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Foods for those that just don't care anymore


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Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore


I just realized that I have already consumed, just today, 601.3 milligrams of caffeine in my soda. That's equivalent to four and a half cups of coffee. And this is a light day, with only two 44-ounce refills and two 32-ounce fountain drinks at the local supermarket. I generally drink even more than that. And I'm heavily craving more -- a LOT more.


When you start going to work at a medical clinic, some things just start to look wrong.

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Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore


I know people say that, but when I spent some time on medical leave last year I went cold turkey for like a week and the absence didn't bother me. No headaches, no jitters, no strong cravings. Is it possible to drink lots of caffeine but not actually become addicted to it?

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Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore


To be fair-ish, too much of anything is bad for the human body, even water.


(which strikes me as a point against 'intelligent design'. I mean, seriously ... too little of anything, problem, too much of anything, problem ...)


All things in moderation...

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Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore


Probably. I would imagine it's more likely you'll get the withdrawal the more of it you drink' date=' though.[/quote']


Last time I tried to give it up I didn't get those symptoms. I fell back in because I seem to really like drinking the stuff -- which may be a sign of serious addiction. But there were previous occasions where withdrawal made me so sick I was throwing up. So I never know what's going to happen next.

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Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore


Last time I tried to give it up I didn't get those symptoms. I fell back in because I seem to really like drinking the stuff -- which may be a sign of serious addiction. But there were previous occasions where withdrawal made me so sick I was throwing up. So I never know what's going to happen next.


The problem isn't drinking Cola; that's just a symptom. Addiction isn't about the substance, but about how the substance seems to fill a need you aren't addressing well, possibly because you aren't consciously aware of it. If you have the resources, a good mental healthcare provider can help you figure out how to live a good life without having to consume the quantities of the stuff you have been consuming. You're right. A lot of 12-step groups might look at you as if you had carrots for hair if you walked in and said "I need help quitting cola drinks!" Of course, there are some who would invite you in anyway, but YMMV. Good luck!

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Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore


OK, is it just me or is the bacon thing just about played out?


I mean, I like bacon just fine. A couple of slices on a burger, a couple of slices with my eggs in the morning, sure. But this weird fetishizing of it is just starting to get annoying. Bacon-flavored chewing gum? Bacon-flavored mayonaise? Bacon-flavored ice cream, for god's sake? Maybe it's just me, but there's no food in the world that's that good.


People hoovering up 5 pounds of bacon in one sitting? Brother, if they were doing that with any other food, we wouldn't be making heroes out of them. If they were eating five pounds of candy, or five pounds of bread, we'd be checking them into a psycho-ward. You know why? Because that s**t is crazy.


And then there's the whole, "Would you rather eat bacon, or save a child's life?" "Why, eat bacon of course!" meme that's been going around. Eat bacon, or cure cancer? Eat bacon, or make love with a beautiful woman? I'm sorry, bacon is good, but it's just not that good.


Maybe this is heresy (because it seems like bacon has developed some sort of weird cult following), but yeah. I think this one has played itself out for me.


Here endeth the rant.

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Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore


... And then there's the whole' date=' "Would you rather eat bacon, or save a child's life?" "Why, eat bacon of course!" meme that's been going around. ...[/quote']


Ha! I missed that one. My twist on that would be "Which is stronger, my fondness of bacon or my hatred of children?" :eg:

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Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore


OK, is it just me or is the bacon thing just about played out?


I mean, I like bacon just fine. A couple of slices on a burger, a couple of slices with my eggs in the morning, sure. But this weird fetishizing of it is just starting to get annoying. Bacon-flavored chewing gum? Bacon-flavored mayonaise? Bacon-flavored ice cream, for god's sake? Maybe it's just me, but there's no food in the world that's that good.


People hoovering up 5 pounds of bacon in one sitting? Brother, if they were doing that with any other food, we wouldn't be making heroes out of them. If they were eating five pounds of candy, or five pounds of bread, we'd be checking them into a psycho-ward. You know why? Because that s**t is crazy.


And then there's the whole, "Would you rather eat bacon, or save a child's life?" "Why, eat bacon of course!" meme that's been going around. Eat bacon, or cure cancer? Eat bacon, or make love with a beautiful woman? I'm sorry, bacon is good, but it's just not that good.


Maybe this is heresy (because it seems like bacon has developed some sort of weird cult following), but yeah. I think this one has played itself out for me.


Here endeth the rant.


At this point, I think 'bacon' has entered the same weird category as Chuck Norris ... it's become a thing to try to come up with the weirdest statement one can make regarding the subject.

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Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore


Bacon was one of those "forbidden foods" for me growing up, since I was misdiagnosed with certain food allergies as a kid. I've been making up for lost time ever since... :ugly:


(Seriously -- pork, egg whites, wheat, corn, rice, strawberries, caffeine, peanuts, shrimp, tomatoes, potatoes, vinegar -- yeah, I was [MEEP]ing PISSED when the new allergist said "Whoops!" when I got retested in college.)

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Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore


I wonder how long before the government tries to shut them down.


They couldn't get away with the tobacco in Oregon, where all restaurants and most workplaces are required by law to be smoke-free. This was in response to situations like non-smoking waitresses at bars developing lung cancer from decades of heavy second-hand smoke.

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Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore


We all realize this is the thread 'for those that just don't care anymore'? There's no such thing as excessive.

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