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Looking for Sci-fi Campaign Ideas, preferably hard core...


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With reference to the HARD CORE adventure thread on this forum, I should like to ask some help in padding out a Battlestar Galatica campaign I will shortly be running.


With the help of some suggestions from this other thread, I have plotted the following so far:



Overarching Story Arc

  • The Cylon attack:
    • Party are a group of ex-military now merchants who favour security and military contracts. They own an old but robust military transport (and therefore mostly immune to the Cylon ship disabling virus.
    • They are delivering a military contract to Picon when the Cylon attack takes place.
    • They escape the massacre of Picon and jump away.
    • Their undelivered cargo will be helpful to them.

    [*]What has happened?

    • Wherever they jump they will jump to a location where several other ships have jumped to try and avoid the attack.

    [*]The Pegasus

    • The Pegasus jumps in and issues ultimatums. They overhear the slaughter of civilians and the rape of the civilian ships.
    • They power up their jump engines and escape the Pegasus, but will get fired upon by Pegasus fighters, and their ship will suffer a large overload of energy.
    • They miss-jump to another uninhabited system.

    [*]The Mnemosyne System

    • It is not uninhabited. They soon receive a message from a secret scientific cult from the only inhabitable ‘Earth-like’ planet.
    • They acquire a Quantum Computer (which is sentient – whether or not they know at first I have not decided), but the cult is betrayed to the Cylons, by a humanoid Cylon who has been with the Cult since the beginning.
    • They install the Quantum Computer and use it to escape.

    [*]Saving the Colonies

    • Not exactly saving, but their character histories will mean they will tend to what to save those they can, and the Quantum Computer allows them to power up and jump WAY faster than even Cylons.
    • Of course their Quantum Computer doesn’t help them when they are on the ground mixing it with the survivors and the Cylons, but it does stop most opportunities to blast them out of the sky, which would be a quick and pointless end to the campaign this early.
    • There could be an extended period of saving colonists and sabotaging Cylon operations.

    [*]The Wreck of the Xxxxxx

    • Come across the wreck of an old Colonial Light Cruiser (equivalent to a Royal Naval Escort or Patrol vessel, so with fairly impressive firepower, but majoring on speed and agility) and operable by a small crew. Find it relatively intact on a cavernous moon where it was scuttled or something like that.
    • Patching it up will take months, and require more personnel, although not many more (all of which will be NPC’s).



    • Even if they have a fully repaired military vessel, they are still not going to be a match for any sizable Cylon group, let alone a Basestar. The best they can hope for is to successfully continue their guerrilla conflict for an extended period of time.


    [*]The lowest form of humanity

    • Come across a ship(s) that managed to survive, but has almost totally run out of standard food. They have reverted to cannibalism, and the PC’s look like a good meal.
    • Will have to get the PC’s onto their ship and then have them trapped there.
      • Initially the ship occupants will lead them through nice area, but these are just for show?
      • Or have two groups fighting it out, one cannibalistic, the other trying to retail some degree of civilisation.
      • Possibly all on a largish ship like the botanical one the Cylons Nuke in the BSG Mini-series.

      [*]No Cylons needed. This is humanity at its lowest.




    [*]The Ancients

    • At the risk of sounding like a Traveller universe...the party will encounter a lost/extinct pacifist civilization of high technology. Get a load of high technology that allows them to do all sorts of stuff (but NO teleport, nothing which can overthrow the Cylons, nothing too gross).
    • Maybe the Cylons discovered them first 50 or so years ago, which helped them design the human Cylons (which are, after all, unbelievably advanced forms of technology).
    • Could include the following tech, which could be incorporated into their ship and own technology (obviously one could just say that ANY tech is available, but only certain tech could be understood/incorporated):
      • Ship Cloaking? – impairs DRADIS ability to detect, but not visual detection.
      • Personal Clocking? – bends light around user, but is far from perfect. Adds difficulty to chances to see and target visually.
      • Body Armour – better than any armour normally available and with fewer negatives.
      • Weaponry? – guns that pacify biological beings. Will have limited effect on Human Cylon’s.




Any suggestions on the ideas I currently have, and more importantly any additional cqmpaign ideas you may have would be great.








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Re: Looking for Sci-fi Campaign Ideas, preferably hard core...


For the "saving the Colonies" arc:


Cylons deploy a Resurrecton Ship in orbit around the planet the PCs are currently on, then begin to break it down and shuttle the parts to a facility on the surface. Discovering what they're doing will clue the characters in on the "returning nature" of Cylons they'd previously killed, and give them a short term goal to kill the Resurrection Facility before they get overwhelmed by Cylons with no fear of death.

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