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Foods for those that just don't care anymore


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Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore


Yeah, deep-fried butter? Seriously? I mean, I like butter. I like it probably more than is entirely healthy for me. But deep-fried butter? Same goes for all these "bacon-wrapped bacon with a triple-bacon chaser, cooked with bacon" dishes that I keep seeing. I like bacon, I really do. But there comes a point when too much is just too much. :sick:


I remember when I was a kid and I would eat an entire box of candy. And then I would be sick, and then eventually I learned my lesson. But maybe it's just me.

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Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore


I do appreciate a good beer batter on fish & chips. That being said, I've always thought the best fish & chips had the right proportion of batter to fish. I've had places that not only had too much batter, but said batter was undercooked to boot.

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Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore


It's a trap! Nothing this good can exist... especially in Cleveland! I can only guess that they are luring people in then making them stay and live and work in Ohio.


Work in Ohio? What work? :P


On a happier note, we've got some damn good restaurants here at least. Anyone tries to start slagging on Cleveland's food is in for a mess of humble pie.

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Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore


Mind you, I tried my hand at green chile cheese chicken enchiladas the other night. I get about one try at these a year because that's how often we get fresh green chiles up here in the markets. And the freshness Really Matters.

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Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore


It's a trap! Nothing this good can exist... especially in Cleveland! I can only guess that they are luring people in then making them stay and live and work in Ohio.


I told you all that this thread was an Ohioitian plot way up there. To anyone who didn't listen and is now trapped in Cleveland, I have just this to say. Neener, neener! You didn't listen, and now you're sorry!


Also, for a change, make the humble pie with a Brown Betty topping and serve with hard sauce instead of ice cream.

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Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore


Those beers have interesting names. I'm more of a wine drinker, but I have a taste for Guiness.


There is a diner near my work that serves tornado fries, although they call them spud sticks instead. I've been curious about them, but I haven't tried them yet.

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