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Foods for those that just don't care anymore


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A "cake" made of cornbread with mashed potato icing and a gravy drizzle, topped by fried chicken.



I like all the individual pieces (the cornbread must not have sugar in it, though), but together. There are things that are just wrong. This is one of them.

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Memo to self: before grilling whole eggplant, pierce the skin a few times.


Comment for public consumption {sic}: Eggplant that have undergone internal steam explosion look kind of like giant squid that have been hit with an explosive charge.

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Right now I'm trying to make quick bread with blueberry muffin mix using my new bread machine. I think I put in the blueberries too soon and they got pulverized, but we shall see soon. I have made a couple of loaves of bread and a few batches of pizza dough with it.


I had a friend over last weekend and he brought his own veggie pizza toppings. Artichoke hearts, "cherry peppers", and similar things. I didn't eat his pizza, so I have no clue how it worked, but he enjoyed it a lot.

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