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new mutants; Magik's "soulsword"


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Re: new mutants; Magik's "soulsword"


Here is a link to an old thread that has a board friendly HD export format you might want to try:


I don't have hero designer. I do it longhand then put it onto a microsoft excel character sheet. putting it in microsoft word then doing copy and paste will work, but it takes a long time to retype :thumbdown

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Re: new mutants; Magik's "soulsword"


That was just handwavium to make sure she didn't overshadow the rest of the New Mutants. She was the Sorceress Supreme of Limbo after all' date=' theoretically she was on Dr. Strange's level.[/quote']


Not so much... that title simply means there wasn't any sorcerer stronger than her in Limbo, where there were about 5 people actually practicing sorcery at the time. Most of her magic was the power that Belasco originally possessed rather than something inherent - when the Elder Gods favored her over him in their big confrontation, he became human and lost it while she turned all demony and gained it. She used her magic to pretty impressive effect early on in the New Mutants run (against the Demon Bear, for example), but they eventually nerfed most of her abilities for the reason you mention.

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Re: new mutants; Magik's "soulsword"


Not so much... that title simply means there wasn't any sorcerer stronger than her in Limbo' date=' where there were about 5 people actually practicing sorcery at the time. Most of her magic was the power that Belasco originally possessed rather than something inherent - when the Elder Gods favored her over him in their big confrontation, he became human and lost it while she turned all demony and gained it. She used her magic to pretty impressive effect early on in the [i']New Mutants[/i] run (against the Demon Bear, for example), but they eventually nerfed most of her abilities for the reason you mention.


IIRC she did state, via thought bubble, that she memorized his library when she destroyed it during her fight with him.


So yeah, they nerfed her.

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Re: new mutants; Magik's "soulsword"


IIRC she did state, via thought bubble, that she memorized his library when she destroyed it during her fight with him.


So yeah, they nerfed her.


I would've been ok with it if they'd said that she was reluctant to use such magics, as they had a corrupting effect on her or something of that nature. Saying they didn't work just seemed incredibly lame.

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Re: new mutants; Magik's "soulsword"


Howdy MWiggins,


Here is an example of Magik:




This was not done by me and you may have already seen and gone over it, but I thought I would toss it in just in case.

I'm not making a direct copy (see first post) but it gives me some ideas for later when I get more points.

Thanks :)

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Re: new mutants; Magik's "soulsword"


Ok, I got it done. I didn't figure out some things for this version (DCV, OCV, lift ect) I gave her a few defensive martial arts as she did do some time in the danger room with wolverine. Wolverine said "*#&%&^&% unicorns" and later to cyclops "You'd better worry about Pixie. because if she ever uses her pixie dust on me again, I'm going to kill her!"


Hero name: PIXIE

Real name: Megan Gwynn

6 STR -4

15 DEX 15

10 CON 0

10 BODY 0

12 INT 2

15 EGO 10

10 PRE 0

12 COM 1

24 points total

5 PD 4

5 ED 3

5 SPD 25

4 REC 2

20 END 0

18 STUN 0

34 points total

Total Characteristics 58pts

Dragonfly wings: Flight 12” (24pts) usable as gliding +1/4, 30 Active, restrainable -1/2 (20 real)

Pixie Dust: mental illusion 12D6 (60 pts), NND +1/2 defense is life support: no need to breath or appropriate immunity, no conscious control -1 (bunnies and unicorns ECT.), personal immunity +1/4, 3 continuous charges lasting 1 turn -1/2, area of effect cone +1 (length of 22”) 165 active, 55 real

Soul dagger: HKA 3D6 (4D6 with STR) 45 pts, penetrating +1/2, 64 active pts, OAF -1, only vs. magic creatures/spells -1, 23 real


Dispel magic 12D6 (36 pts) armor piercing +1/2, cumulative +1/2, [point ceiling 72 pts],

Reduced END (0 END +1/2) 90 active, Linked -1/2, OAF -1

Magic VPP control, all slots require a magic roll -1/2, incantations -1/4, bulky spell books to change -1/2, slightly limited class: magic -1/4, 16 real

Magic VPP pool: 80 pts

Armor: 6 PD/ 6 ED (18 pts), OIF -1/2, 12 real


5 combat skill level

3 Breakfall

3 defensive maneuver 1

4 KS magic

3 paramedics

3 teamwork

1 transport familiarity: small, common, ground

2 cellphone


Martial arts

4 Block

4 disarm

3 slam

4 escape

4 joint lock



5 distinctive: pink hair, easy conceal 5

5 distinctive: pointed ears, concealable 5

15 distinctive: wings, concealable 10, always noticed and recognizable/ major reaction 5

10 distinctive: mutant, not concealable15, always noticed/ major reaction 5, special sense -10

10 hunted: US Gov, more powerful 15, NCI 5, occasionally 0[8-], watching -10

20 hunted: mutant hate groups, more powerful 15, NCI 5, occasionally 0 [8-], kill 0

15 code vs. kill, common 10, strong 5

15 psychological: nosey/ chatty common10, strong 5

25 secret ID, very frequant15 [14-], severe 10

20 Hunted: evil wizard Belasko, more powerful 15, frequently 5 [11-], kill/ enslave 0

10 vulnerability to fire, common 10, 1 1/2 body damage

150 pts disadvantages

349 points used

1 point left over

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Re: new mutants; Magik's "soulsword"


I have a question about VPP. it says that no spell can have a active point total over the pool cost, in this case 80. but what about the real costs? can you have lots of low active cost spells, as long as the total real costs don't exceed the pool cost (80)? Can she cast the her entire spell list multiple times, as long as she has the END? or is it like D&D where when you cast it, it's gone?

Her spells all have a magic roll. How do I improve her chances?

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Re: new mutants; Magik's "soulsword"


I would've been ok with it if they'd said that she was reluctant to use such magics, as they had a corrupting effect on her or something of that nature. Saying they didn't work just seemed incredibly lame.


Right there with you on that issue. All the magic she learned from Belasco involved invoking the Elder Gods, which would certainly have justified her being unwilling to use it. Even Dr. Strange can't manipulate those sorts of forces without taking a big risk.

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Re: new mutants; Magik's "soulsword"


You can have as many 'real' points of powers active in a VPP as you have points in the pool; that's why you don't get any disads on the pool. In essence, the control cost allows you to reconfigure the points in the pool to anything you want (within any limitation imposed by/on the control) so long as none of the pool powers exceed the AP cap of the pool.

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Re: new mutants; Magik's "soulsword"


Right there with you on that issue. All the magic she learned from Belasco involved invoking the Elder Gods' date=' which would certainly have justified her being unwilling to use it. Even Dr. Strange can't manipulate those sorts of forces without taking a big risk.[/quote']


Exactly, so while she could unleash major magical whuptushy she chooses not to as she doesn't want to turn into a force of evil. It also explains why Dr. Strange would take her under his wing (as he was starting to do before the Inferno storyline, if memory serves) since he has a vested interest in keep a good person in the position of Sorcerer Supreme of Limbo.


I have mentioned my idea (an "if I wrote Marvel Comics" sort of thing) where Dr. Strange trains Magik, Topaz, Jennifer Kale and Amanda Sefton as his apprentices, using them as a sort of strikeforce to deal with less pressing mystical matters so he has more time to deal with the big stuff haven't I?

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Re: new mutants; Magik's "soulsword"


You can have as many 'real' points of powers active in a VPP as you have points in the pool; that's why you don't get any disads on the pool. In essence' date=' the control cost allows you to reconfigure the points in the pool to anything you want (within any limitation imposed by/on the control) so long as none of the pool powers exceed the AP cap of the pool.[/quote']


Ok, That's what I thought, thanks. :)

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Re: new mutants; Magik's "soulsword"


I have mentioned my idea (an "if I wrote Marvel Comics" sort of thing) where Dr. Strange trains Magik, Topaz, Jennifer Kale and Amanda Sefton as his apprentices, using them as a sort of strikeforce to deal with less pressing mystical matters so he has more time to deal with the big stuff haven't I?


I hadn't read it if so, but that Witchcraft limited series some years back seemed to proceed from that premise, without the active mentor/student aspect.


Personally, I think once Clea left the nest and returned to her home dimension he should have approached Elizabeth Twoyoungmen about training her properly as his successor. She's supposed to potentially have more raw magical power than any human being except Strange himself, and she should be taking advantage of the best possible instruction while it's available.


I mean, Rintrah's heart was in the right place and all, but does anyone really think he would have been able to take over for Strange if he went down fighting the next time Chthon or Shuma-Gorath tried to take over the world?

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Re: new mutants; Magik's "soulsword"


I've made her spell list.

  1. Firebolt: RKA 2D6 (30pts), area of effect line (+1),(60 active), no range -1/2, incantations -1/4, requires a magic roll -1/2, (27 real) [magic roll 6-] END 6
  2. Fly: Flight 10” (20 pts), usable as gliding +1/4, usable by others +1/4, LOS not needed after initial use +1/2, (40 active), restrainable -1/2, requires a magic roll -1/2, incantations -1/4 [magic roll 8-], real 18, END 4

  3. Darksight: Infrared perception (sight group) 5 pts, usable by others +1/4, LOS not needed after initial use +1/2, costs END to activate- 1/4, Continuous charge lasting 1 hour , incantations -1/4, requires a magic roll -1/2, (9 active) (4 real) AND: ultraviolet perception (sight group) 5 pts, , usable by others +1/4, LOS not needed after initial use +1/2, (9 active), costs END to activate- 1/4, Continuous charge lasting 1 hour, incantations -1/4, requires a magic roll -1/2, (4 real) TOTAL REAL 8, [magic roll 11-] END 8
  4. Detect life: (10 pts), +4 roll (4 pts), ranged (+5),(19 active) ,requires a magic roll -1/2, incantations -1/4, costs END to activate -1/4, (10 real), [magic roll 11-], END 1
  5. Telekinesis: 30 STR, fine manipulation (55 active), incantations -1/4, requires a magic roll -1/2, 32 real, [magic roll 10-], END 6
  6. Force wall: 5 PD/ 5ED, +2” length (total of 9 hex sides), 29 active, incantations -1/4 ,requires a magic roll -1/2, 17 real, [magic roll 10-], END 2
  7. Conjured fetters: entangle 6D6/ 6 DEF(60 active), OAF (small silver chain, difficult to obtain new focus -1 1/4), gestures -1/4, incantations -1/4, requires a magic roll -1/2, 18 real, [magic roll 6-] END 6
  8. Fear: drain PRE 5D6, ranged +1/2, (75 active), OAF expendable (drop of blood -1 1/4), requires a magic roll -1/2, incantations -1/4, gestures -1/4, 32 real, [magic roll 5-] END 7
  9. Ghost form: Desolidification (40 pts), , incantations -1/4, requires a magic roll -1/2, 23 real, [magic roll 8-], END 4
  10. Invisibility: to sight, (20 pts), no fringe +10, (30 active) , incantations -1/4, requires a magic roll -1/2, [magic roll 9-] END 3

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Re: new mutants; Magik's "soulsword"


I've made her spell list.

  1. Firebolt: RKA 2D6 (30pts), area of effect line (+1),(60 active), no range -1/2, incantations -1/4, requires a magic roll -1/2, (27 real) [magic roll 6-] END 6
  2. Fly: Flight 10” (20 pts), usable as gliding +1/4, usable by others +1/4, LOS not needed after initial use +1/2, (40 active), restrainable -1/2, requires a magic roll -1/2, incantations -1/4 [magic roll 8-], real 18, END 4

  3. Darksight: Infrared perception (sight group) 5 pts, usable by others +1/4, LOS not needed after initial use +1/2, costs END to activate- 1/4, Continuous charge lasting 1 hour , incantations -1/4, requires a magic roll -1/2, (9 active) (4 real) AND: ultraviolet perception (sight group) 5 pts, , usable by others +1/4, LOS not needed after initial use +1/2, (9 active), costs END to activate- 1/4, Continuous charge lasting 1 hour, incantations -1/4, requires a magic roll -1/2, (4 real) TOTAL REAL 8, [magic roll 11-] END 8
  4. Detect life: (10 pts), +4 roll (4 pts), ranged (+5),(19 active) ,requires a magic roll -1/2, incantations -1/4, costs END to activate -1/4, (10 real), [magic roll 11-], END 1
  5. Telekinesis: 30 STR, fine manipulation (55 active), incantations -1/4, requires a magic roll -1/2, 32 real, [magic roll 10-], END 6
  6. Force wall: 5 PD/ 5ED, +2” length (total of 9 hex sides), 29 active, incantations -1/4 ,requires a magic roll -1/2, 17 real, [magic roll 10-], END 2
  7. Conjured fetters: entangle 6D6/ 6 DEF(60 active), OAF (small silver chain, difficult to obtain new focus -1 1/4), gestures -1/4, incantations -1/4, requires a magic roll -1/2, 18 real, [magic roll 6-] END 6
  8. Fear: drain PRE 5D6, ranged +1/2, (75 active), OAF expendable (drop of blood -1 1/4), requires a magic roll -1/2, incantations -1/4, gestures -1/4, 32 real, [magic roll 5-] END 7
  9. Ghost form: Desolidification (40 pts), , incantations -1/4, requires a magic roll -1/2, 23 real, [magic roll 8-], END 4
  10. Invisibility: to sight, (20 pts), no fringe +10, (30 active) , incantations -1/4, requires a magic roll -1/2, [magic roll 9-] END 3


Looks cool, but if you are plumping for a big ol' VPP you should take full advantage and put down some utility things...


Clairsenses, Force wall with Life suport usable by others, a transport spell of two (like say Tunneling?) you know, problem solvers instead of combat powers....though odd ball combat powers are annother VPP specialty as well (like indirect, vs Desolid etc...)

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Re: new mutants; Magik's "soulsword"


Looks cool, but if you are plumping for a big ol' VPP you should take full advantage and put down some utility things...


Clairsenses, Force wall with Life suport usable by others, a transport spell of two (like say Tunneling?) you know, problem solvers instead of combat powers....though odd ball combat powers are annother VPP specialty as well (like indirect, vs Desolid etc...)

I've been thinking about them, but I broke my arm yesterday and I don't think I will be up to it for a while :idjit:. one handed typing sucks.:thumbdown

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Re: new mutants; Magik's "soulsword"


I have a question about VPP. it says that no spell can have a active point total over the pool cost' date=' in this case 80. but what about the real costs?[/quote']


For VPPs the rule is simple:

What can go in: thery, anything; practise, whatever's within limits (if there's any limits); useful, whatever you wrote up all ready or what you can stat up on the fly.


How much can go it: #1 total real points of ALL active powers can't be more than the pool points #2 the active points or EVERY/EACH power can't be more than the pool points.


With 80 pool points, you could have 5 different powers, each with 70 active points and 3 1/4 worth of limitations. (70/(1 + 3.25)=16. 16x5=80).

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Re: new mutants; Magik's "soulsword"


Here's some more spells, a bunch more to follow later when I get them typed in.


  • BUBBLE OF SAFETY - Part 1 (Primary Effect): Life Support (Immunity All terrestrial poisons and chemical warfare agents; Immunity: All terrestrial diseases and biowarfare agents; Safe Environment: Zero Gravity; Safe in High Pressure; Safe in High Radiation; Safe in Intense Cold; Safe in Intense Heat; Safe in Low Pressure/Vacuum; Self-Contained Breathing) (40 Active Points); 1 Continuing Charge lasting 1 Hour (-1/4) [1 cc]
    Part 2 (Casting via Naked Modifier): Limited Range (+1/4), Usable Simultaneously (up to 4 people at once; +3/4) for up to 32 Active Points of Part 1 3
    Part 3 (Limitations on Primary Effect & Casting via Differing Modifier): (64 Active Points); OAF Fragile Expendable (Difficult to obtain new Focus; hand blown glass bubble; -1 1/2), Increased Endurance Cost (x2 END; -1/2), Requires A Skill Roll (Active Point penalty to Skill Roll is -1 per 20 Active Points; -1/4), Concentration (1/2 DCV; -1/4), Gestures (-1/4), Incantations (-1/4) for up to 64 Points of Parts 1 & 2 12 total real 16 END to cast 6 (courtesy of Hyper-man J)
  • Def and dumb: Darkness to sight group10, darkness to hearing group (10), area effect 2” radius (+3/4), Costs END only to cast (-1/4), usable as a attack (+1), personal immunity (+1/4), (60 active) 1 continuous charge lasting 1 minute (-1), incantations (-1/4), gestures (-1/4), magic roll (-1/2) OAF (piece of black velvet -1) Real 14, END 6, [magic roll 6-]
  • illusion: Images to sight group (10), -2 to PER roll (6), 4 hex radius (+1/2),(24 active), incantations (-1/4), Magic roll (-1/2), 14 real, END 2, [magic roll 10-]
  • flashlight: Images to sight group (10), +4 to PER rolls, 4 hex radius (+1/4), (22 active) only to create light (-1), incantations (-1/4), magic roll (-1/2), Real 7, END 2, [magic roll 10-]
  • Aqualung: Life support: Expanded breathing: water (5), safe environment :high pressure (1), safe environment: intense cold (1), environmental movement: water (3), usable by others (+1/4) (18 active), costs END to activate (-1/4), magic roll (-1/2), Real 10, END 1, [magic roll 11-)
  • Unlock: Lock picking 20- (25 active) OAF (small metal key -1), incantations (-1/4), costs END (-1/4), magic roll (-1/2), 7 Real, [magic roll 10-], END 2
  • Scrying: Clairsentienence sight group(20), hearing group (20), X16 range 2400” (50 active), OAF (small glass mirror, fragile -1 1/4), gestures (-1/4), incantations (-1/4), extra time (1 minute -1 1/2), magic roll (-1/2), REAL 11, END 5, [magic roll 7-]
  • Teleport gate: Teleport 10” (20 pts), megascale (anywhere on planet +1 1/4), area of effect one hex (+1/2), usable on others (+1/2), (65 Active), 1 continuing charge lasting 1 turn (-1 1/4) Magic roll (-1/2), costs end to cast (-1/4), Extra time casting (full phase -1/2), incantations (-1/4), gestures (-1/4), magic roll (-1/2), gate (-1/2), 14 REAL, END 6, [magic roll 6-]


Requires A Skill Roll (Active Point penalty to Skill Roll is -1 per 20 Active Points; -1/4),

I thought it was -1 per 10. Did I miss read?

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Re: new mutants; Magik's "soulsword"


The last few for now


  • Tunneling: tunneling 6” (30pts) 8 def material (21 pts) (51 active), incantations (-1/4), magic roll (-1/2), 29 real, [magic roll 10-], END 2
  • Shatter: 1D6 RKA (15 pts), armor piercing (+1/2), (23 active), only vs. fragile focus/ items (-1), no stun (-3/4), incantations (-1/4), magic roll (-1/2), 7 real, END 2, {magic roll 10-]
  • Mindlance: EGO attack 5D6 (50 pts) gestures (-1/4), incantations (-1/4), magic roll (-1/2), visible (-1/4), 25 real, END 5, [magic roll 7-]
  • Sleep: EGO attack 5D6 (50 pts), OAF expendable (goose feather -1 1/4), does not provide mental awareness (-1/4), incantations (-1/4), magic roll (-1/2), 17 real, END 5 [magic roll 7-]

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