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Tentacle Sheath


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I have recently come across the CthulhuTech game and I really love the artwork and storyline of the game world...so naturally I want to convert it over to a game system that will do it justice. :eg:


I am currently working on the Phantom Tager and I am stuck on it's "Limit Weapon". It's called Tentacle Sheath and this is what it does:

A mass of tentacles bursts out of the Phantom's chest, covering a 30' cone in front of him. Everything caught within the tentacles is attacked, at no Multiple Action Penalty. One of the targets, randomly selected, must also succeed at a Challenging Strength Test or the symbiont will drag him back (sic - into the chest cavity) and eat him. This takes one full turn and results in the death of the victim. This uses all Actions and can be the Tager's only Action that turn.

The part that is becoming hard for me is the insta-death munching thing that literally makes the body go away. It takes the poor schlub into the home dimension of the Tager and gets nomed on.


Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Re: Tentacle Sheath


I have recently come across the CthulhuTech game and I really love the artwork and storyline of the game world...so naturally I want to convert it over to a game system that will do it justice. :eg:


I am currently working on the Phantom Tager and I am stuck on it's "Limit Weapon". It's called Tentacle Sheath and this is what it does:


The part that is becoming hard for me is the insta-death munching thing that literally makes the body go away. It takes the poor schlub into the home dimension of the Tager and gets nomed on.


Any help would be greatly appreciated.


How about an EDM or Transdimensional Teleport with Usable as Attack?

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Re: Tentacle Sheath


How's This?

Tentacle Sheathe: (Total: 119 Active Cost, 23 Real Cost) Killing Attack - Ranged 3d6, Area Of Effect Nonselective (10" Cone; +3/4) (79 Active Points); 1 Recoverable Charge which Recovers every 24 Hours (-1 3/4), Extra Time (1 Turn (Post-Segment 12), -1 1/4), No Range (-1/2), No Knockback (-1/4) (Real Cost: 17) plus Extra-Dimensional Movement (Single Dimension), Usable As Attack (+1) (40 Active Points); 1 Recoverable Charge which Recovers every 24 Hours (-1 3/4), Extra Time (1 Turn (Post-Segment 12), -1 1/4), No Conscious Control (Only Effects cannot be controlled; -1), Linked (Tentacles; -1/2), Requires A STR vs. STR Roll (RSR Skill is subject to Skill vs. Skill contests, No Active Point penalty to Skill Roll; -1/2), Conditional Power (Target Must Be Randomly Selected From Those That Were Attacked By The Tentacles; -1/4) (Real Cost: 6)
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Re: Tentacle Sheath


When I was looking at doing something similar, I was torn between a BODY Drain (and a limitation that if you broke free you got all your BODY back - but if you didn't you were drawn into the other dimension when you 'died') and a Transform Grabbed target to Dead.

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Re: Tentacle Sheath


I think this is a question of design preference; as an SFX you can use the XDM, but HERO by design does not support insta-glick without a significant number of dice; not even an NND would work as an NND has to define a reasonable defense (although it could be "Must be a huge creature or larger" and be done from there, letting it eat anything medium sized and down). Speaking purely for a GM standpoint, I'd call "cheap" because of the general premise; it isn't REALLY killing them.




Drama trumps everything; so if this is a CTHULU type setting, then there's an expectation that not all attacks can be defensed. And getting UAO gated to an alternate nom dimension falls into that category. ;)

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Re: Tentacle Sheath


Is this for a PC?


If not, it seems suitably off the charts to be in plot device mode, where anybody hit by a straight OCV-vs-DCV check dies.


If it needs to be statted out:


The Tentacle-Lashing:

As a Naked Advantage:

Area Effect Cone on X Str (however much STR this guy has for his tentacle attack; Telekineses does not sound right because something like a wall or force bubble between him and his target would block it), Selective, with the Limitation 1 Recoverable Charge which recovers every 24 hours.


Alternatively, rather than making it a Naked Advantage, you could use a Hand Attack or Killing Attack with the same advantages/limitations.


That would take care of the "attacks everyone within range" part.


The "Grab and Pull" part:

Telekinesis at X Str (again, however much you deem necessary), Trigger (when victim hit by the Cone attack, Limitations: Only to grab and drag victim into "The Maw", Cannot be used independently of Tentacle-Lashing, 1 Charge that lasts 1 Turn, then recovers after 24 hours, Target is randomly selected from those hit by the Tentacle-Lashing


This simulates the part where a tentacle randomly grabs 1, and only 1, of the lashed targets and starts pulling. Because it is on a continuing charge, if the victim breaks free, he/she is safe.


The above two powers would set up the Lashing and the Grabbing. The entire thing can be done much more easily if you do not have the limitation of only grabbing a single victim.


The Maw:

Killing Attack (however big you need it to be scary), Trigger (when a tentacle grabs and pulls someone in), Limitations: No Knockback, 1 Charge which Recovers every 24 hours


This would parallel your description.


The entire package of three abilities can be done more elegantly if you remove the "only randomly grabs one victim"; then a Naked Advantage on STR that must be used to Grab and yank the victims in, with appropriate Limitations, would do it.

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Re: Tentacle Sheath


Is this for a PC?


If not, it seems suitably off the charts to be in plot device mode, where anybody hit by a straight OCV-vs-DCV check dies.


NOT a capability you would want to fumble' date=' or have a 'friendly fire' incident with.[/quote']

Yeah, it's pretty damn scary and it is available to any PC who becomes a Tager and chooses the Phantom Tager.


Overall, running this game world has to come with a certain expectation of a high mortality rate and the very likely acquisition of character-removing insanity over time. :jawdrop:

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Re: Tentacle Sheath


Yeah, it's pretty damn scary and it is available to any PC who becomes a Tager and chooses the Phantom Tager.


Overall, running this game world has to come with a certain expectation of a high mortality rate and the very likely acquisition of character-removing insanity over time. :jawdrop:


Cthulu sez...


"Your PC has a first name! It's NOM NOM NOM NOM NOM"

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