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Buy Off Disadvantage

Dr Divago

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A characther i got in mind is using a powerd armor to help him living

he's seriously injured and the pa is something he need to live (ie without pa he got several damage from air, sun, or just unable to walk, etc.)


i thought it like a plain "set" of vulnerability/susceptibility and pa is built like "buy off disadvantage"


ie: he got a 15 point susceptibility disadvantage; then i buy a power like "buy off this susceptibility (15 active point); OIF (-1/2) Total Cost: 10 point"


but i can also state pa is just a special effect for all his power, and he cannot remove it (distinctive feature: he always need to wear powered armor (?))


what do you think about it?

ty for answer

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Re: Buy Off Disadvantage


Mechanically I think that the character has a dependency upon his powered armour. If he does not have it then he begins to take damage from the sun, the air etc etc. So I would buy a dependency disadvantage and work out a cumulative damage.


I would then buy off the normal 6" running that all characters come with which will make him unable to move except through using powers that I assume use the armour as a focus.


Without the armour this character takes damage and cannot move. With the armour he has movement capability and does not take the damage.


That what you are looking for?




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Re: Buy Off Disadvantage


Either dependency, as Doc states. What you can also do:


If your problem (for example) is, that you don't have legs and cannot walk, but your armor conveniently supplies those, then that changes your Disad:


Normal. Physical Limitation, cannot walk. Very impairing, all the time.

This character: Physical Limitation, cannot walk. Very impairing, very rarely (namely when he does not wear his armor).


Buying off the disad as you suggest is rather weird (and not supported by RAW). And also very wasteful of good character points.

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Re: Buy Off Disadvantage


Gaaa...without the PA he dies real quick? Seems like the PA is about as essential as, say, his kidneys and they are not a focus.


If the dependency is that severe then the PA is part of the character, and removing it is part of the process of killing the character.


Hero needs to really work on 'dependency' it is far too nasty for the points.

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Re: Buy Off Disadvantage


Mechanically I think that the character has a dependency upon his powered armour. If he does not have it then he begins to take damage from the sun, the air etc etc. So I would buy a dependency disadvantage and work out a cumulative damage.


I would then buy off the normal 6" running that all characters come with which will make him unable to move except through using powers that I assume use the armour as a focus.


Without the armour this character takes damage and cannot move. With the armour he has movement capability and does not take the damage.


That what you are looking for?

really good idea. thank you
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Re: Buy Off Disadvantage


Gaaa...without the PA he dies real quick? Seems like the PA is about as essential as' date=' say, his kidneys and they are not a focus.[/quote']


That was the remit we were working to Sean. He takes damage from the air, the sun and everything else... :)


If the dependency is that severe then the PA is part of the character, and removing it is part of the process of killing the character.


Hero needs to really work on 'dependency' it is far too nasty for the points.


Yeah - it does get very deadly very quickly. Might be worth staging between long term endurance and more serious dependency issues. Would be easy to use the time chart to identify the frequency of things and provide points as appropriate.




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Re: Buy Off Disadvantage


A characther i got in mind is using a powerd armor to help him living

he's seriously injured and the pa is something he need to live (ie without pa he got several damage from air, sun, or just unable to walk, etc.)


i thought it like a plain "set" of vulnerability/susceptibility and pa is built like "buy off disadvantage"


ie: he got a 15 point susceptibility disadvantage; then i buy a power like "buy off this susceptibility (15 active point); OIF (-1/2) Total Cost: 10 point"


but i can also state pa is just a special effect for all his power, and he cannot remove it (distinctive feature: he always need to wear powered armor (?))


what do you think about it?

ty for answer


A Partially Limited Buy-off is possible...see John Wrath's Cybereye as an example (Depth Perception).

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Re: Buy Off Disadvantage


A Partially Limited Buy-off is possible...see John Wrath's Cybereye as an example (Depth Perception).


Indeed. On the other hand, it's usually efficient (points-wise) to do so, since you end up with less total max points (the points you spend buying off the Disadvantage come out of your total points). You're usually better off just lowering the frequency of the Disadvantage (like, what would normally be Always becomes Infrequently if you're rarely without the Focus, for example).

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Re: Buy Off Disadvantage


Indeed. On the other hand' date=' it's usually efficient (points-wise) to do so, since you end up with less total max points (the points you spend buying off the Disadvantage come out of your total points). You're usually better off just lowering the frequency of the Disadvantage (like, what would normally be Always becomes Infrequently if you're rarely without the Focus, for example).[/quote']


There's always other ways to do it; it all depends on what you are trying to model. In this case I wanted a direct mechanical correlation between the cyber-eye, which grants various useful powers, and the one eye Disadvantage.

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Re: Buy Off Disadvantage


So what we have here is a character who takes damage when out of his protective suit* PLUS a buyoff that enables him to take off his protective suit** PLUS an injunction that he can't take off his protective suit***.


Am I missing something that you guys are seeing....?





*Inadvisable but doable


**I'd need to see some sfx, but not a problem mechanically



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