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Phone back tracter


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Re: Phone back tracter


Always remember the dramtic "gotta keep the guy on the line while the cops trace the call" concept is bogus. The phone company by definition knows where the call is going as soon as it's dialed. Or where it's coming from, for that matter. And with the right legal documentation they will share it with the cops.


Of course, for PC's it may not be that easy to get the information from the phone company. And cell phones are a whole 'nother matter. Generally the best you can do it figure out which 'cell' is relaying the call - unless you have radio direction-finding equipment at all the local 'cells'.


On the other hand, this is a game with a rather tenuous grip on reality...


For most purposes Ghost-Angel's idea should work just fine. Although I might add discriminitory on it just to be safe.

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Re: Phone back tracter


Cell phones work on the exact same DNIS premise as POTS, and have the added bonus of tracking the cellular device itself.


If you are within range of 3 cell towers or more you can be instantly triangulated within a few meters of your location. The phone company, with the proper warrants, track that in real time. They do not like to however.


They also do not like to track POTS in real time either because it means accessing the switch 'live' instead of just looking up the call records database afterwards.


One of the real reasons to 'keep them on the phone' when initiating a trace is so that they are stationary (in the case of POTS more than Cell) while you send a squad over. And indeed in the days of mechanical switches you did not have the instant trace capability - so if this is a historical game (say pre Ma Bell breakup) then that trick is wholly real. The phone company in that case needs to physically trace which switchboards are activated for that call. It's not that hard, but it does take more than a second.


What is difficult to do is track TOLL, those have no trace capability. They do not log where the call came from unless you want to go through reams of logs - which the phone company will not do nor will they hand it over to you easily. Mostly because TOLL are always RCF (er, forwarded) to a local line (either POTS or Circuit).


POTS = Plain Old Telephone Service

TOLL = Toll Free Number

RCF = Remote Call Forward


This has been your public service announcement of "more than you really needed to know about phone systems"


....The Access Perk could also work to gain access to the Telephony Records after the fact.

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Re: Phone back tracter


The problem with a simple detect is that the address you are detecting is unlikely to be nearby, but the chance of detecting the address should be pretty much independed to distance. I think, at very least, you would need plenty of telescopic, or range reduction or whatever.


Now arguably you are getting the information from teh signal (I have no idea) which is int he handset, and so at minimal range.


Not buying that. When you see something you are detecting the light in your eye. You still need to apply range penalties tot eh thing you are detecting - that's the way the game works, even if it isn't how real life works.


Looking at the interesting info GA provided, and, indeed, Steve's response, probably the better bet would be a systems operation skill roll for communication systems that requires the appropriate hardware, for a realistic approach.


Of the detect with loads of range bonuses on your PER roll for the handset doohickey, if you insist on buying it (or your GM insists you do).

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Re: Phone back tracter


For a more realistic style game (Cyberpunk, Dark Champions, Spy, etc) I would do this:


Perk: Access, Phone Records (1-2pts)


Two things are going on to get the source address of an incoming call.

1) simple Caller ID

2) matching the incoming number on the CallerID to the Phone Records to get the Source Address.


The proper type of social engineering could actually get this information out of a phone company rep (except Qwest, they are incapable of providing any useful information, even when they have it). All you really need to do is convince them you're trying to fix a billing records discrepancy issue regarding where the line is going and where it's being billed to and you're the actual number owner.


To get around Caller ID block you will need to get into the phone companies system itself. An appropriate Hacking, Phreaking or SysOp Skill Roll (depending on how detailed out campaign is). Or last ditch effort simple Break&Enter into a Telco Facility will get that done.


In a more fantastic campaign, or one that really doesn't need that kind of technical detail - a simple Detect will indeed do the trick. The closest Telco Central Office (not switch box) will contain all these records - you don't actually need to detect all the way to the source, just the closest point that holds the information.


Mind Scan; Machine Class could also do the trick quite nicely.

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Re: Phone back tracter


For a more realistic style game (Cyberpunk, Dark Champions, Spy, etc) I would do this:


Perk: Access, Phone Records (1-2pts)


Two things are going on to get the source address of an incoming call.

1) simple Caller ID

2) matching the incoming number on the CallerID to the Phone Records to get the Source Address.


The proper type of social engineering could actually get this information out of a phone company rep (except Qwest, they are incapable of providing any useful information, even when they have it). All you really need to do is convince them you're trying to fix a billing records discrepancy issue regarding where the line is going and where it's being billed to and you're the actual number owner.


To get around Caller ID block you will need to get into the phone companies system itself. An appropriate Hacking, Phreaking or SysOp Skill Roll (depending on how detailed out campaign is). Or last ditch effort simple Break&Enter into a Telco Facility will get that done.


In a more fantastic campaign, or one that really doesn't need that kind of technical detail - a simple Detect will indeed do the trick. The closest Telco Central Office (not switch box) will contain all these records - you don't actually need to detect all the way to the source, just the closest point that holds the information.


Mind Scan; Machine Class could also do the trick quite nicely.


MIND SCAN CLASS OF MIND IS GENIUS...my thanks, my thanks, my thanks...


For those who do not know what htis has been about, it is for a pet project of building adapting the gadgets from Batman: TAS, this device was used once by Robin in an episode, thanks again all

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Re: Phone back tracter


OK, here is the current build


Phone Tracer: Mind Scan 3d6 (Machine class of minds), 1 Continuing Fuel Charge lasting 1 Hour (+0), Cumulative (72 points; +1) (30 Active Points); Character Cannot Attack Through Link (-1 1/2), Limited Class Of Minds Telephones (-1), OAF (-1), Requires +20 result, only to locate address the phone is at (-1), Does Not Provide Mental Awareness (-1/4)


Active points 30, real cost 5

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Re: Phone back tracter


I KNOW I'm a party pooper, so feel free to ignore me, but unless addresses, or telephone systems, have minds (and by that I mean an EGO characteristic) then mind scan won't work without handwaving.


The build looks like it can work mechanically if you make up a number for the telephone system and call it an EGO and not be a problem in practice, so go for it, but I'm just saying. In fact we get this sort of thing coming up so often that 6th really should address it.

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Re: Phone back tracter


If you assume that the Telephony System is built with the AI rules and an EGO of 0 it works perfectly.


My problem is that it tends to make machines just too easy (and cheap) to manipulate with powers. 1d6 machine telepathy allows you to listen in to people's telephone conversations within line of sight. 1d6 of mind control allows you to change the traffic lights, switch off computers, whatever you like really.


If we are to make such assumptions then I would think that an 'average' machine should have a notional EGO of either 8 or 10, just like a normal human, and particularly complex machines - and I'd probably be including the telephone system here - should have significantly higher ones. Moreover we need to think carefully about what levels of effect we need for various tasks.


All of this is irrelevant if it is a one off and is unlikely to have much campaign impact, but if it is a bargain, you'll find a lot of people buying in.

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Re: Phone back tracter


Actualy...there are rules for this in regards to computers, you base it on INT, so you have to decide what the phone company computer has for INT, I would say somewhere between 8-30 depending on what phone network it is

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Re: Phone back tracter


Actualy...there are rules for this in regards to computers' date=' you base it on INT, so you have to decide what the phone company computer has for INT, I would say somewhere between 8-30 depending on what phone network it is[/quote']


Then we can build call scramblers as Mental Defence or Invisibility to Mind Scan and, before you know it...

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Re: Phone back tracter


Just because you can build a cheap low powered ability does NOT mean it's easily available in the setting. You have to work within the tropes of the setting you're working under.


No, you are right, but then if one player buys it (and it is something that there is any point in having more than one of in a campaign) then you are going to run into the problem of several people wanting the same power. Some economists describe this as there being money on the table - and it never stays there long. Basically bargains get bought.


Even though it may not be commonly available in the campaign, it has to be commonly available amongst the PCs, or you wind up playing favourites.


More importantly (from my POV) it is a matter of principle. We should not be putting opportunities to take the piss in front of players. They can not help themselves, poor things. Frankly it is cruel.

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