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Powers for a Joker style villain


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He was born an albino and due to various trama's his mind has snapped. He's died his hair purple, had his teeth filed to points and had clown make tatooed to his nose and around his eyes. His name is Skitso.


The only powers that I know I want for him are Eidetic Memory, some kind of VPP to represent his ability to instantly soak up knowledge and learn skills and lots of luck.


I'm sure I can do just fine on my own but I thought it would be fun to bounce ideas around with y'all. What are other powers do you think he should have? I toyed with teleportation abilities but that's a schtick that will probably get tomatoes thrown at me by my players (I've used it a little too much). He's definitely not a brick and I think if I give him gadgets it'll be too much of a rip-off of the joker. Other than that, what do y'all think?

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Re: Powers for a Joker style villain


You may want to pick up Conquerors, Killers, And Crooks. The Black Harlequin written up there is a good template for that kind of character. If you want to go old school and you don't mind doing a little conversion work. I would pick up Underworld Enemies from the 4th Edition days. The Idiot King written up there is a really good Joker homage. You can get Underworld Enemies on teh cheap on E Bay. I got a clean copy for liek $5.00.

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Re: Powers for a Joker style villain


Does the campaign use Placed Shots rules? If so, a few PSLs to offset Hit Location penalties is a scary thing. I think your players would take a step back if the Brick got Stunned by a "lucky shot" to the eye with a pencil (-8 To Hit, x2 STUN). They might take another step back when the clown picks up a paperclip...

- HA, Variable Advantage, OIF "Objects of Opportunity" (as defined on 5ER 292).


Buidling from the above, I like Luck Powers for "crazy" types of characters.

- PSLs to offset Hit Location penalties "Wanna see me make this pencil disappear?"

- Combat Luck "He just won't stay still so I can clobber him!"

- Luck "Now what are the chances a piano happend to fall on me just then...wait a second, you don't think he planned that!?"

- Minor Transform to add the Unluck Disad to a Target. Same SFX as above.

- Regen with Resurrection, Requires 3 levels of Luck "How the heck did he survive that!"

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Re: Powers for a Joker style villain


Here's another clown-like concept I haven't had a chance to use on my players yet. If you play with me don't read this!


He's a Mime (so the players will automatically hate him) except anything he mimes becomes real (though it remains totally Invisible). If he mimes a wall, a force wall is created. If he mimes a ladder, he can climb it. If he mimes a chainsaw...run!


Mummer the Mime


Mime VPP


Powers can be changed as a Zero Phase Action (+1)

Invisible (+1)

Gestures, Gestures Required Throughout, Both Hands Are Required(-1)

Limited Power: Speeking Immediately Terminates All Effects (-1/2)

Requires A Sill Roll (PS: Pantomime) (-1/2).


Example slots: Bicycle, Rope, Ladder, Wall, Box, Hammer, ect.

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Re: Powers for a Joker style villain


Here's another clown-like concept I haven't had a chance to use on my players yet. If you play with me don't read this!


He's a Mime (so the players will automatically hate him) except anything he mimes becomes real (though it remains totally Invisible). If he mimes a wall, a force wall is created. If he mimes a ladder, he can climb it. If he mimes a chainsaw...run!


Mummer the Clown


Mime VPP


Powers can be changed as a Zero Phase Action (+1)

Invisible (+1)

Gestures, Gestures Required Throughout, Both Hands Are Required(-1)

Limited Power: Speeking Immediately Terminates All Effects (-1/2)

Requires A Sill Roll (PS: Pantomime) (-1/2).


Example slots: Bicycle, Rope, Ladder, Wall, Box, Hammer, ect.


That's really clever. I will steal it. Repped.

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Re: Powers for a Joker style villain


Here's another clown-like concept I haven't had a chance to use on my players yet. If you play with me don't read this!


He's a Mime (so the players will automatically hate him) except anything he mimes becomes real (though it remains totally Invisible). If he mimes a wall, a force wall is created. If he mimes a ladder, he can climb it. If he mimes a chainsaw...run!


Mummer the Mime


Mime VPP


Powers can be changed as a Zero Phase Action (+1)

Invisible (+1)

Gestures, Gestures Required Throughout, Both Hands Are Required(-1)

Limited Power: Speeking Immediately Terminates All Effects (-1/2)

Requires A Sill Roll (PS: Pantomime) (-1/2).


Example slots: Bicycle, Rope, Ladder, Wall, Box, Hammer, ect.


A mime!?! That is evil...:help:

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Re: Powers for a Joker style villain


Clown gags generally point to gadgets.


Slapstick and dexterity-based tricks (like juggling on a unicycle) points to a martial artist build.


Clown villian might point to "does horrible things to children" (possibly child-eating monster, possibly "likes" children too much, etc.)


Telekenisis is an unexplored avenue (to my knowledge). Cut the wire holding up a piano, pants someone at range, make an enemy trip (place a banana peel), disconnect a necesary piece to the hero's gun, squeeze someones blader (your players may hate you for that one), etc.


Mental based powers might be interesting. Particularly emotion control (many people are affraid of clowns, some find them funny). Making people laugh at a Joker-esque joke like cutting someone's face into a smile would make for a creepy villian.


Of course, you could give him any power and just have him dressed as a clown. The clowny personality could be all you need.

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Re: Powers for a Joker style villain


I think it also depends on what Joker you're thinking of ... are we talking classic Batman comic villain? The Joker from The Batman? Or The Joker from The Dark Knight? Sure, they all had some stuff in common ... but there were differences as well.

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Re: Powers for a Joker style villain


I think it also depends on what Joker you're thinking of ... are we talking classic Batman comic villain? The Joker from The Batman? Or The Joker from The Dark Knight? Sure' date=' they all had some stuff in common ... but there were differences as well.[/quote']


The op specifically stated that a Joker rip-off wasn't part of the plan. While Joker inspired Skitso, their powers and even personality probably won't match exactly.

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Re: Powers for a Joker style villain


The op specifically stated that a Joker rip-off wasn't part of the plan. While Joker inspired Skitso' date=' their powers and even personality probably won't match exactly.[/quote']

That's fine, but I was actually thinking of his personality ;)

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Re: Powers for a Joker style villain


Full-on Plasticman style metamorph.


A clowncar drives up, henchmen dressed as clowns get out. ( lots of them ) Then the car turns into Skitso!


A shapeshifting psychotic clown has the best options for all kinds of brain-twisting activities.

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Re: Powers for a Joker style villain


Full-on Plasticman style metamorph.


A clowncar drives up, henchmen dressed as clowns get out. ( lots of them ) Then the car turns into Skitso!


A shapeshifting psychotic clown has the best options for all kinds of brain-twisting activities.


the mind reels.



My suggestion: Read up on the Insane Clown Posse. Many of their songs make references to all sorts of strange powers. Specificall "Oddities", "I want my sh*t!" and maybe even "3 Rings". The title tracks to almost all of the Joker's Card CDs can work. The Great Milenko and The Amazing Jeckel Brothers immediately come to mind.


What? I'm a juggalo. Deal with it.

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Re: Powers for a Joker style villain


Depending on how you want to use the villain and the type of campaign, I would consider regeneration with the resurrection adder. This could be use for the Joker like ability to survive the unsurvivable. (Like falling off a freeway overpass into on coming traffic.) And the bringing him back, again and again.

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Re: Powers for a Joker style villain


The Cainite, from urban abyss, has a continuous PRE drain justified by the long- term effects of being around someone that scary. That could be a good power, only more based on the slow -dawnig realization that the clown is absolutly insane and could do anything.


75% PD/ED damage reduction, only when it's funny.


Actually, he should have a lot of powers with that limitation. Just not all of them.

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Re: Powers for a Joker style villain


I like the idea of a shapeshifter alot although I think I'll limit him to flesh and blood things. I just had another thought....imagine if he could use his flesh shaping abilities on others?....ick. He could also use it to create powerful minions and make them loyal to him...


I like that alot! Wish I could rep you :) The force wall mime is a wicked idea too...I may use that for a henchman :D


I was toying with the idea of making him a speedster or mentalist...what do y'all think about those?



Edit:woohoo! I figured out how to rep! :D

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Re: Powers for a Joker style villain


Maybe a "Powers of Madness!" set...


Mental illustion

Transform: Mental


CE: Fear and madness! -Ego based, Req roll of lose a phase gibbering,-CV, multiple radius, mobile etc....


Regen from death "It's only a flesh wound!" (convince him it's fatal, and he dies)


But I really do like the shape shifter clown as well

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Re: Powers for a Joker style villain


I saw the title of the thread and thought of my Joker knockoff - Haberdasher. He was a hatmaker who went crazy from some tainted mercury (used in making hats). His powerset can be summed up in 5 letters: T1000.


Now I want to make up The Toker (or He who Tokes at Midnight).


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