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Sean Waters

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I got to thinking: regeneration is built as part of healing, but we need special rules for regeneration to work. Perhaps a re-jig is needed and, if we are not to make regeneration a seperate power, then, working the other way, perhaps we should re-cost Healing so that it fits in with regeneration.


So...regeneration costs no END, is persistent, is a self only power and restored 1 Body (2 character points of a characteristic) every turn for 7 points.


OK. Let us reverse engineer that.


7 points for 2 characteristic points. Get rid of self only (-1/2) makes it a 10 point power to affect a single target (no range).


Reuse is per turn, so to make it per day we apply a -1 1/2 limitation, or 4 points, if we ramp it up to 1/day.


SO...4 points for 2 characteristic points, that will be 2 points per characteristic point to heal someone. Get rid of 0 END and Persistent, and we halve again (OK, that was slightly fast and loose, but hear me out).


Finally I'm a bit confused about this business of the effect not adding upt o maximum effect - it does for other adjustment powers, so let us quietly ditch that (and replace it with a limtiation later on if we feel the need)



Adjustment power


Target's DCV

No range

Costs END


For 1 character point you can restore 1 character point of a target's reduced characteristic or power. You have to wait a day before you can have any further effect on the same target.


Alternatively you can spend 5 points and roll 1d6, restoring that many character points. If you score less than the maximum, you can roll again and add the new value, up to the maximum amount you could roll on the dice.


You know what I'm thinking? Healing costs about twice as much as it should.




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Re: Healing


I'm wondering why we dont use the recovery mechanism for healing power. Recovery is essentially healing except that it happens at rates too slow to be effective in combat (especially for BODY) - so why not manipulate recovery using the time chart to speed up the recovery of STUN and BODY to more useful times?


Would that not be a more coherent approach than to invent new mechanics for such things?




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Re: Healing


I'm wondering why we dont use the recovery mechanism for healing power. Recovery is essentially healing except that it happens at rates too slow to be effective in combat (especially for BODY) - so why not manipulate recovery using the time chart to speed up the recovery of STUN and BODY to more useful times?


Would that not be a more coherent approach than to invent new mechanics for such things?





Well yes, for regeneration we could do this:


RECOVERY 2 points

Move 8 places up time chart (to per turn at +1/4 per jump) +2

Not to recover STUN or END -1


6 Active, 3 Real


However, we are probably not going to be getting rid of Healing (as it still does something unique) and if we could make healing and regeneration work consistently then that could be good too.


Either way you work it out though it is nice to work it through as a consistent mechanic.

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Re: Healing



healing and regen where 2 different powers that only crossed over where body was concerned

they should still be seperate powers not a kludged special rule to make it work

with the added text that went in to making healing do regen also

you could have had regen as it'e own power in 1/2 the space




I got to thinking: regeneration is built as part of healing, but we need special rules for regeneration to work. Perhaps a re-jig is needed and, if we are not to make regeneration a seperate power, then, working the other way, perhaps we should re-cost Healing so that it fits in with regeneration.


So...regeneration costs no END, is persistent, is a self only power and restored 1 Body (2 character points of a characteristic) every turn for 7 points.


OK. Let us reverse engineer that.


7 points for 2 characteristic points. Get rid of self only (-1/2) makes it a 10 point power to affect a single target (no range).


Reuse is per turn, so to make it per day we apply a -1 1/2 limitation, or 4 points, if we ramp it up to 1/day.


SO...4 points for 2 characteristic points, that will be 2 points per characteristic point to heal someone. Get rid of 0 END and Persistent, and we halve again (OK, that was slightly fast and loose, but hear me out).


Finally I'm a bit confused about this business of the effect not adding upt o maximum effect - it does for other adjustment powers, so let us quietly ditch that (and replace it with a limtiation later on if we feel the need)



Adjustment power


Target's DCV

No range

Costs END


For 1 character point you can restore 1 character point of a target's reduced characteristic or power. You have to wait a day before you can have any further effect on the same target.


Alternatively you can spend 5 points and roll 1d6, restoring that many character points. If you score less than the maximum, you can roll again and add the new value, up to the maximum amount you could roll on the dice.


You know what I'm thinking? Healing costs about twice as much as it should.




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Re: Healing



healing and regen where 2 different powers that only crossed over where body was concerned

they should still be seperate powers not a kludged special rule to make it work

with the added text that went in to making healing do regen also

you could have had regen as it'e own power in 1/2 the space


I agree with Beast. I use the old rules for 4th ed for Regeneration. I think they work out a lot cleaner.

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Re: Healing


Old worlds seen through new eyes

Just you and I and the sheltering sky

The battle is over but the war's not yet won

It's only just begun


We'll walk the razor's edge

The highest ledge of the worlds highest window

The first lap is finished but the race isn't run

It's only just begun


Where will we run to?

Where will we hide?

Where will we rest our heads tonight?

Where is the party?

And who will be there?

Angels or devils, we don't care

We don't care


New forms - new formulae

X plus Y equals new life

They'll tell you it's over, just tell them they're wrong

'Cause it's only just...

It's only just begun

You may be misunderstanding my intent, Oh Beast. The idea is not to kludge, but to elucidate, to find structure within, to determine the boundary between what we might and what we will.


If, indeed, they cross over where Body is concerned, then why not elsewhere? The conclusion of my thesis is this, and only this: either regeneration and healing should be linked, one a reflection of the other, in which case they should drink from the same pool, or they should not and never the twain should meet.


Let us not be half hearted, let us be bold. Let us pin our colours to the mast and sail into glorious battle.


Or maybe I ought to go to bed.

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Re: Healing


what I see is this

Regen a constant power self only and no faster than post 12

regen based on healing is having to buy all sorts of advantages and limitation and then invent a special case for 1 limitation that is already defined(don't mind the dripping glue,bent nails,and the ton o' spackle to replace something that worked fine already and was simple


same thing goes for instant change and transform

yeah works ok so long as hero Id and normal clothes don't do anything but cover up the naughty bits

but had it been that you used a suit of armor that augments you and either magically appears on you or you just took a step back because it just opened a portal to your pocket dimension and now it wraps itself around you ready to go

and because it is a focus now has more than 1/2 body


for me there was stuff that was not broken and now is wrapped in the well it does this effect which is kinda like this power in this situation so lets toss the what worked perfectly well for this kludgeed power


I may not have posted on these boards much but I have been on then since 2000 and I don't reacall anybody complaining about either if these powers

has anybody else


and yes you need to go to bed and I need to find a job


Old worlds seen through new eyes

Just you and I and the sheltering sky

The battle is over but the war's not yet won

It's only just begun


We'll walk the razor's edge

The highest ledge of the worlds highest window

The first lap is finished but the race isn't run

It's only just begun


Where will we run to?

Where will we hide?

Where will we rest our heads tonight?

Where is the party?

And who will be there?

Angels or devils, we don't care

We don't care


New forms - new formulae

X plus Y equals new life

They'll tell you it's over, just tell them they're wrong

'Cause it's only just...

It's only just begun

You may be misunderstanding my intent, Oh Beast. The idea is not to kludge, but to elucidate, to find structure within, to determine the boundary between what we might and what we will.


If, indeed, they cross over where Body is concerned, then why not elsewhere? The conclusion of my thesis is this, and only this: either regeneration and healing should be linked, one a reflection of the other, in which case they should drink from the same pool, or they should not and never the twain should meet.


Let us not be half hearted, let us be bold. Let us pin our colours to the mast and sail into glorious battle.


Or maybe I ought to go to bed.

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Re: Healing


If' date=' indeed, they cross over where Body is concerned, then why not elsewhere? The conclusion of my thesis is this, and only this: either regeneration and healing should be linked, one a reflection of the other, in which case they should drink from the same pool, or they should not and never the twain should meet.[/quote']


Repped. And wondering what you were drinking. Or smoking. And where I can get some.


Edit: Must spread it around, grumble grumble.

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Re: Healing


While Healing and Regeneration seem to have a good amount of overlap (both can restore BODY, both can take the "Heal/Regrow Limbs" and "Resurrection" Adders), The big departure IMO is that we don't see Regeneration restoring anything besides BODY.


I don't want to see Regeneration on END or STUN in the system -- I think they are very likely broken. Thus I agree with Beast and think it best to keep Regeneration seperate from Healing.

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