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Changing into a costume


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Re: Changing into a costume


To the best of my knowledge, it's not explicitly spelled out anywhere (there's no 'Costumes, chaniging in to' entry in the index to my copies of FRED or Champions, anyway). However, my group usually uses a Full Phase as the bare minimum (based on the rules for Only in Hero ID).


Of course, it depends on the costume/circumstances, too. If you go out for your morning walk in your spandex, with a trenchcoat & fedora to cover it, you can probably 'change into costume' as a 0-phase action.

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Re: Changing into a costume


There is an example in the Only in Hero ID for that limitation. I believe the correct answer what is appropriate for the Character? Would you hold a speedster like the Flash to the Full Phase limitation or hand wave it? Part of the question may need to cover are there disadvantages tied to being out of costume beyond a Secret ID?

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Re: Changing into a costume


There is an example in the Only in Hero ID for that limitation. I believe the correct answer what is appropriate for the Character? Would you hold a speedster like the Flash to the Full Phase limitation or hand wave it? Part of the question may need to cover are there disadvantages tied to being out of costume beyond a Secret ID?


Um, a speedster probably has a high SPD. "one phase" is therefore a lot less time for the Flash than for, say, Batman.


Lucius Alexander


Does the palindromedary have a Public ID?

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Re: Changing into a costume


The 1 Phase to change clothes rule makes OIHID one of the easiest limitations to claim. As long as it takes you longer than a single Phase to change your identity you are all set. Just remember that OIHID powers won't work in your non-hero ID and it is not really proper to stack OIHID with Focus limitations.

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Re: Changing into a costume


excerpt from page 302 ■ Character Creation: Power Modifiers Hero System 5th Edition, Revised




For this Limitation to be valid, the character must have some difficulty changing forms — the change must take at least a Full Phase, if not longer (during which the character can do nothing else), and/or there must be other difficulties or ways to prevent him from changing identities. For example, a character who defines his suit of powered armor with OIHID would probably require much longer than a Full Phase to put the armor on. A character whose transformation to his alternate identity requires him to speak a magic word can be gagged or otherwise silenced to prevent the change.

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Re: Changing into a costume


Legatus>> true, but I don't think it was realism specifically that they thought of. Besides, as the OIHID says, I think a phase to a turn fits fine. If you are wearing pants, shirt, coat, over your spandex, I could see a phase to pull 'em all off. Assuming you are already in a safe place to do so.


If you carry it in your purse or backpack, a turn could fit better... so the GM judges as he sees fit

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Re: Changing into a costume


How long does it take to change into a costume without instant change?


A full Phase?

Shape Shift says it takes a Half Phase Action...


...oh, you mean change your clothes. :P


Personally I'd say a minimum of a Turn, and that's assuming the character has them on underneath. My personal record for getting out of my daily clothes and into pajamas is three Turns.

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Re: Changing into a costume


Shape Shift says it takes a Half Phase Action...


...oh, you mean change your clothes. :P


Personally I'd say a minimum of a Turn, and that's assuming the character has them on underneath. My personal record for getting out of my daily clothes and into pajamas is three Turns.


That works until you consider that the official standard time for donning a full suit of Iron Man armor is 1 Turn. I think changing clothes should take less time than strapping 50 pounds of metal to yourself. :)

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Re: Changing into a costume


Remember the Mythbusters Superhero Show?




Phone booth change


How fast can you change into a superhero outfit inside a phone booth?


Kari(Myth Girl): 33 seconds


Grant(Grant-Man): 1:01, partly due to his inabilty to get out of the booth


Tory(The Spasm): 1:20, on the account of many accessories


Myth Girl For The Win. :love::yes::bounce::cool::D

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Re: Changing into a costume


One phase? I know it takes me a lot longer than 6 seconds to change clothes!


I guess that's a minor superpower known to all supers. :D


And theater majors!



Keep in mind though, that (at least as far as I am concerned), that 1 Phase is the time taken to remove outer clothing and pull on a mask. It should not include the time spend finding a hiding place, stowing the clothes, and then making it back into combat.


Under most comic book circumstances, the costume change isn't taking place during combat time anyway. The character sneaks off, changes, and then combat starts when they turn up.

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Re: Changing into a costume


well, frankly, if you think in game terms it boils down to this...


most combats take 1-2 turns at the most to resolve.


Losing one phase is a serious knock. if you raise it to a turn the flaw becomes too great, missing most of a combat. it will practically never be used except as "off screen" where the delay is not taken from combat time at all, just a narrative like "we keep him talking while jimmy suits up" and by the time "phase 12 starts" everyone is ready to go or at most almost ready (back to the "lose one phase" or so)


the disconnect is the ongoing disconnect between hero combat time accounting and the "real time estimate" and its much the same thing as how a superhero fight will resolve itself in under 30 seconds, well before any police or agency can reasonably respond.

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Re: Changing into a costume


1 Phase? Not even supermodels are that fast. And changing clothes is one of their superpowers. Hey, that's why they're called supermodels, right?


So apparently the average super hero previously worked as a Chippendales dancer and now wears street clothes with tear-away velcro tabs instead of buttons and zippers? (Hey, it would at least explain the physiques...) :D

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