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Question: Sidekick vs. HERO


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I recently bought Sidekick to start a gaming group. I was wondering, do I absolutely need to buy HERO the full version to play? Can I get going with just Sidekick?


Also, on a side note, how many powers is Sidekick missing? I should want to know what I would be missing.

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Re: Question: Sidekick vs. HERO


I recently bought Sidekick to start a gaming group. I was wondering, do I absolutely need to buy HERO the full version to play? Can I get going with just Sidekick?


Also, on a side note, how many powers is Sidekick missing? I should want to know what I would be missing.


Sidekick is definatly enough to start with, eventualy you will probably want to upgrade, but Sidekick is a full game. Any questions just ask and you will probably get 5 answers to help you along.


As for the number of powers missing, I think it is about 8 or so, but there is a sidebar listing them in sidekick in the powers sections

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Re: Question: Sidekick vs. HERO


I disagree - no one needs the main book to play the game. Granted it's got a ton of goodly information in it.


But the game itself can be played using just Sidekick all around.


Depending on your play style you may eventually want some of the extra goodies in The Rules; but there's no need for it.

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Re: Question: Sidekick vs. HERO


FREd (5th Edition Rules, "Big Black Book") contains oodles of examples and samples and longer explanations. But all the powers and whatnot from FREd are in Sidekick.


Again, you don't need anything other than Sidekick, but FREd and the various supplements will help better customize your game, explain how to better simulate various effects, etc.

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Re: Question: Sidekick vs. HERO


FREd (5th Edition Rules, "Big Black Book") contains oodles of examples and samples and longer explanations. But all the powers and whatnot from FREd are in Sidekick.


Again, you don't need anything other than Sidekick, but FREd and the various supplements will help better customize your game, explain how to better simulate various effects, etc.


Not all of them are in Sidekick... most powers are there though...

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Re: Question: Sidekick vs. HERO


A few years ago our board colleague arcady posted a listing of things from the main rulebook that aren't included in SK. He called it a "partial list", but it's still pretty darn thorough:


Here's a partial listing of things missing, only because I stopped to work on other things before finishing it:



Variable Power Pool




Autofire Skills

Defense Manuever

Penalty Skill Levels

Rapid Attack


Two-Weapon Fighting






Damage reduction


Endurance Reserve

Find Weakness

Lack of Weakness

Missile Deflection







attack versus limited defense


delayed effect

difficult to dispel

does body

does knockback

double knockback


hole in the middle




range-line of sight


time delay



usable on others

variable advantage

variable special effect





gradual effect


some limited examples

no conscious control

reduced penetration


variable limitations



hit location


I should point out that while the main rulebook contains much stuff useful for any genre, the excised bits would be noticed most when using published Champions supers-genre supplements. For other genres Sidekick has almost everything that appears in published books, and that would be useful for running games in those genres.

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