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Classic Comic Book Characters


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Re: Design Notes


To Buddy' date=' I'm glad you like Thunderbolt and Dynamo. I couldn't find much information on either and used a book on Superheroes to base them on. Dynamo is a super-agent with a powerful gadget. How he does all he has to in 30 minutes a day is beyond me. Peter Cannon, Thunderbolt seemed to me was a high end martial artist with a mystic origin.[/quote']

he WAS in the ORIGINAL charlton version however during the period of the dc comics version the DC writers tried to upgrade /retcon his abilites by saying the scrolls he studied at the monastery gave him psycokinetic []sp] power as well as martial arts skill

as a peter cannon...THUNDERBOLT purist i respectfully reject that storyline

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Val Char Cost

15 STR 5

20 DEX 30

18 CON 16

11 BODY 2

18 INT 8

14 EGO 8

20 PRE 10

18 COM 4

7 PD 4

7 ED 3

4 SPD 10

7 REC 0

36 END 0

28 STUN 0

Total Characteristics Cost: 100


Cost Skills

3 Acrobatics 13-

3 Breakfall 13-

2 CK: Gotham City 11-

6 Combat Luck [+3 rPD +3 rED, Hardened]

3 Contortionist 13-

3 Criminology 13-

3 Deduction 13-

3 Disguise 13-

3 Fast Draw 13-

20 Follower: Bat-Girl [100+ Disadvantages]

3 High Society 13-

3 Lockpicking 13-

4 Martial Block

4 Martial Dodge

4 Martial Strike

3 Martial Throw

10 Money: Well Off

5 Offensive Strike

3 Paramedic 13-

3 Security Systems 13-

3 Shadowing 13-

3 Stealth 13-

3 Streetwise 13-

Total Skills Cost: 105



Cost Powers

10 Armor +5 rPD +5 rED, OIF: Costume (-1/2)

20 Multipower (30 Points) OIF: Utility Belt (-1/2)

1 u) Darkness to Sight AE 2"r, Personal Immunity (+1/4), [12c/1 Turn Duration] (+1/4), OAF: Batsmoke (-1)

1 u) EB 6d6, [16c] (-0), OAF: Batarang (-1)

1 u) EB 3d6, NND (LS: Self Contained Breathing) (+1), [16c] (-0), OAF: Batgas (-1)

1 u) Entangle 3d6, DEF 3, [16c] (-0), OAF: Batbolas (-1)

1 u) HA +4d6, HTH Attack (-1/2), No END (+1/2), OAF: Batclub (-1)

1 u) Swinging 15", 4x NCM, No END (+1/2), OAF: Batline (-1)

2 Running +1"

7 Running 16x NCM, OIF[bulky]: Batmobile (-1)

Total Powers Cost: 45


Total Cost: 250


150+ Disadvantages

5 DNPC: Allies of Batwoman (Slightly Less Powerful) 8-

10 DNPC: Friends of Batwoman (Normal/Useful Skills/Unaware Secret Identity) 8-

10 Hunted: Enemies of Batwoman (As Powerful) 8-

20 Normal Characteristics Maxima

20 PsyL: Code Against Killing (Common/Total)

20 PsyL: Crimefighter (Very Common/Strong)

15 SocL: Secret Identity [Kathy Kane] (Frequently/Major)

Total Disadvantages Cost: 250



First Appearance: Detective Comics #233 (May 1956)


Occupation: Socialite, Gotham City.






Val Char Cost

15 STR 5

18 DEX 24

18 CON 16

11 BODY 2

13 INT 3

11 EGO 2

15 PRE 5

16 COM 3

7 PD 4

7 ED 3

4 SPD 12

7 REC 0

36 END 0

28 STUN 0

Total Characteristics Cost: 79


Cost Skills

3 Acrobatics 13-

3 Breakfall 13-

2 CK: Gotham City 11-

6 Combat Luck [+3 rPD +3 rED, Hardened]

3 Contortionist 13-

3 Criminology 12-

3 Deduction 12-

3 Disguise 12-

3 Fast Draw 13-

3 High Society 12-

3 Lockpicking 13-

4 Martial Block

4 Martial Dodge

4 Martial Strike

3 Martial Throw

5 Offensive Strike

3 Security Systems 12-

3 Shadowing 12-

10 SL: Overall +1

3 Stealth 13-

3 Streetwise 12-

Total Skills Cost: 77


Cost Powers

10 Armor +5 rPD +5 rED, OIF: Costume (-1/2)

20 Multipower (30 Points) OIF: Utility Belt (-1/2)

1 u) Darkness to Sight AE 2"r, Personal Immunity (+1/4), [12c/1 Turn Duration] (+1/4), OAF: Batsmoke (-1)

1 u) EB 6d6, [16c] (-0), OAF: Batarang (-1)

1 u) EB 3d6, NND (LS: Self Contained Breathing) (+1), [16c] (-0), OAF: Batgas (-1)

1 u) Entangle 3d6, DEF 3, [16c] (-0), OAF: Batbolas (-1)

1 u) Swinging 15", 4x NCM, No END (+1/2), OAF: Batline (-1)

2 Running +1"

7 Running 16x NCM, OIF[bulky]: Batcycle (-1)

Total Powers Cost: 44


Total Cost: 200


100+ Disadvantages

10 DNPC: Friends of Bat-Girl (Normal/Useful Skills/Unaware Secret Identity) 8-

10 Hunted: Enemies of Bat-Girl (As Powerful) 8-

20 Normal Characteristics Maxima

5 PhyL: Teenager (Infrequently/Slightly)

20 PsyL: Code Against Killing (Common/Total)

20 PsyL: Teen Hero (Very Common/Strong)

15 SocL: Secret Identity [betty Kane] (Frequently/Major)

Total Disadvantages Cost: 200




First Appearance: Batman #139 (April 1961)


Occupation: Debutante, Gotham City.

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Re: Batwoman




15 SocL: Secret Identity [Kathy Kane] (Frequently/Major)




15 SocL: Secret Identity [betty Kane] (Frequently/Major)


Cool. I was considering asking for them. They're key characters in my "cut down DC universe".


First Appearance: Detective Comics #233 (May 1956)


This applies only to Batwoman, of course. Bat-Girl first appeared in 1961. (Batman #139, apparently.)


Some other characters I'd like to see are a bit tricky. I'd like to see at least one member of the Batmen of All Nations. Unfortunately their details seem rather sketchy. Basically, they all seem to be low-grade wannabes, with little of his equipment, but, in some cases, a bit of (rather lame) equipment of their own.




I suppose this is an appropriate to to explain a little about my "cut down DC universe". Basically, it draws from an eclectic set of material. Its key element is the Batman/Superman "World's Finest" team. To that I add the Batmen of All Nations/Club of Heroes, which, in my universe, eventually grows into the Legion of Superheroes (which was referred to several times as the "Superhero Club" in its early days).


Various supporting cast members from Batman and Superman's continuities are present as well. Specifically, as I mentioned above, Batwoman and Bat-Girl. I occasionally use obscure early 50s characters, in preference to better known characters who appeared in stories using recycled story lines.


Some of the characters from the Global Guardians are scattered around as well. Not coincidentally, this includes the Tasmanian Devil, who, with Ranger from the Batmen of All Nations, is one of DC's very very few Australian superbeings.


That Tas and Ranger are hopelessly lame is a challenge, rather than an obstacle.


I don't really have all of this written down anywhere in an organised form. I've mostly been carrying this stuff around in my head. These notes are one of the most formal presentations of it I've yet bothered to do. I've left some things out, and there are some inconsistencies I haven't yet dealt with, mainly to do with the existence of other Silver Age characters.

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Re: Classic Comic Book Characters


I like the idea of a cut down DC Universe. I create characters that I've enjoyed over the years. That's why the Thorn is among my creations. I was a huge fan of hers, even though she's all but forgotten now.


You might want to check out DC Comics Presents and The Brave and the Bold back issues. They featured team ups of Superman and Batman respectively with other DC Comics Superheroes. They even had a Superman-Joker team up once (it did not go well for Superman.)


I added the information about Bat-Girl's first appearance, and you may notice she has the same abilities as Robin.

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Supergirl [Kara Kent]


Val Char Cost

30 STR 20

18 DEX 24

20 CON 20

12 BODY 4

13 INT 3

11 EGO 2

15 PRE 5

16 COM 3

10 PD 4

10 ED 6

4 SPD 12

14 REC 4

40 END 0

40 STUN 3

Total Characteristics Cost: 110



Cost Skills

2 CK: Smallville 11-

2 KS: Argo 11-

Total Skills Cost: 4


Cost Powers

12 Armor +5 rPD +5 rED, Does Not Work During Kryptonite or Red Solar Radiation Exposure (-1/4)

5 Damage Resistance 5 rPD 5 rED

12 EC (Yellow Sun Energy)-15 Points, Does Not Work During Kryponite or Red Solar Radiation Exposure (-1/4)

11 1) EB 6d6, Variable Special Effects [Heat Vision or Cold Breath] (+1/4), Variable Limitations [beam Attack/No Knockback for Heat Vision] or

[Must Spread Attack/Not in a Vacuum for Cold Breath] (-1/4), 2x END (-1/2)

10 2) Flight 10", Variable Advantages (+1/2) [Megascale, Reduced END, or Usable Underwater Only (-1/4)]

9 3) STR +25, No Figured Characteristics (-1/2), 1/2 END (+1/4)

7 ES: N-Ray Sight [Not Through Lead], Cost END (-1/2)

9 ES: Telescopic Hearing +2, Telescopic Sight +2, Ultrasonic Hearing

11 LS: Extended Breathing [1 END/Minute], High Pressure, High Radiation, Intense Cold, Intense Heat, Low Pressure/Vacuum

Total Powers Cost: 86


Total Cost: 200


100+ Disadvantages

10 DNPC: Friends of Supergirl [Kara Kent] (Normal/Useful Skills/Unaware Secret Identity) 8-

15 Hunted: Enemies of Supergirl [Kara Kent] (As Powerful/NCI) 8-

5 PhyL: Teenager (Infrequently/Slightly)

20 PsyL: Code Against Killing (Common/Total)

20 PsyL: Teen Hero (Very Common/Strong)

15 SocL: Secret Identity [Kara In-Ze/Kara Kent] (Frequently/Major)

10 Suscept: Kryptonite, 1d6 STUN/Turn (Uncommon)

5 Vuln: Magic, 1 1/2x STUN (Uncommon)

Total Disadvantages Cost: 200




First Appearance: Superman The Animated Series "Little Girl Lost" (Season 2, Episode 27)


Occupation: High School Student, Smallville.

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Superboy [Clark Kent or Conner Kent]


Val Char Cost

30 STR 20

18 DEX 24

20 CON 20

12 BODY 4

13 INT 3

11 EGO 2

15 PRE 5

16 COM 3

10 PD 4

10 ED 6

4 SPD 12

12 REC 4

40 END 0

40 STUN 3

Total Characteristics Cost: 110


Cost Skills

2 CK: Smallville 11-

2 KS: Krypton 11-

Total Skills Cost: 4


Cost Powers

12 Armor +5 rPD +5 rED, Does Not Work During Kryptonite or Red Solar Radiation Exposure (-1/4)

5 Damage Resistance 5 rPD 5 rED

12 EC (Yellow Sun Energy)-15 Points, Does Not Work During Kryponite or Red Solar Radiation Exposure (-1/4)

11 1) EB 6d6, Variable Special Effects [Heat Vision or Cold Breath] (+1/4), Variable Limitations [beam Attack/No Knockback for Heat Vision] or

[Must Spread Attack/Not in a Vacuum for Cold Breath] (-1/4), 2x END (-1/2)

10 2) Flight 10", Variable Advantages (+1/2) [Megascale, Reduced END, or Usable Underwater Only (-1/4)]

9 3) STR +25, No Figured Characteristics (-1/2), 1/2 END (+1/4)

7 ES: N-Ray Sight [Not Though Lead], Cost END (-1/2)

9 ES: Telescopic Hearing +2, Telescopic Sight +2, Ultrasonic Hearing

11 LS: Extended Breathing [1 END/Minute], High Pressure, High Radiation, Intense Cold, Intense Heat, Low Pressure/Vacuum

Total Powers Cost: 86


Total Cost: 200


100+ Disadvantages

10 DNPC: Friends of Superboy (Normal/Useful Skills/Unaware Secret Identity) 8-

15 Hunted: Enemies of Superboy (As Powerful/NCI) 8-

5 PhyL: Teenager (Infrequently/Greatly)

20 PsyL: Code Against Killing (Common/Total)

20 PsyL: Teen Hero (Very Common/Strong)

15 SocL: Secret Identity [Kal-El/Clark Kent or Kon-El/Conner Kent] (Frequently/Major)

10 Suscept: Kryptonite, 1d6 STUN/Turn (Uncommon)

5 Vuln: Magic, 1 1/2x STUN (Uncommon)

Total Disadvantages Cost: 200




First Appearance: [Kal-El/Clark Kent] More Fun Comics #101 (January 1945) or [Kon-El/Conner Kent] Superman #500 (June 1993)


Occupation: High School Student, Smallville.

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Power Girl


Power Girl


Val Char Cost

30 STR 20

18 DEX 24

25 CON 30

12 BODY 4

18 INT 8

11 EGO 2

15 PRE 5

18 COM 4

10 PD 4

10 ED 5

4 SPD 12

15 REC 8

50 END 0

50 STUN 10

Total Characteristics Cost: 136


Cost Skills

2 CK: Metropolis 11-

6 Combat Luck [+3 rPD +3 rED, Hardened]

3 Computer Programming 13-

2 KS: Earth 2 11-

2 KS: Krypton 11-

3 PS[iNT]: Software Designer 13-

Total Skills Cost: 18


Cost Powers

12 Armor +5 rPD +5 rED, Does Not Work During Kryptonite or Red Solar Radiation Exposure (-1/4)

5 Damage Resistance 5 rPD 5 rED

12 EC (Yellow Sun Energy)-15 Points, Does Not Work During Kryponite or Red Solar Radiation Exposure (-1/4)

17 1) EB 8d6, Variable Special Effects [Heat Vision or Cold Breath](+1/4), Variable Limitations [beat Attack/No Knockback for Heat Vision] or

[Must Spread Attack/Not in a Vacuum for Cold Breath] (-1/4), 2x END (-1/2)

10 2) Flight 10", Variable Advantages (+1/2) [Megascale, Reduced END, or Usable Underwater Only (-1/4)]

13 3) STR +30, No Figured Characteristics (-1/2), 1/2 END (+1/4)

7 ES: N-Ray Sight [Not Through Lead], Cost END (-1/2)

9 ES: Telescopic Hearing +2, Telescopic Sight +2, Ultrasonic Hearing

11 LS: Extended Breathing [1 END/Minute], High Pressure, High Radiation, Intense Cold, Intense Heat, Low Pressure/Vacuum

Total Powers Cost: 96


Total Cost: 250


150+ Disadvantages

5 DNPC: Allies of Power Girl (Slightly Less Powerful) 8-

10 DNPC: Friends of Power Girl (Normal/Useful Skills/Unaware Secret Identity) 8-

10 Hunted: Enemies of Power Girl (As Powerful) 8-

20 PsyL: Code Against Killing (Common/Total)

20 PsyL: Superhero (Very Common/Strong)

15 SocL: Secret Identity [Kara Zor-L/Karen Starr] (Frequently/Major)

10 Suscept: Kryptonite, 1d6 STUN/Turn (Uncommon)

5 Vuln: Magic, 1 1/2x STUN (Uncommon)

Total Disadvantages Cost: 250




First Appearance: All Star Comics #58 (January/February 1976)


Occupation: Software Designer, Metropolis.

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Atom [Al Pratt]


Val Char Cost

30 STR 30

20 DEX 30

20 CON 20

12 BODY 4

18 INT 8

14 EGO 8

20 PRE 10

16 COM 3

10 PD 6

10 ED 8

4 SPD 10

10 REC 0

40 END 0

40 STUN 3

Total Characteristics Cost: 140


Cost Skills

3 Acrobatics 13-

3 Breakfall 13-

2 CK: Calvin City 11-

6 Combat Luck [+3 rPD +3 rED, Hardened]

6 CSL: Martial Arts +2

3 Criminology 13-

3 Deduction 13-

3 Disguise 13-

3 Lockpicking 13-

4 Martial Block

4 Martial Dodge

4 Marital Strike

3 Martial Throw

5 Offensive Strike

2 PS: Physics Professor 11-

3 SS[iNT]: Physics 13-

3 Security Systems 13-

3 Shadowing 13-

10 SL: Overall +1

3 Stealth 13-

3 Streetwise 13-

Total Skills Cost: 74


Cost Powers

10 Armor +5 rPD +5 rED, OIF: Costume (-1/2)

10 HA +2d6, HTH Attack (-1/2), No END (+1/2)

2 LS: High Radiation

2 Running +1"

7 Running 16x NCM, OIF[bukly]: Atomobile (-1)

Total Powers Cost: 31


Total Cost: 250


150+ Disadvantages

5 DNPC: Allies of the Atom [Al Pratt] (Slightly Less Powerful) 8-

10 DNPC: Friends of the Atom [Al Pratt] (Normal/Useful Skills/Unaware Secret Identity) 8-

10 Hunted: Enemies of the Atom [Al Pratt] (As Powerful) 8-

20 Normal Characteristics Maxima

20 PsyL: Code Against Killing (Common/Total)

20 PsyL: Crimefighter (Very Common/Strong)

15 SocL: Secret Identity [Al Pratt] (Frequently/Major)

Total Disadvantages Cost: 250



First Appearance: All-America Comics #19 (October 1940)


Occupation: Physics Professor, Calvin City.

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Val Char Cost

30 STR 20

20 DEX 30

20 CON 20

12 BODY 4

18 INT 8

14 EGO 8

20 PRE 10

16 COM 3

10 PD 4

10 ED 6

4 SPD 10

10 REC 0

40 END 0

40 STUN 3

Total Characteristics Cost: 126


Cost Skills

3 Acrobatics 13-

3 Breakfall 13-

2 CK: New York City 11-

3 Climbing 13-

6 Combat Luck [+3 rPD +3 rED, Hardened]

3 Criminology 13-

3 Deduction 13-

20 Follower: Kitten [100+ Disadvantages]

2 FB: Private Investigator License

3 Lockpicking 13-

4 Martial Block

4 Martial Dodge

4 Martial Strike

3 Martial Throw

5 Offensive Strike

2 PS: Private Investigator 11-

3 Security Systems 13-

3 Shadowing 13-

10 SL: Overall +1

3 Stealth 13-

3 Streetwise 13-

Total Skills Cost: 92


Cost Powers

10 Armor +5 rPD +5 rED, OIF: Costume (-1/2)

2 ES: Hearing Perception +1

5 ES: Nightvision

8 Healing: Regeneration 1 BODY/Turn

5 Leaping +5"

2 Running +1

Total Powers Cost: 32


Total Cost: 250


150+ Disadvantages

5 DNPC: Allies of Cat-Man (Slightly Less Powerful) 8-

10 DNPC: Friends of Cat-Man (Normal/Useful Skills/Unaware Secret Identity) 8-

15 Hunted: Enemies of Cat-Man (As Powerful/NCI) 8-

20 PsyL: Code Against Killing (Common/Total)

20 PsyL: Crimefighter (Very Common/Strong)

15 SocL: Secret Identity [David Merryweather] (Frequently/Major)

15 Vuln: Surprise Attacks, 1 1/2x STUN (Very Common)

Total Disadvantages Cost: 250



First Appearance: Crash Comics Adventures #4 (August 1940)


Occupation: Private Investigator, New York City.




Kitten [Katie Conn]


Val Char Cost

15 STR 5

20 DEX 30

18 CON 16

11 BODY 2

18 INT 8

14 EGO 8

20 PRE 10

18 COM 4

7 PD 4

7 ED 3

4 SPD 10

7 REC 0

36 END 0

28 STUN 0

Total Characteristics Cost: 100


Cost Skills

3 Acrobatics 13-

3 Breakfall 13-

2 CK: New York City 11-

3 Climbing 13-

6 Combat Luck [+3 rPD +3 rED, Hardened]

3 Criminology 13-

3 Deduction 13-

3 Lockpicking 13-

4 Martial Block

4 Martial Dodge

4 Martial Strike

3 Martial Throw

5 Offensive Strike

3 Security Systems 13-

3 Shadowing 13-

10 SL: Overall +1

3 Stealth 13-

3 Streetwise 13-

Total Characteristics Cost: 68


Cost Powers

10 Armor +5 rPD +5 rED, OIF: Costume (-1/2)

2 ES: Hearing Perception +1

5 ES: Nightvision

8 Healing: Regeneration 1 BODY/Turn

5 Leaping +5"

2 Running +1"

Total Powers Cost: 32


Total Cost: 200


100+ Disadvantages

10 DNPC: Friends of Kitten [Katie Conn] (Normal/Useful Skills/Unaware Secret Identity) 8-

15 Hunted: Enemies of Kitten [Katie Conn] (As Powerful/NCI) 8-

20 Normal Characteristics Maxima

5 PhyL: Teenager (Infrequently/Slightly)

20 PsyL: Code Against Killing (Common/Total)

20 PsyL: Teen Hero (Very Common/Strong)

15 SocL: Secret Identity [Katie Conn] (Frequently/Major)

Total Disadvantages Cost: 250



First Appearance: Cat-Man #1 (May 1941)


Occupation: High School Student, New York City.

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Re: Classic Comic Book Characters


That description could be just about anybody! :D

true :ugly:


How about "the ventriloquist and scarface"

How would they (or is it he?) be done? Scarface as the character and the ventriliquist as a follower? Or the other was around? Both have the disadvantage "must have other" very common, Total?

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Re: Classic Comic Book Characters


true :ugly:



How would they (or is it he?) be done? Scarface as the character and the ventriliquist as a follower? Or the other was around? Both have the disadvantage "must have other" very common, Total?

They refer to themselves simply as Scarface. I wouldn't buy them as separate entities. Rather, Scarface is an OAF for extra PRE, among the other obvious traits.

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Yankee Girl


Yankee Girl


Val Char Cost

50 STR 40

18 DEX 24

25 CON 30

12 BODY 4

13 INT 3

11 EGO 2

20 PRE 10

18 COM 4

20 PD 10

20 ED 15

4 SPD 12

15 REC 0

50 END 0

50 STUN 0

Total Characteristics Cost: 154


Cost Skills

3 Acting 13-

2 CK: New York City 11-

5 CSL: HTH Combat +1

3 Conversation 13-

3 Disguise 12-

3 High Society 13-

5 Money: Well Off

3 Seduction 13-

3 Streetwise 13-

Total Skills Cost: 30


Cost Powers

20 Damage Resistance 20 rPD 20 rED

24 Flight 10", Variable Advantages (+1/2) [Megascale, Reduced END, or Usable Underwater Only (-1/4)]

11 LS: Extended Breathing [1 END/Minute], High Pressure, High Radiation, Intense Cold, Intense Heat, Longevity [immortal], Low Pressure/Vacuum

6 Transform: Instant Change [One Set of Clothes], Incantations ["Karma Madre Tolon"] (-1/4)

Total Powers Cost: 66


Total Cost: 250


150+ Disadvantages

5 DNPC: Allies of Yankee Girl (Slightly Less Powerful) 8-

10 DNPC: Friends of Yankee Girl (Normal/Useful Skills/Unaware Secret Identity) 8-

15 Hunted: Enemies of Yankee Girl (As Powerful/NCI) 8-

20 PsyL: Code Against Killing (Common/Total)

20 PsyL: Superhero (Common/Total)

15 SocL: Secret Identity [Lauren Mason] (Frequently/Major)

15 Vuln: Surprise Attacks, 1 1/2x STUN (Very Common)

Total Disadvantages Cost: 250



First Appearance: Dynamic Comics #23 (November 1947)


Occupation: Socialite, New York City.

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Re: Classic Comic Book Characters


They refer to themselves simply as Scarface. I wouldn't buy them as separate entities. Rather' date=' Scarface is an OAF for extra PRE, among the other obvious traits.[/quote']

So... if scarface is the dummy is a OAF for PRE and INT....what if he pulls a gun? An OAF with a OAF?

By himself the human isn't really dangerous at all, so how would you do the casual killer limitation?

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Re: Classic Comic Book Characters


So... if scarface is the dummy is a OAF for PRE and INT....what if he pulls a gun? An OAF with a OAF?

By himself the human isn't really dangerous at all, so how would you do the casual killer limitation?

I would just attach the gun power to the same OAF: Dummy. Scarface can't use just any gun, it has to be fitted to him and attached since the dummy can't actually manipulate anything.

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Ms. Victory


Ms. Victory [Joan Wayne]


Val Char Cost

50 STR 40

18 DEX 24

25 CON 30

12 BODY 4

18 INT 8

11 EGO 2

20 PRE 10

20 COM 5

20 PD 10

20 ED 15

4 SPD 12

15 REC 0

50 END 0

50 STUN 0

Total Characteristics Cost: 160


Cost Skills

3 Bureaucratics 13-

2 CK: Washington, D.C. 11-

5 CSL: HTH Combat +1

3 High Society 13-

5 Money: Well Off

3 Paramedic 13-

3 SS[iNT]: Biochemist 13-

3 Streetwise 13-

3 Tactics 13-

Total Skills Cost: 30


Cost Powers

20 Damage Resistance 20 rPD 20 rED

24 Flight 10", Variable Advantages (+1/2) [Megascale, Reduced END, or Usable Underwater Only (-1/4)]

16 LS: Extended Breathing [1 END/Minute], High Pressure, High Radiation, Intense Cold, Intense Heat, Longevity [immortal], Low Pressure/Vacuum

Total Powers Cost: 60


Total Powers Cost: 250


150+ Disadvantages

5 DNPC: Allies of Ms. Victory [Joan Wayne] (Slightly Less Powerful) 8-

10 DNPC: Friends of Ms. Victory [Joan Wayne] (Normal/Useful Skills/Unaware Secret Identity) 8-

15 Hunted: Enemies of Ms. Victory [Joan Wayne] (As Powerful/NCI) 8-

20 PsyL: Code Against Killing (Common/Total)

20 PsyL: Superhero (Very Common/Strong)

15 SocL: Secret Identity [Joan Wayne] (Frequently/Major)

15 Vuln: Surprise Attacks, 1 1/2x STUN (Very Common)

Total Disadvantages Cost: 250



First Appearance: Captain Fearless #1 (August 1941)


Occupation: Biochemist, Washington, D.C..

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Ms. Victory


Ms. Victory [Jennifer Burke]


Val Char Cost

50 STR 40

18 DEX 24

25 CON 30

12 BODY 4

13 INT 3

11 EGO 2

15 PRE 5

20 COM 5

20 PD 10

20 ED 15

4 SPD 12

15 REC 0

50 END 0

50 STUN 0

Total Characteristics Cost: 150


Cost Skills

3 Bureaucratics 12-

2 CK: Washington, D.C. 11-

5 CSL: HTH Combat +1

Total Skills Cost: 10


Cost Powers

10 Damage Resistance 10 rPD 10 rEd

20 Flight 10", 8x NCM, OIF: Jet Pack (-1/2)

10 LS: Extended Breathing [1 END/Turn], High Pressure, High Radiation, Intense Cold, Intense Heat, Low Pressure/Vacuum

Total Powers Cost: 40


Total Cost: 200


150+ Disadvantages

10 DNPC: Friends of Ms. Victory [Jennifer Burke] (Normal/Useful Skills/Unaware Secret Identity) 8-

20 Hunted: Enemies of Ms. Victory [Jennifer Burke] (More Powerful/NCI) 8-

20 PsyL: Code Against Killing (Common/Total)

20 PsyL: Reluctant Hero (Very Common/Strong)

15 SocL: Secret Identity [Jennifer Burke] (Frequently/Major)

15 Vuln: Surprise Attacks, 1 1/2x STUN (Very Common)

Total Disadvantages Cost: 200



First Appearance: Femforce Comics #25 (August 1990)


Occupation: Administrative Assistant, Washington, D.C..

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Re: Classic Comic Book Characters


As a result of following this thread, I'm very seriously considering running a 250 point game.


Basically, I see it as being oriented towards solving mysteries, rather than combat, so the relatively low power of the characters won't be much of an issue. I might have to make sure the PCs have a few more skills than most of the characters in this thread, but I think this power level would work nicely.


I've got lots of scenarios that would work, both published and homebrewed, so I think it could be a real possibility. All I really need is a hook to get the PCs together and in the mystery solving business.



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Superhero Atlas


United States of America


Coast City, California - Green Lantern [Hal Jordan]


Gateway City, California - Wonder Girl [Cassie Sandsmark/Drusilla], Wonder Woman [Artemis].


Hollywood, California - Black Cat & Black Kitten


San Francisco, California - Spider-Woman [Jessica Drew]


Middleton, Colorado - Martian Manhunter


Calvin City, Connecticut - Atom [Al Pratt]


Ivy Town, Connecticut - Atom [Dr. Ray Palmer]


Metropolis, Delaware - Lois Lane [superwoman], Power Girl, Supergirl [Kara Zor-El/Linda Danvers], Superman [Kal-El/Clark Kent], Superman [Kal-L/Clark Kent], Superwoman [Kristin Wells], Thorn


Washington, D.C. - Black Condor, Ms. Victory [Jennifer Burke], Ms. Victory [Joan Wayne], Mystique, Phantom Lady, Wonder Woman [Princess Diana/Diana Prince]


Fawcett City, Indiana - Captain Marvel, Captain Marvel Jr., Mary Marvel


Smallville, Kansas - Superboy [Clark Kent or Conner Kent], Supergirl [Kara Kent]


Central City, Missouri - Flash [barry Allen]


Bludhaven, New Jersey - Nightwing


Gotham City, New Jersey - Batgirl [barbara Gordon], Batman, Batwoman & Bat-Girl [betty Kane], Catwoman, Black Canary [Dinah Drake], Black Canary [Dinah Lance], Green Lantern [Alan Scott], Johnny Thunder, Joker & Harley Quinn, Penguin, Poison Ivy, Riddler, Robin [Dick Grayson or Tim Drake].


New York City, New York - Black Widow, Captain America, Cat-Man & Kitten, Daredevil, Firestar, Hulk, Iceman, Iron Man, Kraven the Hunter, Lady Fairplay, Marvel Girl, Miss America [Joan Dale], Miss America [Madeline Joyce], Moon Knight, Ms. Marvel, Scarlet Witch, She Hulk, Spider-Woman [Julia Carpenter], Wasp, Wildfire, Wonder Girl [Donna Troy], Yankee Girl


The Seven Seas - Aquaman


Themyscira - Wonder Woman [Queen Hippolyta]


Mobile - Black Orchid, Dynamo, [Lightning & Lightning Girl], Magneto, [Moon Girl, Prince Mengu & Star], [Peter Cannon, Thunderbolt]

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Re: Classic Comic Book Characters


As a result of following this thread, I'm very seriously considering running a 250 point game.


Basically, I see it as being oriented towards solving mysteries, rather than combat, so the relatively low power of the characters won't be much of an issue. I might have to make sure the PCs have a few more skills than most of the characters in this thread, but I think this power level would work nicely.


I've got lots of scenarios that would work, both published and homebrewed, so I think it could be a real possibility. All I really need is a hook to get the PCs together and in the mystery solving business.




Yeah I agree with ya. I started playing Champions during 2E (250 pt campaigns) and stop playing for a while. When I finally came back around and found another group 5E was out and everyone started at 350 pts instead. I didn't know what to do with the extra points. I almost invested all the points into skills/talents/perks.

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