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Baby Destroyer


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After recieving a hint of Dr Destroyer's next plot for world domination, Your group of heroes find the master villain in his new lair, towering over a very complex and glowing device.


Catching him by surprise, he nearly destroys your team (He's Destroyer, what did you think was going to happen?) something goes wrong with his machine, and it explodes. Under the rubble, the heroes find something unbelievable.


Inside the suit of armour, lays a child of only 2, maybe one year of age. The device has some how reverted destroyer back to a toddler. A very intelligent toddler indeed but a toddler none the less.


What do they do with this child? He can no longer remember what he did as an adult, but retains a lot of knowledge, rivalling some of the top scientists in the world.


Do the heroes hand him over to the UN to be tried as an adult? Do they raise it in the hope he will become a force for good? And what about all the villains who want a shot at this now 'defensless' child, especially VIPER and Mechanon, even Foxbat!

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Re: Baby Destroyer


Well, being heroes, of COURSE we hand him over to UNTIL to sequester and raise to be a force for good. Hopefully under the cautious surveillance of mentalists to be sure his "old" memory doesn't return.


I dont think even the most dark of heroic types, (later wolverine, or dark knight batman) would do anything differently to a baby displaying no knowledge of his former self.

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Re: Baby Destroyer


None of my heroes would kill the baby destroyer if it is permanent- too innocent. All would try to make sure it is permanent. If it wears off.. bye bye destroyer. However...


Volt make sure the baby had good parents and warn them. He'd check in every so often to make sure everything is ok.


Olorin is ageless, and may be tempted to adopt the kid himself. Probably would not, but may take a "Merlin" role upon teenage year if the new destroyer is good. If not.... Zzzap! Would probably go with Volt's route until the teenage years - and would watch him closely untill then.


Black Tiger. Anyone familair with Black Tiger from my posts could guess what he would do first. Swear. Then agonize over killing him, turning him over or going Volt's route. He would not trust turning him over to authorities, as if they did not kill him he'd think they would botch up anything else. He'd probably go Volt's route with a lot of grumping and vile epithets. He'd watch the kid very closely and kill him at the first sign of serious evil.


Futurian: "Umm... Don't look at me, I won't kill him or adopt him. I'd make a horrible parent, and he's just too cute to kill. Know anyone who wants a very bright child?" Would go Volt's route handing him over to good parents then promptly forget about it.

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Re: Baby Destroyer


Mole would be confused (and his player surprised that Mole had survived a fight with Doctor Frickin Destroyer... "Thanks for not nukin us like probably should have happened, Tom!" ;) ) and ask the rest of the Shadow Guard "So, do we turn him over to be raised by a kindly Amish couple or what?"

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Re: Baby Destroyer


We don't have Destroyer in our universe; we have an equivalent mega-villain, so I will act as though Destroyer actually has replaced him one-for-one.


Deuce would smell a trap. For one thing, his natural suspicion of any of Destroyer or his ilk would also not innately trust this child at all. For another, he's terrible with children; he's never had to raise one at all, and would not want to foist it on his fellow team members (unless one wanted to retire to do it). Deuce prides himself, as the former master spy, to be able to think several moves ahead of his opponent, even though he knows he's not as smart as many (in fact, most) supervillains. A baby Destroyer at the World Watchers tower would just complicate his group's lives more than they already are. However, it's just a tot, so...


So his first inkling would be to turn over the child to either UNTIL or another organization with mentalists who could mellow the child's natural need to want to dominate others (the child would still be precocious beyond belief, and frankly, is far more intelligent - even now - than most normal adults, so it's perhaps right that he should have some eventual authority over others even at a young age). Later, the child may be fostered by some Ector type who could eventually turn the young Destroyer into a superhero. He would also work to try to locate and destroy any more hidden lairs for the Destroyer, just in case he has an equivalent "aging weapon" stowed somewhere else, along with "brain tapes" or something if they exist that would reload Destroyer's memories...


He would also check with other superheroes who manipulate time (Favors are wonderful things), if any exist, to see if there is anything they could do to set things right in case Destroyer has planted an "Age Bomb" somewhere else.

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Re: Baby Destroyer


Tao would advise destroying him. It's the soundest option and eliminates any chances of him reverting to his previous self and takes into account this entire thing could be some convoluted plan.


Eve would be delighted to have a baby to look after and "adopt" the baby megalomaniac and try to raise him (with the help of other "grown ups", of course). She has more knowledge of the requirements of parenting than a typical "girl" her mental age but not by much.


Ivy, though her maternal side would be stirred would first use her powers to exam Destroyer jr then turn him over to proper authorities to hopefully be isolated and watched. There is no telling if this situation is permanent, temporary or even deliberate so caution is the order of the day. If nothing else, Destroyer has servants that may try to recover and restore him.


Velocity and Valkyrie would be much the same except with less mothering urge Val would be intimidating by the idea and Vel is a teenager.

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Re: Baby Destroyer


Badger: Probably depends on the remember the past thing. Dr. Destroyer (well the equivalent in my universe) was the one who killed his mother and sister. So, he would definitely be in a killing for revenge mood. But, harming kids is a no-no for him. Probably figures it was some Destroyer plot to torture him further with his family's death (preventing him from revenge). If the kid is gonna remember his past. All bets are off of what he'd do, I'm afraid. In any case probably still wouldnt kill him but would keep close eye on him, once he is a teen if he shows any inkling of regaining that memory he is done. (Note: Though the fact that his sister wasnt was very young when she was killed, could be a factor, too, come to think of it)


Frosty Bob- be totally bored with the situation, probably just wanders off to find some fun, while the rest of the team deals with it.

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Re: Baby Destroyer


Ok, for the people who give the baby to UNTIL a few days later they find reports he escaped, taking several pieces of technology and the HD tv.


Attempts to find him fail miserably. A little while after during some natural disaster, a small bolt of metal zooms to save people. It reveals itself as Baby Battler, and emulates himself after one of the heores who rescued him (or if one is powered armoured him).


The toddler seems intent on saving people and being a hero but he did break out of UNTIL. And he stole tech from ARGENT. and he annoyed Bulldozer by beating him in a fight. And he ruined the series finale of Foxbat's favourite show by telling him what happened. And then...



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Re: Baby Destroyer


Ok, for the people who give the baby to UNTIL a few days later they find reports he escaped, taking several pieces of technology and the HD tv.


Attempts to find him fail miserably. A little while after during some natural disaster, a small bolt of metal zooms to save people. It reveals itself as Baby Battler, and emulates himself after one of the heores who rescued him (or if one is powered armoured him).


The toddler seems intent on saving people and being a hero but he did break out of UNTIL. And he stole tech from ARGENT. and he annoyed Bulldozer by beating him in a fight. And he ruined the series finale of Foxbat's favourite show by telling him what happened. And then...




If the he acted like a hero, all my characters would be glad, but continue to monitor just in case.

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