of 26" of Knockback with upto 28" of Knockback Resistance Dispelled.



Some questions concerning the interaction of Dispel with the Does Knockback Advantage:


1. If a character buys a Dispel with Does Knockback, can the power still do Knockback if the Dispel hits the target but fails to take effect?

2. If the target of such a power is Knockback Resistance, does the KBR reduce the Knockback done by the Dispel that “deactivates” it?

3. Could a character use a Dispel X, Does Knockback on a character that lacks X, just to do Knockback?


The answers:


1. No.

2. The Knockback Resistance affects, and thus reduces, the Knockback caused by the Dispel. Thereafter, the character doesn’t have any KBR until he “restores” it somehow, so attacks that do Knockback affect him in full, with no reduction.

3. No. If a power is designed to Adjust or otherwise affect an ability or something else a character doesn’t have, then it simply has no effect it all, even if it “hits.” You can’t affect what isn’t there.


So a deaf person with no knockback resistance doesn't budge when either construct is applied.

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Re: Favorite 60-point Power Construction





So a deaf person with no knockback resistance doesn't budge when either construct is applied.


That's a ridiculous ruling, sorry. Someone with 30ED is functionally immune to a 5d6 EB, but if the dice fall right, they'll still take knockback from it. There's no logical reason a deaf person wouldn't get knocked flat by that power.


That's what house rules are for, I suppose.

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Re: Favorite 60-point Power Construction


That's a ridiculous ruling' date=' sorry. Someone with 30ED is functionally immune to a 5d6 EB, but if the dice fall right, they'll still take knockback from it. There's no logical reason a deaf person wouldn't get knocked flat by that power.[/quote']


What's the logical reason for the power itself, besides "I want a cheap way to do lots of knockback"?


And 30 ED does not render you immune. A Haymaker and/or Push can easily see to that. Presumably 100% Damage Reduction would do the trick (Desolid does), but we don't have 100% Damage Reduction.

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Re: Favorite 60-point Power Construction


What's the logical reason for the power itself' date=' besides "I want a cheap way to do lots of knockback"?[/quote']


Why is any other reason needed?


Why is it necessary to build a Knockback Only effect on top of a damage dealing ability with a "Only to do KB Limitation"?


The real cost might be close to the same but the Active Cost is being skewed higher than it should be.

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Re: Favorite 60-point Power Construction


What's the logical reason for the power itself, besides "I want a cheap way to do lots of knockback"?


And 30 ED does not render you immune. A Haymaker and/or Push can easily see to that. Presumably 100% Damage Reduction would do the trick (Desolid does), but we don't have 100% Damage Reduction.


It's the classic Hulk/Thing 'sonic slam'. They clap their hands together really hard and make shockwaves. They don't seem to do much damage, just render the opponents deafened and sends 'em flying.


A 30 ED does render you immune to a 5d6 EB. If you're pushing or haymakering, it's no longer 5d6 of EB. It's 7 or 9d6.

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Re: Favorite 60-point Power Construction


That's a ridiculous ruling, sorry. Someone with 30ED is functionally immune to a 5d6 EB, but if the dice fall right, they'll still take knockback from it. There's no logical reason a deaf person wouldn't get knocked flat by that power.
Think of it this way: if you build an NND that does knockback, people who have the defense (say, wearing bright colored clothes, or standing on your head) won't feel a bit of the effect, and thus will suffer no knockback. It isn't that they have lots of defenses, its that the power its self has a loophole: have this defense and it does nothing. You can't deafen someone who already has no hearing. Lots of flash defense wouldn't protect you from the kb; that's the equivalent of the energy blast example you give.


The reason this happens is because of how the power is built not how the power is conceived. If you meant to build a loud shockwave, deafness won't matter - but you build that with an energy blast or telekinesis or some other such construct.


That doesn't stop the hearing flash clap power from being cool. It just has a loophole.

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