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Cristmas & Cthulhu


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Re: Cristmas & Cthulhu


What christmas character to make? This sounds like a hero game waiting to be played. Frosty would have a bit of a weakness though ("I got his hat!!") Any game in which Santa blows the head off a deep one and saying "You made the naughty list this year' date='" would be ammusing.[/quote']


Also, sucked for Frosty when it came to anything above 32 F. :P


(Note: Never liked the Frosty cartoon always freaked me out for some reason when I was little. I think I would have rather seen the Shoggoths:straight:)

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Re: Cristmas & Cthulhu


A 350pt Santa? Nah.


Okay Santa as a 600 pt character with an amazing VPP (representing his bag of presents). Frosty as a standard 350pt character and Scrooge as a no longer age limited 150pt agent. VS Cthulhu (A 2000pt protogod again with a huge VPP (represented by a large KFC bucket filled with a few hundred d6) and a few Shoggoths at, say 300pts apiece... that's it.


Nope, got to add the flying Reindeer (with firing lasers from thier antlers) and a horde of 60pt agent level elves.


Okay, I think we can make a game of this.

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Re: Cristmas & Cthulhu


From Neil Gaiman's website, excerpted from Smoke and Mirrors his poem


Nicholas Was...


older than sin, and his beard could grow no whiter. He wanted to die.


The dwarfish natives of the Arctic caverns did not speak his language, but conversed in their own, twittering tongue, conducted incomprehensible rituals, when they were not actually working in the factories.


Once every year they forced him, sobbing and protesting, into Endless Night. During the journey he would stand near every child in the world, leave one of the dwarves' invisible gifts by its bedside. The children slept, frozen into time.


He envied Prometheus and Loki, Sisyphus and Judas. His punishment was harsher.







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Re: Cristmas & Cthulhu



It was the Yuletide, which men call Christmas, although they know in their hearts it is older than Bethlehem, and Babylon; older than Memphis, and Mankind.



You do know Lovecraft wrote a Christmas story? It was called The Festival.


What I'd love to see again is The X-mas Files - a story the New Yorker ran once with Mulder and Scully investigating Santa Claus.


Scully: A being of the size described could never fit down the chimney.


Mulder: What if it could deform its shape?


Scully: You mean, like a bowl full of jelly?



Lucius Alexander


The palindromedary wonders if Boxing Day is a Fistival.

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Re: Cristmas & Cthulhu


Well you could add Marley to the team. (DeSolid, Flying, his chains as weapons, possibly causes inanimate things come to life, the doorknob in some versions).


You know, that gives me an idea for another thread.



You could also add the 3 spirits too.

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Re: Cristmas & Cthulhu



By Steve Long with help from Janice Sellers


Cultists chanting by a burning pyre

Tentacles ripping at your nose

Yuletide carols being sung while afire

And folks dressed up like those Tcho-Tchos.


Everybody knows a turkey and an Elder Sign

Help to make the season blight

Cultist sects, with their plans all in line,

May find the stars are right tonight.


They know Cthulhu’s on his way

He’s got lots of toys and goodies in R’lyeh

And every Deep One child is gonna spy

To see if nightgaunts really know how to fly!


And so I’m offering this simple tale

To byakhee from one to 9,000,022

Although it’s been chanted, many times, many ways

Cthulhu fhtagn tooooo youuuuuu.

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Re: Cristmas & Cthulhu



By Steve Long with help from Janice Sellers


Cultists chanting by a burning pyre

Tentacles ripping at your nose

Yuletide carols being sung while afire

And folks dressed up like those Tcho-Tchos.


Everybody knows a turkey and an Elder Sign

Help to make the season blight

Cultist sects, with their plans all in line,

May find the stars are right tonight.


They know Cthulhu’s on his way

He’s got lots of toys and goodies in R’lyeh

And every Deep One child is gonna spy

To see if nightgaunts really know how to fly!


And so I’m offering this simple tale

To byakhee from one to 9,000,022

Although it’s been chanted, many times, many ways

Cthulhu fhtagn tooooo youuuuuu.

Sick. And good. Great combination. IfI can remember them, I may post my Klingon Christmas songs. Don't ask. My mind went stranger than normal one day.

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Re: Cristmas & Cthulhu


Also, sucked for Frosty when it came to anything above 32 F. :P


(Note: Never liked the Frosty cartoon always freaked me out for some reason when I was little. I think I would have rather seen the Shoggoths:straight:)


An animated snowman scared you more than a Lovecraftian, invinsible killing machine that moves like a freight train and took down a civilivation a hundred times more advanced than ours? I guess you had the imagination to contemplate what an instant-animate any snow construct hat could do, in the hands of a true-munchkin (ice sculpture of Tiamat).


A 350pt Santa? Nah.


Okay Santa as a 600 pt character with an amazing VPP (representing his bag of presents). Frosty as a standard 350pt character and Scrooge as a no longer age limited 150pt agent. VS Cthulhu (A 2000pt protogod again with a huge VPP (represented by a large KFC bucket filled with a few hundred d6) and a few Shoggoths at, say 300pts apiece... that's it.


Nope, got to add the flying Reindeer (with firing lasers from thier antlers) and a horde of 60pt agent level elves.


Okay, I think we can make a game of this.


I just put 350 to set a level that could let all the characters be semi-equal. If you figure that much of Santa's power is in certain independant foci/followers that he somehow lost when Cthulhu awoke (northpole was eaten, elves were driven insane, elves went on strike, etc.) you could decrease Santa's points to a reasonable level. Also, who knows what the "stars are right" does to yuletime magic? If Scrooge can equal Santa, things are getting rough (Scrooge's power is money-based while Santa has both magic and enough resources to give presents to a substantial section of the world population (who's richer do you think's richer?;))).


Anyway, most CoC games give the players a way to stop Big C without direct confrontation, so I think that the goal isn't to have a Cthulhu killing team (a Shoggoth/deep one killing team would be a good idea).


PS: Elves are either a lot more than 60 points or really not going to be squat in the game (might have instantly gone insane and destroyed the workshop, explaining the weakening of Santa.)

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Re: Cristmas & Cthulhu


I present to you, the Scrooginator. The cartoon looked like he had a steam-tech power suit, so I went with that. This would be for mowing down hordes of cultists, and maybe the odd shoggoth but not going against the Big Squid itself. This is just a rough draft, needs further tweaking with the END reserve, and would need to be a bit more well rounded for a campaign as opposed to a one-shot game.


Scrooginator - Ebeneezer Scrooge



.6....STR.....-4...6/25......10- / 14-.......HTH Damage 1d6/5d6 END [1/3]

12....DEX......6...12/18......11- / 13-.......OCV 4/6 DCV 4/6



13....INT......3...13......12-.......PER Roll 12-

15....EGO.....10...15......12-.......ECV: 5

19....PRE......9...19......13-.......PRE Attack: 3 1/2d6


.2....PD.......1...2/22.............2/22 PD (0/20 rPD)

.2....ED.......0...2/12.............2/12 ED (0/10 rED)

.2....SPD......0...2/3.................Phases: 6, 12/4, 8, 12




.4....RUN.....-4...4"/20"................END [1/4]

.0....SWIM....-2...0"................END [0]

.1....LEAP.....0...1"/4 1/2"................1"/4 1/2" forward, 0 1/2"/2" upward


CHA Cost: 18



.....Steamech Suit, all slots OIF (-1/2) - END=

30.....1) Armor Plating: Armor (20 PD/10 ED) (45 Active Points); OIF (-1/2) - END=0

.4.....2) Very Heavy: Knockback Resistance -3" (6 Active Points); OIF (-1/2) - END=0

10.....3) Boiler: Endurance Reserve (45 END, 12 REC) Reserve: (16 Active Points); Fuel Dependent (fuel is Very Common; must refuel Once per 6 Hours; -3/4), OIF (-1/2); REC: (12 Active Points); OIF (-1/2) [Notes: Coal Fired Boiler] - END=0

.9.....4) Targeting Feeback Gyros: +6 DEX (18 Active Points); No Figured Characteristics (-1/2), OIF (-1/2) - END=

.7.....5) Speed Boosting Relays: +1 SPD (10 Active Points); OIF (-1/2) - END=

.9.....6) Augmetic Pistons: +19 STR (19 Active Points); No Figured Characteristics (-1/2), OIF (-1/2) - END=2

18.....7) Locomotor Legs: Running +16" (4"/20" total) (32 Active Points); OIF (-1/2), Turn Mode (-1/4) - END=3

40.....Steam Cannon: Multipower, 60-point reserve, (60 Active Points); all slots OIF (-1/2) - END=

3u.....1) Hotchkis Rotating Cannon: RKA 1 1/2d6, Autofire (5 shots; +1/2), 125 Charges (+3/4) (56 Active Points); Costs Endurance (-1/2), OIF (-1/2) - END=6

2u.....2) Steam Blast: EB 6d6, Area Of Effect (7" Cone; +1) (60 Active Points); Double Endurance Cost (-1/2), No Range (-1/2), OIF (-1/2) - END=6

2u.....3) Steam Cloud: Darkness to Sight Group 4" radius (40 Active Points); No Range (-1/2), OIF (-1/2) - END=4


POWERS Cost: 134




11......Bureaucratics 17-


SKILLS Cost: 11



5......Money: Well Off



PERKS Cost: 15



3......Lightning Calculator




20.....Normal Characteristic Maxima

10.....Age: 60+

20.....DNPC: Tiny Tim 8- (Incompetent; Unaware of character's adventuring career/Secret ID)

10.....Reputation: Mean Old Skinflint, 11-

10.....Physical Limitation: Very Heavy and Large (Infrequently, Greatly Impairing) [Notes: Does not float, sinks like a stone]




Base Pts: 200

Exp Required: 0

Total Exp Available: 0

Exp Unspent: 0

Total Character Cost: 181





Ebeneezer Scrooge was once a horrid miserable miser. However one Christmas, something happened to him, and he became a warm giving person. However, a lot of people still remember the old Scrooge, and expect him to revert soon, so they don't treat him with much respect.




Once a miser, now a generous philanthropist. Scrooge works to better the lot of the poor unwashed masses, regardless of the wagging tongues of his peers.




"Here's your Christmas Goose!"




Turns out, Bob Cratchett isn't just good with numbers, he's also not bad with a wrench. With generous funding by Scrooge Co, Bob was working on a steam-powered suit to ease the lot of the common laborer.


Campaign Use


Ebeneezer was planning for just another round of Christmas celebrations when he received a fateful Telegram on the Feast Day of St. Nicholas





The next day he was on a steam liner to New York with Bob, the suit, and a whole new list of modifications.




An aged man, stooped and wrinkled. The years have not been kind to him, but lately he has a new joy of life.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: Cristmas & Cthulhu


From Neil Gaiman's website' date=' excerpted from [i']Smoke and Mirrors[/i] his poem


Our D20 GM has the card with that inside and the crucified santa on the outside: she props it up with the other christmas cards to ambush the unwary :D


She also has the CDs "A very scary solstice" and "An even scarier solstice" with yuletide classics like "Mi-Go We Have Heard on High", "Oh Come All Ye Olde Ones" and "It's Beginning to Look a Lot like Fishmen" :D


cheers, Mark

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Re: Cristmas & Cthulhu


Well, I've got a couple of ideas for Frostilicus, The Great Cold One, aka "Frosty". But just background, no power sets besides cold.


Santa could probably be done as a Super Patriot archetype with christmas themed powers. The polar regions are often a hot-spot of eldritch activity, so if we assume that the initial incursion erupted at his base, it could be wiped out, as was previously mentioned. Perhaps one of the elves was trying to improve efficiency a bit too much...


Somebody else will have to do the Jingle Force Five though. :)

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