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Duration spells inside of VPP


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Me again. Still dealing with the magic system.


FRED says I can use Uncontrolled on a power to keep the power working even after I switch points in the VPP to something else. Furthermore it states that if all I want to do is make the spell last some amount of time, say "1 hour" or whatever, then I can attach a Uncontrolled to it at +0.


I dont like the feel of how thats handled though. I want to create spells, using a VPP, and that spell to have a set duration. But I want the duration to be factored into the point cost of the spell. 10 minutes should cost less than 10 days. Then I want to cast a different spell with the VPP and the first spell not drop until its duration is up.


I have a feeling there is an obvious answer to this one. :)



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Re: Duration spells inside of VPP


I did something a bit different that what the rulebooks suggested. I set the duration of a basic Uncontrolled at 5 minutes*. I then had a +1/4 advantages for each step up on the time chart, and -1/4 lim for 1 minute and a -1/2 for one turn.


But I make the Uncontrolled cost normally.


* or 1 minute in a previous incarnation.

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Re: Duration spells inside of VPP


You can go Uncontrolled, or you can go Continuing Charges.


Continuing Charges have a tremendous number of pros:


* Charges come with 0 END bundled.

* Continuing Charges are effectively Persistent; they keep working even if the character that activated them is Stunned, Knocked Out, or Killed.

* Charges taken on Inherently Persistent Powers (such as many Defenses) cap out as a -0 Limitation; they never become an Advantage.

* Attacks bought on Continuing Charges continue doing damage until the Charge expires.

* Powers in Variable Power Pools and Multipowers on Continuing Charges are not deactivated by switching slots around; once activated they continue to work until the Charge expires even if the activating character reallocates their VPP Pool or switches their Multipower to other slots.

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Re: Duration spells inside of VPP


Continuing charges....hmm....I'll have to look into that.


But what if the spell is supposed to last a few days. Woudn't that be a whole mess load of charges? (1 charge per phase right?)


No, that's why they are called "continuing" charges. The duration of how long the charge last decreases the Limitation value of the Charges Limitation. You can have a Continuing Charge lasting a Century if you want to. It lasts until the duration elapses or the reasonably common turn-off condition occurs, or someone comes along and successfully dispels the effect.


The thousands of Vancian Spells I have posted are all Charge based, and all of the ones that are not Instant are on Continuing Charges. I discuss the overarching mechanic of the various Vancian Systems here, including a block on Charges and their various nefarious uses.


by the way KS, I sent you a message about meeting :)



I responded back earlier.

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Re: Duration spells inside of VPP


You can go Uncontrolled, or you can go Continuing Charges.


Continuing Charges have a tremendous number of pros:


* Charges come with 0 END bundled.

* Continuing Charges are effectively Persistent; they keep working even if the character that activated them is Stunned, Knocked Out, or Killed.

* Charges taken on Inherently Persistent Powers (such as many Defenses) cap out as a -0 Limitation; they never become an Advantage.

* Attacks bought on Continuing Charges continue doing damage until the Charge expires.

* Powers in Variable Power Pools and Multipowers on Continuing Charges are not deactivated by switching slots around; once activated they continue to work until the Charge expires even if the activating character reallocates their VPP Pool or switches their Multipower to other slots.



on the continuing charges are effectively persistent...actualy IMO it is that continuing charges are Uncontrolled (as per the advantage), but that is just a minor point

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