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Best Battle


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Re: Best Battle


The best battle had to be early on in my Fantasy Hero career. I was GMing a session and a city guardsman character noticed he was being followed by a shady character and gave chase. He cornered him in a barn and took a lantern up into the lofts to confront him. The spy surprised the guard, knocking him over with a pitchfork handle. The lantern fell into the straw below and ignited. Then there was a frantic halberd versus pitchfork battle in the rafters of a burning building... it was quite dramatic and still one of the most memorable battles I've ever run. The other players were not involved, but they loved it.

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Re: Best Battle


Not really "best battle," but certainly among the most memorable...


I was GMing a long-term campaign. After months of slogging through a jungle, the heroes were getting ready to do final battle with the evil snake-priests. The party got separated in a "shifting rooms" type maze, but three of the heroes managed to find each other... and the temple where the evil ritual was about to take place.


I built the head priest to be very, very tough. And he was surrounded by very, very tough bodyguards. It was not meant to be a cakewalk.

The three heroes decided they couldn't wait for the rest of the party to catch up, so they leapt in to attack. It went something like this:


Phase 12:

  1. Cleric rushes up to the head priest. Hits. Rolls awesome damage. Wins the STUN Lottery. Head priest is Stunned.
  2. Paladin rushes up to the head priest. Hits. Rolls awesome damage. Head priest dies.
  3. Thief rushes up to the head priest. Sees the guy is already dead. Makes PRE attack on the bodyguards and tells them to flee.

Unfortunately, the bodyguards didn't flee, so the rest of the fight was a tough one... but I was so disappointed that my big baddie went down in a single phase. I laugh about it now. :rofl:

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Re: Best Battle


Well, this one I was GMing, but the players loved it.


They were in a tomb, and they knew that something was gnawing on bones, but they hadn't figure out what.


They found a throne room with a skeleton dressed in kingly fashion. Upon closer inspection, they found all the bones actually missing (except the skull) and the clothes all torn. Instantly, they knew that this was a trap.


Perception rolls all around. Two of three sensed nothing, but the one crited and looked UP. They were dozens of them, clinging in the shadows of the ceiling.


They dropped down and attack, they look kinda gnollish with hyenas heads.


The party were outnumbered, but these creatures had no real defenses to speak of.


Then one managed to hit with their special attack: bone cracking. a Massive HTH, Only to give Disabling wounds.


*CRACK* One got hit in the pelvis, and had to keep making DEX rolls to remain standing.


*CRACK* One got hit in the foot took -2 DCV and half running.


The third decided to maintain full DCV and defensive strike.


They managed to kill all 26 of them, but it was a hard fought battle.

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Re: Best Battle


Most awesomest fight ever? Ooo, hard to pick just one.


My favourite though, was probably the battle that closed out my third fantasy campaign. I had been running a long political intrigue game where the players were a sort of "special forces" unit for the city guard in a very large, somewhat Lanhkmarish city. There had been strife between the major merchant houses, which it turned out had been fomented by an outside group hoping to profit from civil war. The players eventually tracked them down and after a long voyage attacked the bad guys in their fortress - and were promptly defeated.


I then converted the classic "Escape from the Dungeon of the Slave lords" module and had the players escape - wounded, naked and unarmed - from their prison, under cover of a volcanic eruption, which was shaking the city. They managed to fight their way clear of the prison complex, regain their gear, fight their way through the panicking city and end up on the docks facing their arch-enemies, who were trying to load a boat with loot and escape.


It was then an all-on smackdown fight to the finish (this time without lots of minions to interfere), with a clock ticking in the background. I had turned the clock around so the players could not see the face, though they could hear it ticking and I set random time intervals for 5-15 minutes on it. When the alarm rang, another belch of lava would push further into the city, showers of red hot boulders and ash would randomly pepper the area. Everyone was getting frantic as the lava got closer and closer.... Eventually the players prevailed, but not without fatalities among their own group.


We normally finished that game around midnight, because people didn't like to play too late, but that time, we played through to 4 am and when we were finished, people were looking around going "Damn, is that the time?" :D


cheers, Mark

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