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Foods for those that just don't care anymore


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Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore


Barberton Fried Chicken


I first became aware of this last year, when an article in the local alterna-rag did a feature on it, emphasizing it as one of those "100 Foods to Eat Before You Die". This, coupled with Ohio's favorite Son Michael Symon dedicating an episode of "Food Feuds" on it, intrigued me. I'm a sucker for good fried chicken. Oven-frying chicken isn't quite the same, not to mention I'm pyrophobic enough that I don't trust myself to be able to deep-fry anything properly at home. This is indeed a dish I leave to the experts.


Since Barberton's about an hour away from us, we took the trek out there last weekend to visit Belgrade Gardens and gave it a go. The portions were HUGE. You definitely got your money's worth. For sides, I stuck with the traditional -- cole slaw, fries and hot sauce. Hot sauce here is a concoction of stewed tomatoes, hot peppers and rice, which you could use as a dip or eat on its own. The sides unfortunately weren't really to my liking on their own. I prefer a crispier french fry and the potatoes they used carried too much natural sweetness for me to really enjoy it. However, I took my leftovers home, chopped up the fries into smaller bites, mixed in the remaining hot sauce and sauted them all up into a rather nice hash for breakfast.


But the chicken...oh dear sweet Buddha, the chicken. Crispy, juicy, hot, unhealthy (they're fried in lard) -- and very delicious. Was it the end-all-be-all of fried chicken? That, I'm still up in the air about. But it was a worthwhile trip and one I now don't need to do for a while.

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Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore


I've seen a lot of gross food lists ... and here's another one :) I've heard of most, though not all, of these.


World's Grossest Foods: Flying Maggot Cheese, Anyone?


I think we've posted about casu marzu aka Feast of Maggoty Horror here before. But tiet hanh? Blood soup? Sounds like something Dracula would be in the mood for.


And that one meal -- they boil the poor fruit bat while it's still alive? And "they are also carriers of disease". Now I see a fruit bat going down for the third time like that one trooper in Dog Soldiers: "I hope I give you the runs!"

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