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Nano bots control


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Hey I am trying to build a character for a Cyber Hero Campaign and I came up with I think is an interresting idea. My Character, due to an accident with nanobots in his brain, can not control nano bots to do what he commands. There are 3 types of nanobots:

Nano Meds, which can heal organic beings or damage them.

Nano Tech, Which can repair or argument machine, can also be used to break them (i.e. a dispel)

and Nano Spys the rarest kind of Nano Bots, they can both infiltrate enemy strongholds and transmit the information to another source.


Now my problem is I don't know how to build this. I was thinking two ways: A summon nano bots must inhabit local area (Somtimes he buys his own and brings it on missions).


Or 3 Multipowers for each nanobot, with a help or a hinder option. This might be cheaper and help limit my power since Summon is rarely accepted in low level games.


I would like to ask for any help or advice people can offer on this matter.

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Re: Nano bots control


The "cloud of nanobots" are only what it looks like. In other words: Special Effects. The actual mechanics are the powers, talents, and skills that represent what these nanobots actually do. Actually, the character's got Clairsentience, possibly an energy blast or killing attack, some healing (or regeneration), A transform and/or dispel/supress vs machines, and clairsentience. Probably all these powers are packaged in a multipower, elemental control, or a variable power pool that only lets the character create powers that represent things he's learned do with nanobots.

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Re: Nano bots control


Thanks. One thing, should it be a focus or Physical Manifestation? It needs nanobots around him, and nanobots don't last long outside their container so he would have to buy more or use ones already there. should that be charges?


Yes I was planning for a multipower. Whether it is one big multipower, or 3 small ones for each type of nanobot I haven't decided. A

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