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How do you build hammerspace? Hammerspace is the ability of a cartoon character to suddenly pull out a device seemingly out of nowhere. Example: on Family Guy, Stewie will be wearing nothing but a diaper, but will reach arround behind himself and pull out a blaster rifle.


Copied from Wikipedia:

hammerspace, the physical dimension that characters use to reach into to and pull out very large mallets, or other objects, to hit other characters on the head after reaching a certain level of anger, or just to amuse themselves with the aforementioned object. The main difference is that "hammerspace" is used in reference to animation and other fiction in which the viewer or reader does not participate.

The "bag of holding" is a similar concept in the role-playing game Dungeons and Dragons. The clown car, in which many clowns clamber out of a tiny automobile, is a similar concept in the circus.

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Re: Hammerspace


Depends, I suppose. If it's related to a single object (the archetypical hammer) then just buy it as a OIF, with the SFX that it pops into existence only when it is used.


If you're talking about having access to some dimensional pocket where you can store anything (a la bag of holding)... Dunno. I'll leave that as an exercise to the more crunchy-enabled members of the boards.

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Re: Hammerspace


First, buy the power (or multipower) appropriate for the effect(s).

So in the case of a blaster buy Energy Blast.

Maybe tack on a Physical Manifestation Limitation.


Just like it's not normally apparent that a energy caster in Champions has an EB until he uses it the character with the above ability doesn't have the 'blaster' until he wants to.

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Re: Hammerspace


I'd say just the opposite... that it isn't a Focus' date=' despite what the SFX look like...[/quote']




You'd get Restrainable, but that's about it, 'cause you still have to manipulate the object you pull out. I used this technique when I was building Ratchet from Ratchet and Clank, who basically pulls weapons out of nowhere.

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Re: Hammerspace


I'd say just the opposite... that it isn't a Focus' date=' despite what the SFX look like...[/quote']


YMMV. I was working on the assumption that the item in question was targetable once it was out; hence the Focus Limitation.


I suppose something like Restrainable would work, too, but since both have the same Limitation level (-1/2), it boils down to semantics.

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Re: Hammerspace


Depends, I suppose. If it's related to a single object (the archetypical hammer) then just buy it as a OIF, with the SFX that it pops into existence only when it is used.


If you're talking about having access to some dimensional pocket where you can store anything (a la bag of holding)... Dunno. I'll leave that as an exercise to the more crunchy-enabled members of the boards.



The bag of holding concept is what intiques me. I am thinking it would be some sort of teleport. Basically the item would be teleported to someplace else and you could teleport it back to you. I know teleport normally only moves the character, but I think with the right pick of advantages you could make it work.


I guess you could do it as some sort of summon only problem is summon is based on the number of character points you are summoning and it's really meant for summoning other characters not gear.

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Re: Hammerspace


The bag of holding concept is what intiques me. I am thinking it would be some sort of teleport. Basically the item would be teleported to someplace else and you could teleport it back to you. I know teleport normally only moves the character, but I think with the right pick of advantages you could make it work.


I guess you could do it as some sort of summon only problem is summon is based on the number of character points you are summoning and it's really meant for summoning other characters not gear.


EDM, At Range, Transdimensional

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Re: Hammerspace


I wouldn't do Restrainable or Focus.



page 302 ■ Character Creation: Power Modifiers

Hero System 5th Edition, Revised



Value: -¼

This -¼ Limitation signifies a power that, while not built as a Focus or the like, has some physical embodiment that other characters can attack. Examples include a Flight bought to simulate riding a column of force, Telekinesis defined as a giant stone hand that grabs things, or skating along an ice-slide.


When a character applies this Limitation to the power, he must define the exact nature of the physical manifestation; this requires the GM’s approval and may involve applying other Limitations to the power. Treat the manifestation like a Breakable Focus for purposes of determining its DEF and BODY. It has a DCV equal to the character’s base DCV (i.e., as calculated from DEX, with no other modifiers), unless the GM rules otherwise based on the size or nature of the manifestation.

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Re: Hammerspace


Or, if you want the Bag of Holding itself ... hm. Interesting thought. Recall that a BoH always weighs the same, no matter what it has in it -- and the more it can carry, the more that 'the same' weighs. I think I'd define it as this:


Bag of Holding: Extra-Dimensional Movement (This Bag of Holding Space), 0 END (+1/2), Continuous (+1) (50 Active Points); Gate (-1/2), OAF Universal (Bag, -1), Only to Carry X Amount of Space That Weighs Y (-Z), Always Weighs P (-Q), Must Fit Through Bag Opening (-A).




Weight & Space Carried and Disadvantage

50kg, 0.5m^3 space (-1)

100kg, 1m^3 space (-3/4)

200kg, 1.5m^3 space (-1/2)

400kg, 2m^3 space (-1/4)


Bag Weight and Disadvantage

50kg (-1)

25kg (-3/4)

12.5kg (-1/2)

5kg (-1/4)


Opening Size and Disadvantage

10cm x 10cm (-1) (4" square)

20cm x 20cm (-3/4) (8" square)

40cm x 40cm (-1/2) (16" square)

80cm x 80cm (-1/4) (32" square)


Mix and match. A bag that carries 50kg, weighs 50kg, and has a 10cm square opening is going to be sort of crappy; the only 'advantage' you have is that you aren't probably carrying a bag a foot and a half on a side -- but that'll cost you 10 points. However, if it carries 400kg, weighs 5kg, and has almost a three foot on a side opening -- enough to hide 4 people, in fact -- it'll probably be worth the 15 points you're spending...

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Re: Hammerspace


From an older thread:


Why not use the vehicle rules?


Bag of Holding

Val Char Cost Roll Notes

20 STR 10 13- Lift 400.0kg; 4d6 [2]

0 DEX -30 9- OCV: 0/DCV: 0


10 BODY 0 11-


0 SPD -10 Phases: (none)



Total Characteristic Cost: -44




Cost Powers END

120 It's Just a Bag!: Shrinking (0.0314 m tall, 0.0004 kg mass, -12 PER Rolls to perceive character, +12 DCV, takes +18" KB), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Persistent (+1/2) (120 Active Points)


Total Powers & Skill Cost: 120

Total Cost: 76

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Re: Hammerspace


In practice there are very few cartoon characters who can pull anything they like from 'hammerspace' - in fact most of the time they are simply weapons, so you coupld probably get away with a multipower with physcial manifestation.


If you actually want a bag of holding i.e. a carrying devide, you can use Wyrm Orobouros' EDM construct (although you don't need to build it as a gate - use 'UAA' instead).


You could even build it as 'extra limbs plus extra strength', although that is a dodgy construct in my opinion.


Hyperman's vehicle suggestion is inventive and original, but somehow feels wrong :)

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Re: Hammerspace


Generally, anyone able to access Hammerspace can only pull one item from it - giant anime hammer, bun-bun's switchblade, Stewie's ray gun...


it's not really a bad of holding type trick.


One of the miscilanious magic items in D&D was the "sheath of holding" it was the size of a dagger sheath but could hold a great sword


Or "the rings if readyness" it was two rings, one attached arround the hilt of a sword the other went on your finger. Say the command word and the sword would pop into your hand.

not exactly the same, but close.


Spidermans black costume (venom) had a extrademensional pocket

in the movie "the mask" with Jim Carey, he had a hammerspace. And I think he realy had a hammer.-

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Re: Hammerspace


Spidermans black costume (venom) had a extrademensional pocket

in the movie "the mask" with Jim Carey, he had a hammerspace. And I think he realy had a hammer.-


I may be thinking of the cartoon rather than the comic, but I thought the "Venom" symbiot (sp?) simply hid itself on the wearer’s person. I know in the cartoon it actually transformed into clothes, etcetera, but I thought even in the comic it was always “on” or even “in” the person, hence the constant mind link with the wearer. Of course my memory isn’t what it once was…

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Re: Hammerspace


I may be thinking of the cartoon rather than the comic' date=' but I thought the "Venom" symbiot (sp?) simply hid itself on the wearer’s person. I know in the cartoon it actually transformed into clothes, etcetera, but I thought even in the comic it was always “on” or even “in” the person, hence the constant mind link with the wearer. Of course my memory isn’t what it once was…[/font']

Venom was a alien symbiote spidy got during the secret wars. It would transform into whatever clothes spidy needed and once jumped accross the room to put itself on when the Puma busted down the door. It fed off of his adrenaline and was trying to make a permanite attachment when spidy found out that his costume was alive. Spidy paniced and forced him off without even trying to communicate with him. If spidy had tried to talk to it he might have saved himself a lot of problems.

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