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Superhuman Bender


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A plot seed idea inspired by the title of the Elemental Benders thread.


What happens if a group of superpowered individuals forget themselves for a while and get completely wasted?


Perhaps you end up with a 'Dude where's my car?' style scenario where they wake up the next day only to discover that they have somehow got hold of an incredibly dangerous and powerful device which a number of evil groups are hunting for. The other problem is that the heroes have no idea what the hell this thing does. All that they do know is that it seems to be counting down to something.


One of the characters who is quite wealthy or has some cool supertechnology wakes up to find him/herself married to a supervillain. Either the hero/heroine's reaction when he/she wakes up in the villain's bed sours the relationship or the villain was up to something all along. Having managed to escape from the minions, defences and loving arms of their new spouse the hero discovers that their troubles are just beggining. The snubbed lover is now attempting to gain her/his legal right to half the hero's stuff. Should the hero beat his/her nemesis to a pulp until the villain agrees to an annulment? Should he/she countersue in an attempt to gain financial control over the villain's hideout? Or should he/she consider the path of reconciliation and attempt to convert the villain to the cause of justice through the judicious use of marital bliss?


Someone wrecked a large part of the city. The team brick wakes up with bleeding knuckles and an even hazier memory of last night's events than everyone else? Did he do it? Should the others hide him until they can find out?


A drunk mentalist who has a sense of humour. A city full of susceptible people. Work the rest out for yourself.


A mysterious message arrives for the heroes. Someone claims to have seen their secret (unpowered) identities and is demanding a large cash sum in return for keeping quiet about it.


A hero breaks into a maximum security prison in order to beat up a villian he/she put away there some time ago. Doesn't remember to lock the door on the way out ...


The magic user knows that he/she has done something to change the fabric of reality but can't quite work out what it is. Perhaps the government of th Supreme Emperor Chang of the United States of Imperial America has an answer for him.



As an alternative possibility for a convention you could run two games.


1. In which the bender occurs with PCs encouraged to act out their inebriation as flamboyantly as possible while still achieving a certain goal.


2. In which a completely different group of players takes over the characters the next morning and attempts to deal with the repurcussions of the first group's exploits. Needless to say the GM is not at liberty to tell the second group what the first group did.

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Re: Superhuman Bender


Needless to say the GM is not at liberty to tell the second group what the first group did.


Except in bits and pieces on the news, from eyewitness accounts, etc. lol.gif


Reminds me of the old joke with the punchline "Clark Kent, you are such a jerk when you're drunk."

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Re: Superhuman Bender


Perhaps you end up with a 'Dude where's my car?' style scenario where they wake up the next day only to discover that they have somehow got hold of an incredibly dangerous and powerful device which a number of evil groups are hunting for. The other problem is that the heroes have no idea what the hell this thing does. All that they do know is that it seems to be counting down to something.


I believe a device like that is known as a MACGUFFIN DEVICE



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What would your character drink?


Amphibian: I don't think he drinks....I'll have to think about it....


Stormwalker: Probably mead, possibly wine.


Captain Boing: Unlikely to drink, he has "Approved by the Comics Code Authority" as a Psych Lim


Lucius Alexander


The palindromedary: Peels lager! Red rum did murder regal sleep

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Re: Superhuman Bender


One of the characters who is quite wealthy or has some cool supertechnology wakes up to find him/herself married to a supervillain. Either the hero/heroine's reaction when he/she wakes up in the villain's bed sours the relationship or the villain was up to something all along. Having managed to escape from the minions, defences and loving arms of their new spouse the hero discovers that their troubles are just beggining. The snubbed lover is now attempting to gain her/his legal right to half the hero's stuff.

Firstly, such a "right" exists (in the USA) only in "community property" states. In other states, no such "right" exists.

Secondly, exercising such a "right" requires divorce proceedings, or a court order at the least.

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Re: Superhuman Bender


Community property law only applies to property obtained AFTER the marriage. So a short-term spouse would probably not be entitled even to support. So you need a PLAN:


Count Genericmindcontrolguy finds the long-term spouse of Hero, and convinces the spouse to divorce Hero. (Heh heh, never have a floating NPC in MY game, sucker!) Now, the spouse takes the technology (ostensibly to patent) instead of the cash. The spouse's argument is that access to the cash puts the Hero into a better position to create more technology to pay more support. Never happen in real life? Who cares? Although there are analogies to stock options. Some of the best (or, to the villain's mind, most damaging and effective) may be ordered to be patented, again to make more money. Patenting, of course, lets the villain know how the gadget works, so he can create counter-measures. Mwahahahaaaa


Now, the villain is one unscrupulous lawyer (only for effect -- an innocent lawyer might well do a better job) away from a treasure trove of cash and technology. :thumbup:

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