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anyone know the Fuzion system?


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Re: anyone know the Fuzion system?


Champions New Millennium was a partnership between Hero Games and R Talsorian Games. It was the second or third system to use the Fuzion Rules (I have a Bubble Gum Crisis game that predates it, I'm not sure if anything came out between the two and I am pretty sure BGC was the first Fuzion book).


1st Edition was released in 1997. R. Talsorian did manage to release a few sourcebooks for it (Bay City and Alliances).


The 2nd Edition (the one I happen to own) was released by Hero Games and Cybergames.Com in 2000. It's pretty much the same product (though I've not done a side-by-side). No sourcebooks were released that I'm aware of.


Neither of them have anything to do with the Hero System Rules, though Fuzion is a "fusion" between the Hero Rules a the Cyberpunk 2020 Rules.


It was - to put it bluntly - a mess of a system.

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Re: anyone know the Fuzion system?


Oh, BTW - the back of the New Millennium books say "Complete Hero System 5th Edition Stats" on it as a bulletin point.


For a brief minute the Fuzion Rules pretended they were Hero 5th Ed. - they deceive themselves.

There are no Steve Long Actual Fifth Edition stats in the book.

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Re: anyone know the Fuzion system?


The 2nd Edition (the one I happen to own) was released by Hero Games and Cybergames.Com in 2000. It's pretty much the same product (though I've not done a side-by-side). No sourcebooks were released that I'm aware of.


One difference for Second Edition is that it includes Fourth Edition HERO System stats in the back of the book for all the characters which were exclusively Fuzion-statted in the first ed book.



It was - to put it bluntly - a mess of a system.


Lots of folks have criticized the implementation of Fuzion in the C: NM book, most often as being incomplete, lacking important elements. Later New Millennium sourcebooks added some of those elements, and in succeeding years various sources and fans have refined and embellished the system.


OTOH quite a few gamers have expressed admiration for the New Millennium setting. It's distinctly different from both the Fourth Edition and Fifth Edition incarnations of the Champions Universe, although it shares elements with both.

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Re: anyone know the Fuzion system?


One difference for Second Edition is that it includes Fourth Edition HERO System stats in the back of the book for all the characters which were exclusively Fuzion-statted in the first ed book.


Ah, that can make a ton of difference if you happen to find both books and want one for conversion... the 2nd Ed would make it easier.


Lots of folks have criticized the implementation of Fuzion in the C: NM book, most often as being incomplete, lacking important elements. Later New Millennium sourcebooks added some of those elements, and in succeeding years various sources and fans have refined and embellished the system.


OTOH quite a few gamers have expressed admiration for the New Millennium setting. It's distinctly different from both the Fourth Edition and Fifth Edition incarnations of the Champions Universe, although it shares elements with both.


I think my main problem with Fuzion was I actually started to use it playing BGC, not C:NM and found it to be the worst aspects of Hero 4th and Interlock/CP2020.


The BGC game left such a bad taste in my mouth that when New Millennium came around I didn't even pick it up until the 2nd Edition.


And then I picked it up because someone told me the Setting was actually (and I quote) "What the Champions Universe should have been" - and it is a pretty good setting, if nothing else the book is worth the price for that alone.

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Re: anyone know the Fuzion system?


Theres also a fantasy campaign world based on a series of comics called "Artesia" using the Fuzion system.


Its really not -that- bad a system; it handles the interface between people and machines better than most other game systems Ive seen, and you can use the mekton Zeta-Plus vehicle rules without any major changes.

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Re: anyone know the Fuzion system?


And then there's Sengoku' date=' set in medieval Japan. I've been trying to get a hold on a copy, but no luck.[/quote']


At least one edition of Victoriana (a Victorian/Steampunk/Fantasy setting uses it) so does CP V3 and a few other games. It's not a "bad" system per se but C:TNM wasn't that good and Fuzion itself isn't that "novel" really. It's owes allot more to Interlock than Hero and, IMO, feels much more like Interlock with some Hero aspects clumsily grafted on the C:TNM incarnation.

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Re: anyone know the Fuzion system?


However, Bay City was actually a pretty good setting


Agreed there. The Bay City/New Millennium setting forms the core of my "Capes!/Wyldstorm" campaign setting though with lots of home brew stuff additions (and I like to think improvements).

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Re: anyone know the Fuzion system?


a few things, Fuzion the systen was IMO less than steller for a supers campaign but might have been good for something else (Not sure, never played it but did not like what I read)


C:TNM was a interesting if somewhat on the Image side of things (Image was new and big at the time)


I still would like to see a C:TNM section of the web site...but that is just me...

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Re: anyone know the Fuzion system?


Fuzion has been greatly expanded and made more coherent through the efforts of fans. For interested folks, this website, TranzFuzion, has the core system rules plus most of the fan-created "plugins" for various genres and elements, all free for download. It actually makes for a pretty versatile game, especially for the price. ;)

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Re: anyone know the Fuzion system?


Count me as one that didn't mind the world. It seemed like an extension of the 4th ed rules in some areas and definitely had a comic book vibe for it (although Iron Agey ... but [Grandpa Simpson]that was the style at the time[/Grandpa Simpson])

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Re: anyone know the Fuzion system?


What brought all this up was a conversation I had on the messageboards at www.charcon.org Where my handle is Herogamer-parkersburg.

Specificaly this thread.

I haven't met many people, at least in this area, that play the game. The only copies I have are Champions New Millenium (?) using the Fuzion system, which reminds me of a college calc class. The setting is very cool, but the system gave me nightmares.


The guy I'm talking to is a reporter for my local newspaper http://newsandsentinel.com/ Where he writes a occasional column on games. I figure if I can get him to do a piece on Hero, I might be able to get enough players interested enough to start a game.

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