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What if Dr. Destroyer....


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Re: What if Dr. Destroyer....


One decree he'd almost certainly make is a eugenics decree eliminating anyone who possessed a wide variety of genetic handicaps. He'd probably suppress the collective practise of religion in general and any attempts to practise magic. Mutants would be removed from their parents and raised by his military, and anyone who was the beneficiary of a power endowing accident would be required to report in for conditioning and induction. A long list of books would be banned, pretty much anything containing information about pre-Destroyer Conquest history except for books about how things were terrible and doomed. Drug addiction would lead to those so addicted being sent to camps.

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Re: What if Dr. Destroyer....


Think Nazi Germany as it actually was; bright and shiny on the surface for the well connected, hell for the un-connected and scapegoats. Even more interesting; Destroyer has no coherent ideology, and the strongest of scientific backgrounds. There's a fair chance that his elites would actually be genetically gifted compared to the rest of the populace.


Actually, the lack of an ideology that would actually inspire loyalty is one of Destroyer's weak spots. He works as a comic book villain, but if I used him in my campaigns I'd probably either give him an ideology or have his lack of beliefs past "I Rule All" cause his henchmen to betray him in large and small ways.

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Re: What if Dr. Destroyer....


It'd be a police state of the extreme kind.


There wouldn't be "laws" as we called them. There would be decrees, anything that could possibly be used against Doc would simply be abolished (and I imagine the death penalty prevalent).


Daily life would be "don't anger the immediate ruler of law" and "find food, watch Destroyer TV."


If he won most resistance would be crushed out and I think life 'on the ground' would simply be very similar as it is now, only you know you're not allowed to think or do anti-destroyer thoughts. Hunting would be out because I can't imagine him allowing guns to be around at all. Or possibly you'll get guns he doesn't consider a threat since his police force would be Destroyer Bots.

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Re: What if Dr. Destroyer....


f he won most resistance would be crushed out and I think life 'on the ground' would simply be very similar as it is now' date=' only you know you're not allowed to think or do anti-destroyer thoughts. Hunting would be out because I can't imagine him allowing guns to be around at all. Or possibly you'll get guns he doesn't consider a threat since his police force would be Destroyer Bots.[/quote']


If he follows Machiavelli, he will allow (nay, encourage!) the purchase of small arms by the general population.


After all, even a 30-06 is no real threat to Dr. D. And I'm sure he'll make his police force bulletproof too...

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Re: What if Dr. Destroyer....


As OddHat points out, Doctor Destroyer lacks any ideology that would encourage people to side with him, aside from "Serve Destroyer or die!" AFAICT he also has no specific plan for actually governing the world. I'm put in mind of the conqueror Timur Lenk (known as "Tamerlaine" in the West), brilliant general but lousy administrator. Much of his time was spent putting down revolutions in various corners of his empire.


OTOH Dr. D might attempt to promote worship of himself as a living god, as with his Javangari followers. It's mentioned in the Vibora Bay sourcebook that a faction of the High Apostolic Church reveres powerful supervillains including DD, and that fact has caught his attention.


What will really screw things up is if the Doctor can't solve his little mortality problem. His idea of rulership is very much built around himself, and after he's gone the world would likely disintegrate into his prominent lieutenants fighting for dominance, as with Alexander's empire after his death.

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Re: What if Dr. Destroyer....


It always struck me that there was a big hole in the plan. How was the environment going to handle the impact of billions on buried bodies, rotting, probably burning cities, powerplants and crashed vehicles not to mention the damage done by the riots and destruction that would sweep the planet at the global announcement "9 out of 10 people are going to die." I mean I think the planet would recover of course but it would be a slow process and leave allot of scars to clean up

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Re: What if Dr. Destroyer....


Well to help the planet improve from such a catastrophe he would use his doomsday devices like a weather machine to help stop the bad weather, make the North Pole cold etc.


He could also mind control the likes of Thorn and use his plant powers to resupply the world with plants on a grand scale. He would use Hammerhead (his aquatic brick) go deep underwater to deal with earthquakes and other stuff, probably sending down huge submarines to aid him.


And for all those pesky resistance...well he ruled the world once, back in 1984. he ruled the world from March 30th to June 24th using a huge mind control device. No reason he can't improve on it, or focus it through his mentalist Thought crime to take out members of resistant. And there is his greatest spy Rakhasha...


I think Destroyer will manage fixing this world he wants to rule. No point being emperor of a graveyard or captain of a sinking ship is there?

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Re: What if Dr. Destroyer....


It always struck me that there was a big hole in the plan. How was the environment going to handle the impact of billions on buried bodies' date=' rotting, probably burning cities, powerplants and crashed vehicles not to mention the damage done by the riots and destruction that would sweep the planet at the global announcement "9 out of 10 people are going to die." I mean I think the planet would recover of course but it would be a slow process and leave allot of scars to clean up[/quote']


Destroyer strikes me as very much a "survival of the fittest" kind of guy, so I doubt he'd be much concerned about how the remaining people would survive or the world would heal itself. Mind you, he did offer to institute his plan in a more methodical manner if all the world's governments capitulated to him. In any case, as he would likely have the largest surviving organized military force in the world, it would probably be easier for him to conquer it afterward and mobilize a cleanup, should he be so inclined.


BTW I've read various doomsday scenarios for the end of human civilization, and most agree that the planet's ecology would recover after we cease to have a major impact on it in relatively short order.

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Re: What if Dr. Destroyer....


It always struck me that there was a big hole in the plan. How was the environment going to handle the impact of billions on buried bodies' date=' rotting, probably burning cities, powerplants and crashed vehicles not to mention the damage done by the riots and destruction that would sweep the planet at the global announcement "9 out of 10 people are going to die." I mean I think the planet would recover of course but it would be a slow process and leave allot of scars to clean up[/quote']



You have to remember--the plan to kill nine-tenths of the world's population was not Zerstoiten's plan. It was the plan of Bob Richards, the reporter Destroyer brainwashed to impersonate him. Richards believed that Destroyer was dead, and that to kill nine out of every ten people was Destroyer's last wish, so he did his best to carry it out.


The real Destroyer very likely would implement such a plan after conquering the world, but he would do it systematically. Genetic testing to determine who was "worthy" to survive, then internment camps for the "unworthy," followed by their execution in limited numbers over intervals of time, disposing of the remains by cremation.


It would be the Holocaust on a much larger scale, except not targeted against a specific ethnic origin. Small comfort to the victims or those forced to bear witness. And certainly enough reason for his opponents to keep fighting him, no matter what.

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Re: What if Dr. Destroyer....


I think it quite likely that any "save the environment by eliminating 90% of humanity" plan would be like that of the Master of the World in the old Alpha FLight comic books: doing something to fertility rates species-wide so we just aren't making that many new people, and immunizing whatever group Zerstoiten sees as being worthy of creating future generations. You'd avoid the quick and wholesale destruction of an immediate population cull in favor of gradually decereasing environmental pressures as the birth rate falls to near zero and people continue to die off naturally.

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Re: What if Dr. Destroyer....


Destroyer strikes me as very much a "survival of the fittest" kind of guy, so I doubt he'd be much concerned about how the remaining people would survive or the world would heal itself. Mind you, he did offer to institute his plan in a more methodical manner if all the world's governments capitulated to him. In any case, as he would likely have the largest surviving organized military force in the world, it would probably be easier for him to conquer it afterward and mobilize a cleanup, should he be so inclined.


I wasn't talking about the people but the planet he'd end up ruling wouldn't be very much to be charge off for awhile and he doesn't have that much time left due his mortality issue. The environment might recover but I don't think Destroyer would like to spend much of his reign playing clean up man and park ranger. Honestly, considering the chaos such I think would create and the aftereffects that would kill even the nominal survivors. There wouldn't be any organized resistance if 90 percent of the world just suddenly dropped dead and the ensuing problems that would follow (plagues from moldering corposes in the streets, hte collapse of infrastructure, fires, the sick and injured (but genetically fit) dying unattended crime and general chaos, suicides, Mechanon deciding to do clean up missions of his own along with other meta criminals and aliens, deciding it's open season now)) He might not have had much of a humanity to rule. Lord emperor of trashed planet and nearly extinct humanity seems like taking a few steps back from what the good Doctor's wants. It's a very comic book plan but there are some logical holes in it, IMO.


I think if I utilized it, Dr D was either bluffing (not really his style but there you go) as some sort of test of worthiness and the panic tactics of his opposition or Dr D is (more) unhinged and honestly didn't think it thought past "I win" possibly getting some form of Hyper Cognition based form of age related dementia at this point. Of course he hasn't see. He is Destroyer! Nothing can impinge on his judgment and genius! Some of his closer henchman might have noticed his growing irrationality and even worse fits of pique lately...


You have to remember--the plan to kill nine-tenths of the world's population was not Zerstoiten's plan. .


It was Dr D's plan in The Book of the Destroyer.


I think it quite likely that any "save the environment by eliminating 90% of humanity" plan would be like that of the Master of the World in the old Alpha FLight comic books: doing something to fertility rates species-wide so we just aren't making that many new people' date=' and immunizing whatever group Zerstoiten sees as being worthy of creating future generations. You'd avoid the quick and wholesale destruction of an immediate population cull in favor of gradually decereasing environmental pressures as the birth rate falls to near zero and people continue to die off naturally.[/quote']


Yeah, that was probably his "more socially acceptable" plan that was mentioned in his speech if everyone caved and made him ruler of the world. Otherwise, the Genocido-ray got turned on

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Re: What if Dr. Destroyer....


BTW I've read various doomsday scenarios for the end of human civilization, and most agree that the planet's ecology would recover after we cease to have a major impact on it in relatively short order.


To be fair though most of the one's I've read don't involved billions of humans simply dropping dead after a few days of global panic (and God knows what else) and "relatively short" in ecological terms can be centuries. The theorized humans dying out more "naturally", leaving en mass or just simply vanishing as if by magic.


I'm also a little suspicious of some of them since they have a definite "the world would be so much better without us nasty humans" vibe like some of the stuff you hear from the Racial Extinction Movement. But yeah the planet would probably recover from anything short of a full scale nuclear exchange but it would take awhile in human terms and time is not on Dr. D's side.

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Re: What if Dr. Destroyer....


What if part of Dr. D's master plan was to send in his robots and henchmen to clean up the planet and set about establishing his rule after the mass culling while he either jumped into a time suspension capsule or used a time travel gizmo to travel just far enough into the future that he would have a race and planet worthy of his rule?

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Re: What if Dr. Destroyer....


Back on topic…


The world under Destroyer, I agree it's would be a police state where the daily lives of the citizens were extremely regimented and controlled. I don't think he'd be interested in "micro managing" exactly but would watch for subversion, possibly restructuring society, language and education to eliminate the idea itself from human through. Children would be state educated in crèches, the world before Destroyer painted as barbaric, dirty and crud with Destroyer as savior.


His discoveries in genetics and biology would be applies to "improve" the human genome and overall fitness. These changes would be mandatory. The genetically unfit would be sterilized (if not euthanized but that could cause unwanted civil disruption) with potential parents having to be tested and in vitro gene fixing mandatory. Mutants, a potential source of disruption and rebellion would be raised by the state and indoctrinated into the personality cult of Dr. Destroyer from birth.


The civilization would be a brutal meritocracy with intellect rated somewhat hire than physical prowess but not totally. Society as shaped by Dr. D would have little room for pity or empathy for the weak though a certain noblesse Oblige might apply that would allow for the weak to be supported by at a subsistence level. Religion and mysticism would be suppressed and discouraged but not actively crushed immediately. He seems to find the ideas offensive and foolish but would probably realize as a opiate for the masses and a vital part of many lives trying to excise the ideas immediately would lead to more tedious attempts at rebellion to suppress, better to weed out the ideas over time.


Disarming the population (particularly of the US) would be problematic. Very few things rile up large segment of the US population that threatening their weapon ownership but then again Destroyer rules and will be obeyed. So it sort of seems like a toss up in that area. It's not like the weapon the common could get their hands on or would have in their possession would be a threat to Dr Destroyer or all but his weakest minions.


The disturbing thing is there are factions in the world that would find this world at least somewhat appealing...

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Re: What if Dr. Destroyer....


The more cinematic, heroic and four color option is that the good Doctor, drunk with his power and hubris attempts to remake the world in his image over night, oversteps himself and drastically underestimates the "little people" under him so dies in some pleasingly ironic fashion just when he thought he was at his most powerful with his fall mostly like facilitated by a small but plucky band of determined rebels, misfits and malcontents IE: PCs :)

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Re: What if Dr. Destroyer....


Considering his power and planning one may take a page from God -Emperor of Dune on this one. There are no wars society as a whole is well off and loyal but what had once been powerful factions now exist purely at his whim. Stripped of most their power things such as State or National governments are purely there to sedate loyalists and have only the degree of power allowed by Doctor Destroyer. Throughout the halls of power there are a myriad of plots and conspiracies in play working to overthrow him, most of which he already knows about and either controls or allows to continue as they have no real weight and serve to breed a stronger persona.


This may go so far as to create an army of non-evil loyalists who see Doctor Destroyer's reign as the closest humanity may ever come to true peace and prosperity. This is all along the lines of Doctor Destroyer ages every slowly and has time to pure initial dissidents firmly locking him into the seat of power. The short term would likely be much more violent bloody seizures of power, uprisings to quell all the while crafting states that from the outside show great amounts of property under his rule to demoralize those not yet under his control.

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Re: What if Dr. Destroyer....


Having not read any Dr. D source material, this is pure speculation on my part:


Dr. D crushes all resistance. He doesn't show much in the way of political savvy. He's not trying to gain influence; he's crushing resistance. He's not trying to rule; he's trying to win. He cows all governments in to kowtowing to his rule and turns their military mechanisms inward to subdue their own populace. This in turn leads to fragmentation and rebellion. As Destroyer's control fragments, he steps up the violence, which in turn leads to more fragmentation. Despite his genius, he is incapable or realizing that smashing a broken pot with a bigger hammer will not fix it. Eventually his unchecked frustration leads him to wipe out the human race in a fit of pique. By the time he dies Earth is a tomb world.

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